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Emailing Fuji

By November 27, 2007No Comments

I wrote earlier a long entry about FUJI F31fd. It’s been a wonderful camera and I’ve shot loads of pictures with it. A happy user, so to say.

However, video recording quality isn’t as good as it used to be on my old Fuji E550. Or not video recording, but audio recording on the video mode.
Even when I mailed Fuji and asked about this (check the comments of this entry), they told me that F31’s audio recording capabilities are exactly as good as E550’s.

Now is that so? Check these two videos after the jump:

Shot with E550:

Shot with F31fd:

As you can hear, especially the bass affects F31’s recording A LOT. If you aren’t convinced, hear this when the bass hits in:

I’m happy that the sound does not distort, but how could it distort when there is NO sound? What really happens there (I mean recording-wise), I don’t know.

So, I mailed Fuji about this and they had tested it again. It seems that ALL the new models have this “more sensitive sound recording unit” as they put it.
Development doesn’t always bring the product to the right direction. Such a pity, I really enjoyed the club videos recorded with E550. Fuji offered me a new E550 with 150e. I really don’t know if I should go for it…

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