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Beatport sales limit question

By January 25, 2008No Comments

This is very interesting. Proton Music manager Jay Epoch tells Beatport has sent the following notification to all the labels selling music via their service:

“Any label that cannot produce $300.00 in GROSS sales each quarter will be put on a probationary status. If the label is unable to hit the $600.00 mark by the second quarter then that label will be cut from the Beatport system […] by increasing your promotions outside of the Beatport store and providing a consistent new release schedule we are confident that many of our low producing labels will be able to achieve the quarterly sales goal.”

If this if true, this means two things.

First of all, the huge amount of bad quality music will little by little vanish from Beatport. Finally – what we buy actually affects what they are selling. Very nice.

BUT there are loads of very good small labels, which probably will have problems selling enough music in order to stay in the store. In the worst case scenario this would mean that Beatport would end up selling just electronic music hits and supporting the major labels and we would need to find the rare gems elsewhere.
This must be the first time I’m mentioning the word “rare” when talking about digital music. I really hope they will find a good compromise between those two scenarios.

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  • Aki says:

    Ihan hyvä että tota systeemiä aletaan uudistamaan, toivottavasti tosiaan noita omia lempilabeleita ei putoa pois. Yks mihin vois ehkä kiinnittää huomiota ois myös toi julkaisuiden määrä/label, tossa voi olla vaara että myydäkseen 300$ edestä vaarassa olevat lafkat puskee enemmän kamaa ulos, itseä ei ainakaan edes huvita klikata jonkun Bit Records Mexicon sampleja kun niitä tulee kuukaudessa ihan posketon määrä.

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