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Our Music Culture Explained

By May 16, 2008No Comments

A very fitting and entertaining blog post about the electronic music culture.

Years ago, the joke was, ‘Everybody’s a DJ’, now it’s, ‘Everyone’s a producer’.

Anyone with a music MySpace page, a computer and a music program, can basically become an instant producer; they can also buy a flat screen and have an instant “studio”, woohoo.

Make sure to change AIM status to “in studio”, just to let everyone know you are hammering away in your bedroom, aka “The Studio”.

If there is one thing I am not, it’s a hater, so I hope that’s not what I come off as with anything I comment on or anyone I point out.

I’m just an observer, I call a spade a spade.

I love watching the success of others, I love seeing my friends’ progress, and I love to progress myself. […]

> Our Music Culture Explained @ Beatportal

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