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Misc. Management website preview

By June 12, 2008No Comments

Misc website, front page

Here’s the preview to the brand new Misc Management website. It will be online any day now (most likely on Friday / Saturday). Above is the main page and below you see how the artist pages are going to look like.

Let’s take a closer look at the features.

1) If you don’t like the background colour, come back later. Misc website has a built-in emotion detector which changes the background colour to match the current feeling of the user. It’s not a perfect detector, but expect the colour change at least once in an hour ;)

2) As you see below, all the artist pages are powered with YouTube and Flickr. Flickr integration allows Flickr users add photos to the galleries and on the artist pages (kind of similar thing what you already saw on the Metaverse Tour) and simplifies sharing the latest artist promo pictures.
YouTube enables us to add fan videos and tracks directly from YouTube to our site. This is pretty simple 2.0. stuff, but after browsing through many agency website I couldn’t find any which would actively use similar features.

3) On Events and Collaborations section you can find bigger Flickr galleries going back to the early years of Misc (We are already 8 years old in July :) and detailed information of the past partnerships with different companies. Also the DJ list is finally up-to-date.

4) Many thanks to Tuomo and Niko for great and professional php help and tips during the project. Huge thank-yous go to Viljami who designed and put the site together and put his time and heart on the code. Viljami is a very professional and nice guy – keep your eye on him for the future for any 3D, Flash, CSS or webdesign tasks. Thanks to all the friends who tested the site and gave your improvement comments, we are working on them.

See on Friday/Saturday this week to give a test drive to the new site.

Misc website, artist page

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