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Jack to the Sound of the Underground!

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Jack 4th Birthday, 14.12.2007, Kuudes Linja, Helsinki

JACK. 14.12.2007. KUUDES LINJA.
Jack 4th Birthday

IAN OSSIA (renaissance, uk)
ORKIDEA (unity)
ORION (misc)

tickets 10e, 22:00-04:00, age:20

Jack To The Sound of the Underground!

Jack turns four and brings in our alltime favourite DJ from the UK, mr. Ian Ossia, one of the original Renaissance resident DJs. The birthday’s going to look better than ever, too. Blessed by the most fitting name, VJ Video Jack from Portugal comes to create the jackin’ gorgeous visuals of the night. The Finnish entertainers contain DJs Orkidea and Orion.

Free drinks, food & vibes for all guests 2200-2300.




Fistful of Jack

TOP30, 2007

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The final chart of 2007:

TOP 30 of 2007
(in alphabetical order)
Aril Brikha – Kept Within
Claes Rosen, Add2Basket – Volaris
Damien Strong – Love Shop
Damien Strong – Flashback
Danceteria – Passion (Heikki L & Mr.A Remix)
David West & Inkfish – Hello Piano
Djuma Soundsystem – Les Djinns – Swen Webber Remix
Dousk – Anagram – Chris Nemmo mix
Dousk – Caribou
Eelke Kleijn, Nick Hogendoorn – Where Are My Goggles – Fine Taste Remix
Gareth Emery, Rue De Gar – Soul Symbol – Mohawk Remix
Graham & Blades – Argie Bargie
Jody Wisternoff – Starstrings – Vocal Version
Jody Wisternoff – Nostalgia – Remix
Joonas Hahmo – Sound of Sunday
Josef Plante – Get Me Thru – Burufunk Remix
JS16 – My Rosegarden
Lange vs Gareth Emery – Another You, Another Me
Mark Knight & D. Ramirez – Columbian Soul
Medway, Sven Hauck – AmonAmen – Matt Rowan & JayTech Remix
Miika Kuisma & OlliS – Awakening (Noel Sanger Remix)
Niels Van Gogh, Eniac – Pulverturm 2.0 – Eric Smax & Thomas Gold Remix
Ossie – Holy Land
Quivver – Dancing In Dark Rooms
The Rogue Element – Dead Drummers
Talisman & Hudson – Leaving Planet Earth – Eelke Kleijn Remix
Tasadi, Mike Mikhjian – Zeus – Jay Lumen Remix
Tracey Thorn – Grand Canyon (King Unique Come Home Vocal)
U&K – L’esperanza
U&K – The Year Of The Monkey – Miller & Pennington Remix

Tom Middleton – Lifetracks
Justice – Cross
Aril Brikha – Ex Machina
Trentemoller – The Last Resort
Groove Armada – Soundboy Rock
Janna – Right Now
Tuomo – My Thing

Teknon vallankumous!

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Uusi tietokone- ja syntetisaattoripohjainen musiikki kiehtoo erityisesti nuorta eurojengiä. Tekno on energistä, sähköistä ja rajua. Tervetuloa avaruusajan bailuihin!

Suosikki, 1992, nr.10

1. aukeama
Teknon vallankumous 1. aukeama (Suosikki No.10 1992)

Nahkatakkiin ja mustiin peililaseihin pukeutunut deejii huutaa: “Make some noice! Rave on!”

2. aukeama
Teknon vallankumous 2. aukeama (Suosikki No.10 1992)

Kiitokset skannauksesta ja jakamisesta Juha-Matti Ojakoskelle.

Podcast update

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Orion's Podcast

Hello music lovers!

After these years of fine casts, rare and perfect guest mixes and nearly 15.000 downloads, Orion’s podcast is about to change. It’s not a matter of quitting but more like a change of the concept. I hope the upcoming changes are going to serve us all better, share the idea of high-quality electronic music and bring up new artists and new music for us all to support.

We still have two or three excellent guest mixes in the pipeline before the change, so stay tuned. I will announce more of the exciting news in the beginning of 2008. And most importantly – the change does not require any action from anyone who is already subscribed. And for those who aren’t, more podcast details can be found here.

Nokia & Universal offering unlimited music downloads

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Nokia, the world’s largest mobile phone handset maker by sales, Tuesday said it had joined forces with Universal Music to offer unlimited music downloads for a year on phones bundled with its new Ovi web services platform.

The service […] will allow users to keep the music after their yearly subscription charge expires.

Customers would receive a voucher giving them access to the free songs on the Nokia Music Store. Digital rights management [DRM] technology would prevent further copying.

via & via.

Thanks to San Mejor.

Pacifique lineup announced

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Saturday 9.2.2008, 19 – 02, K20, 42€ @ Serena Waterpark / Espoo

Pacifique Évo is evolution – a world beyond paradise – a journey above senses – a revolution. Pacifique Évo is a 7 hour experience in five different worlds filled with aquatic surrealism.


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Miksi maksaa?

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Viitaten aiempiin tässä blogissa käytyihin keskusteluihin (1,2,3,4,5,6), tähän kysymykseen kiteytyy koko tekijänoikeus-/maksukeskustelu DJ:n näkökulmasta:

Miksi musiikkia erittäin aktiivisesti ostavan, musiikkia sekä musiikkikulttuuria aktiivisesti promotoivan, artisteja ja niiden oikeuksia kannattavan ja musiikin kuluttajien ostopäätöksiin vaikuttavan DJ:n tulisi maksaa kahdelle suomalaiselle järjestölle (Teosto&Gramex) toiminnastaan yhtään mitään?

Teosto & NRJ-kauppa

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Teosto vastaa musiikkikaupan tiedusteluun. Ohessa tietooni saatettu kirjeenvaihto:

Asiakas (DJ) ottaa yhteyttä NRJ-kauppaan:


Jos ostan NRJ-kaupasta tietyn kappaleen ja poltan sen CD-R:lle.
Kysymys teille kuuluu:
Saako tätä poltettua CD-R levyä käyttää DJ-keikalla, joka on täysin julkinen esiintyminen perus yökerhossa?
Olisi todella kiva tietää onko tämä laillista vaiko laitonta? Ymmärtääkseni poltettujen levyjen käyttö DJ-toiminnassa on kiellettyä? Vastaus tähän olisi kiva. :)


NRJ-kauppa ottaa yhteyttä Teostoon ja vastaa asiakkaalle:


CD-levylle poltettuja kappaleita voi ravintolassa soittaa. Tarvittaessa kappaleiden laillisen lähteen voi todistaa kuiteista, jotka toimitetaan sähköpostiin ostoksen jälkeen.

Teostolta saimme seuraavanlaisen vastauksen:

“Meidän puolesta riittää, että kyseessä on laillinen lähde mistä biisit ostetaan. Tämä riittää yksityisen kopioinnin määrityksiin. Sen sijaan kun biisejä tallennetaan serverille omaksi soittolistaksi, jota esitetään julkisesti, muuttuu käyttömuoto yksityisestä julkiseksi. Ja jos tässä vaiheessa asiakas tekee omista, yksityishenkilönä ostamistaan biiseistä julkista esityskäyttöä varten oman listan ravintolan koneelle, tulee tästä maksaa tallennuskorvaus julkista käyttöä varten. Yhteys siis Teostoon Tuija Naulapäähän tai Asko Erikssoniin, p. 6810 1214/6810 1327 tai meilillä Korvaus taustamusiikin tallentamisesta on 0,10 eur/biisi, minimilaskutus 17 euroa (eli 170 biisiä mahtuu tähän minimihintaan).”

Ystävällisin terveisin

NRJ:n oma tulkinta on selvä ja Teoston vastauksesta kaksi ensimmäistä lausetta on ymmärrettäviä, mutta sitten hairahdutaan jo pahasti. Lieneekö NRJ-kauppa kysynyt tässä kysymyksensä huonosti, mutta selvää on, että NRJ-kauppakaan ei ole täysin ajan tasalla. Teosto ei mainitse mitään mahdollisista Gramexille maksettavista maksuista eikä ota mitään kantaa DJ-toimintaan.
Ei tämä ainakaan selvennä tässä blogissa käytyä “Teosto&Gramex vs. DJ”-keskustelua.

Turun Klubi laajenee

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Avajaiset keskiviikkona 5.12.2007

Turun tärkein live-musiikkiravintola KLUBI laajenee joulukuussa kolmikerroksiseksi yökerhoksi. Samalla yleisökapasiteettinsa kaksinkertaistava keikkapaikka saa seurakseen entisen Kilta-ravintolan tiloihin remontoitavan yökerhon ja baarin, joka tulee olemaan avoinna joka päivä.

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Emailing Fuji

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I wrote earlier a long entry about FUJI F31fd. It’s been a wonderful camera and I’ve shot loads of pictures with it. A happy user, so to say.

However, video recording quality isn’t as good as it used to be on my old Fuji E550. Or not video recording, but audio recording on the video mode.
Even when I mailed Fuji and asked about this (check the comments of this entry), they told me that F31’s audio recording capabilities are exactly as good as E550’s.

Now is that so? Check these two videos after the jump:

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Rhythm test

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Make a test: How well can you distinguish subtle differences in rhythm?

Recent research has emerged suggesting that rhythm perception and pitch perception deficits may be linked. Since it has long been known that people with poor rhythm perception abilities are often poor dancers, I though it would be interesting to make a test that would give an objective measure of rhythm perception.

Make the rhythm test here.

Club Therapy, Oulu

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Despite the nasty comments I had heard of HTC where Therapy event is being held, I was positively surprised. The sound was very bassheavy, venue bigger than I expected and all-in-all pretty cosy for electronic music events. It’s not too fancy for a bit more rough sound or too warehouse-like for basic house tracks. If one could re-decorate it, I think it would be near-to-perfect venue.

If I really need to find some negative things from a superb Saturday night, they must be technical: I really hate CDJ-200s. They’re far too sensitive for club use – especially if you’re used to the touch of CDJ-800/1000. I ended up using the jog wheel from the very middle to avoid too strong touch, but still it felt very uncertain.

But yes, the Saturday night must have been one of my alltime favourites in Oulu. Therapy was nicely packed, they nearly broke their alltime record. The audience was as good as it gets, very open to different kinds of sound – from minimal and tech influenced house to progressive, electro, breaks and oldskool. Big thanks to Gateway for an invitation and top-notch warm-up set, Kosmo&Reea for lovely hosting & big laughs and Oulu crowd for making such a good party!

Orion @ Club Therapy, Oulu, 17.11.2007, 01:00-03:30
01. Jody Wisternoff – Starstrings (Vocal version)
02. Claes Rosen, Add2Basket – Volaris
03. Tracey Thorn – Grand Canyon (King Unique Come Home Vocal)
04. Shlomi Aber – Moods Feat. Lemon – Valentino Kanzyani Remix
05. Quench – Dreams (Sebastien Leger rmx)
06. Christian Smith, John Selway – High Season
07. Damien Strong – Love Shop
08. Nikitas – Liquid World (Liquid edit)
09. Redroche – No More Sunrise
10. Freza & DJ Flash – Cosmo Girl – Ricky Ryan Edit
11. Electrobios, Audionova – Pacific
12. Damien Strong – Flashback
13. Tasadi, Mike Mikhjian – Zeus (Jay Lumen remix)
14. Eelke Kleijn, Nick Hogendoorn – Where Are My Goggles – Fine Taste Remix
15. Junkie XL – More feat. Lauren Rocket – Matthew Dekay Remix
16. Splittr – All Alone (Original Mix)
17. Human Resource – Dominator (remix)
18. Freeflow 45 – Peaktime
19. The Rogue Element – Dead Drummers
20. House Of Pain – Jump Around (Micky Slim remix)
21. Eric Prydz – Good Life (Eric Prydz Summer 2006 Edit)
22. Resoul – Lets Go To Mexico – Milton Jackson Remix
23. Eddie Thoneick ft. Bonse – Together As One (Klaas Club Mix)
24. ZZT – Lower State Of Consciousness – Justice Remix
25. Patric Alavi – Hell Yeah – Jaimie Fanatic Bad Boy Remix

26. U96 – Das Boot

Thanks to Gateway for shooting the video.

Together, Kajaani

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After a one year break it was nice to return to Kajaani’s Club96 with Kaasi. This must have been the third or fourth six hour backtoback session with him, so things went as smoothly as expected. During the years we’ve gotten lots of musical influences from each other and even though the variety of sounds in our sets has remained the same, at the same time it has gotten easier and more relaxed and natural to play together. Kaasi must be one of the very few DJs I really enjoy playing b2b with – normally b2b sets are just full of compromises, but with him things really seem to evolve further.

It was funny to notice that one year ago we both carried full vinyl crates with us and now the amount of vinyls had reduced to ten or less. If we’ll return again in one year – or even earlier, I hope – we might only have USB-sticks with us, who knows.

Kajaani audience was once again very welcoming, it was very nice to meet all the old fellows and some new faces, too. Progressive house spiced with some bootlegs turned out to be an enjoyable mixture for the night. Really looking forward to go back there again.

Click the image.