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Koneeseen kadonneet -artikkeli

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PORE – Keskipohjanmaan viikkolehti 9/2007 – 16.11.2007

Ender oli kertonut innoissaan Jokelle buukanneensa keikan Ylivieskaan. Siihen Jokke oli kysynyt, tiedätkö missä Ylivieska on. Ender oli vastannut, että “eikö se ole sata kilometriä kehä kolmoselta pohjoiseen”.

"Koneeseen kadonneet" 1/3

"Koneeseen kadonneet" 2/3

"Koneeseen kadonneet" 3/3

Iso kiitos Kaasille.

DJ Orion – From Rural To Urban #3

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DJ Orion – From Rural To Urban #3 (chill-out)

01. Rolfe Kent – Walk To Hitching Post
02. Dream Catcher – High Spirits
03. Flashbaxx – Livingroom Adventures
04. Alpaca Heads – Sushi @ Sydney
05. BT – 1.618
06. Sleepy Town Manufacture – Let A
07. Harold Budd – Flowered Knife Shadows
08. Thomas Newman – Any Other Time
09. Sleepy Town Manufacture – Not A Big Deal
10. Nest – Cad Goddeu
11. Navarro – Future Nature
12. Ulrich Schnauss – Monday – Paracetamol
13. + Bonus Track


Previous parts available on the Downloads site.

Neljä faktaa tekijänoikeuksista

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Elokuvayhtiö Sandrew Metronome on päättänyt lopettaa elokuvien tuotannon ja sen sijaan keskittyä täysin ansaitsemaan rahaa jo omistamillaan tekijänoikeuksilla. Tämän päivän tekijänoikeuksilla on tullut kannattavammaksi käyttää aikaa oikeusistuimissa kuin elokuvastudiossa.

Neljä suurinta levy-yhtiötä omistavat oikeudet noin 80%:iin koko historian aikana julkaistusta levytetystä musiikista. Näitä oikeuksia käytetään ensisijaisesti kontrolliin; liiketoiminnan kehittäminen niiden avulla on toissijaista.

Kun suuret levy-yhtiöt saavat tekijänoikeusuhkauksillaan YouTuben kaltaisilta yrityksiltä jättikorvauksia, artistit eivät saa näistä korvauksista senttiäkään. Levy-yhtiö pitää itsellään koko korvauksen siitä, että artistin töitä levitetään luvatta.

Kun ihmiset ostavat musiikkikappaleita iTunes-levykaupasta, saa luottokorttiyhtiö kappaleen myyntihinnasta suuremman osuuden kuin itse artisti. Leijonanosan vie luonnollisesti levy-yhtiö.


Sunday downloads

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Many of you might already know Mercedes Benz Mixed Tape. 18 albums of chill-out, hiphop, leftfield and indie music, perfect stuff for lazy sunny Sundays, all of which were downloadable for free on the website.

After 18 albums the project has ended and Mixed Tape crew has some new plans. Unfortunately the old albums, even the “Best Of” #18, aren’t available on the site anymore. However – you can still download them all at 71 Grad.

19 hours und 22 minutes of new music. Legally and free. That should be enough for this Sunday.

Nokia Music Store

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So, Nokia Music Store opened today. Here are the facts:

– The music has DRM.
– The music is in WMA-format. Yes, Windows Media Audio.
– The music bitrate is 192kbit/s.
– You can play the music only with the latest version of Windows Media Player.
– An album full of DRM and in WMA format costs 8 pounds.
– You can also stream music. Streaming is like listening to a free internet radio or Except in Nokia Music Store it costs you 8 pounds a month.

What a kick-ass store!

Ultima Thule Ambient video

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Just when I hyped Ultima Thule podcast in the previous entry, they have started Ultima Thule Ambient video presenting some ambient music video rarities. Some of the them are VERY 80’s, but that’s just the fascinating part :)

I think this is some of the best ways to use YouTube, but I’m sure the copyright controllers won’t agree. I just checked last night my “Oldskool Music Videos” playlist on YouTube and 95% of the videos were removed “due to copyright violations”. I wonder how long Ultima Thule’s channel will last…

Podcast recommendations

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Last weeks have been very interesting what comes to podcasts. Here are some worth checking. If you have any recommended podcasts, feel free to comment.
(The links are mainly direct links to iTunes. If you don’t use iTunes, you’ll find the podcasts by using Google.) Burners.
If Beatport RSS-feeds are their #1 feature, this is definitely #2.

Discovery News (Video podcast)
Large variety of electronic music. Podcast about once a month, site updating nearly daily.

Read More

DJ Orion – From Rural To Urban #2

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A new chill-out mix, From Rural To Urban #2, now available and downloadable.

Orion – From Rural To Urban #2

01. BT – Childhood Montage
02. Aphilas – Blind Matador Techniques
03. Digital Midgets – We Always Have Been
04. Motionfield – More Like Friends
05. Phil Mison – Rain
06. Tom Middleton – Yearning
07. Dale Anderson, Anil Chawla – Pimento Grove
08. Trentemoller – While The Cold Winter Waiting
09. Diatonis – Io Anfos
10. Global Communication – 8 07 (Maiden Voyage)
11. Talisman & Hudson – Leaving Planet Earth
12. Groove Armada – Paris
13. + Bonus Track

>> Download!

Movies and music

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Short reviews of different movies and music albums and singles from the past weeks:

Disturbia: Bad actors, bad screenplay, nothing new, don’t waste your time.
Zodiac: Way too long, but some nice and creepy moments. Three-out-of-five.
Transformers: Much worse than I expected. More and worse humour than in Independence Day. At it’s best this could have been very dark sci-fi thriller – now it was a blockbuster family movie with some robots in it. And yeah, what comes to music – did you notice the similarity to Terminator2 theme on the first combat scenes?
Knocked Up: Do they do good comedies these days anymore? :P
Ocean’s 13: Was ok, but the worst of the three.
Bourne Ultimatum: See above.
Shooter: Was a horrible film without a hint of a surprising plot. Don’t bother.
Sunshine: Was surprisingly good. The description made me wait for an Armageddon remake, but it was more like Solaris or Space Odyssey 2001. I hoped they could have left off the totally useless action and chase scenes. Anyway – not a superb movie, but pretty good sci-fi – recommended.

Have I just been very unlucky with my choices or where are all the good films? I’d be happy to get some good recommendations.
Then, let’s get to music.

Justice – Cross. I finally got my hands on this. You’re probably heard this is THE dance album of the year so I won’t say more. Amazing album.
Tuomo – My Thing. I’m soooo late with this one, too. Hyped, hyped, hyped. And I’d hype more if you hadn’t heard it all already. Probably some of the most original Finnish albums I’ve heard in a long long time.
Radiohead – In Rainbows. Had to buy this just to support Radioheads idea of selling their album online for a price you choose. You can pay 1£ or 1000£, whatever you prefer. I paid 4,5£. And it turned out to be a very good album. Try it.
Tom Middleton – Lifetracks. Probably one of the best chill-out albums in a year or two. It contains some older tracks, too, but they haven’t worn out at all. The album was only 5,94e on iTunes still a couple of days ago but they’ve raised it back to 9,99e.
nrnet – Music For Sunrise. I got very inspired by nrvnet’s chill-out mixes which are available for download on his blog. I recommend especially Music For Sunrise. I bet you’ll hear more soon on my podcast.
Aril Brikha – Ex Machina. Aril Brikha’s sound is fascinating and very original – the earlier singles were highly supported on my DJ sets and the full lenght album is nothing but the same at its best. Definitely the best melodic techno/electronica album of the year.
BT is giving out his track 1.618 from his last album for free on Download it here. See the video of 1.618 (so awesome!).
Underworld – Oblivion with Bells. I listened the samples of the new album and it seemed to be a huge disappointment (if you don’t count Crocodile, which is excellent:). Has anyone had a closer look?

To find some of the articles mentioned above, try Beatport, iTunes Music Store or