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Orion’s Podcast on Facebook

By Blogs & Podcasts, MainNo Comments

Orion’s Podcast group is now also on Facebook. If you have a profile there, feel free to join.
Link: (needs Facebook registration)
Orion’s Podcast on Facebook

Here’s my profile, too.

Just as a note, Facebook finally managed to make a clean, goodlooking online community and fix all the problems MySpace had. Compared to MySpace, I really enjoy exploring Facebook and trying out new features. I have no problems saying goodbye to MySpace after using Facebook for a couple of weeks.

Madwave weekend

By Gigs, MainNo Comments

Madwave, 17.08.2007, Tampere, front

I’m heading today to Tampere to attend Madwave weekend. Madwave events will take place both in Tampere and Turku, Friday and Saturday, David West headlining both nights.

I’m very excited – playing at the same event with David in Oulu’s “Northern e’Motion ’07” was just amazing not to mention the last trip to Tampere’s “Romanceevent some months ago. It’s been a while that I’ve been playing in Turku, but the last experiences at “LCS” and “Choon!” were simply great.

All in all, I think the combination of David West, Tampere and Turku is a rare enough to force all the progheads out to party. The lineup also includes very strong domestic spinners – Romance’s head honcho DJ Flight; Joonas Hahmo, one of the most interesting producers at the moment and the Sergei Shkuroff’s & D.N.A‘s full-on back2back.

After the Turku event – on Sunday morning – I’ll be travelling with David West back to Helsinki. David’s spinning at Pussy Club afterparty in Rose Garden with Mr.A.

Here are the full weekend details:

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TeliaSoneran edistyksellinen tekijänoikeuslausunto

By UncategorizedNo Comments

TeliaSonera näkee nykyisen tekijänoikeuslain esteenä tietoyhteiskunnan palvelujen kehittymiselle.

Lausumassaan TeliaSonera toteaa, että äänitteiden myynnin jyrkän laskun takana ovat myös levy-yhtiöiden omat tekniset suojauskeinot ja niiden liiallinen käyttö. Näin ollen levymyynnin laskua ei voida kaataa pelkän nettipiratismin syyksi.

TeliaSonera kritisoi myös lain heikentämää yksityisyydensuojaa sekä sitä, että tekijänoikeusjärjestöt vaativat maksamaan samasta materiaalista kaksinkertaisia tekijänoikeusmaksuja, kun materiaalia tarjotaan eri päätelaitteisiin.

Yhtiö vaatii loppukäyttäjille myös oikeutta valmistaa kopioita yksityiskäyttöön riippumatta teoksen lähteen laillisuudesta tai laittomuudesta.

Lue koko juttu. (
Lausunto kokonaisuudessaan Opetusministeriön sivuilla. (.pdf)

Kiitos, Kaasi.

Helsinki hauskemmaksi palkinto Club Unitylle

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Helsinki hauskemmaksi -tunnustuspalkinnon saa tänä vuonna Club Unity sekä sen keulahahmo Dj Orkidea. Palkinnon jakaa Art goes kapakka -kaupunkifestivaali.

Palkinnon jakajan mielestä Club Unityn voimana on vahva yhteisöllisyys ja vapaaehtoistyö, sekä rakkaus elektromusiikkiin. Dj Orkidea on soittanut dj:nä Euroopan suurkaupungeissa ja palkittu Suomessa ennenkin.


Tracklist: Orion @ Sunburn, Kalajoki, 11.08.2007

By MainNo Comments

Orion @ Sunburn, Kalajoki, 11.08.2007

Claes Rosen – Eighties
Brazen – Toto
Sunfreakz – Riding The Waves (Henrik B remix)
Nicole Otero – Sunshine Song (Thomas Gold remix)
Quivver – Dancing in Dark Rooms
VAU! & Heikki L – Loud Music
Cirez D – Horizons
Josh Wink – Higher State Of Consciousness (Marco V remix)

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Sunburn, Kalajoki

By GigsNo Comments

The atmosphere at Sunburn, Dyyni, Kalajoki was awesome. They say Kalajoki is the Ibiza of Finland (I kinda get the “Markku From Finland” feeling after sentences like that…), but I never got to experience the real warm summer weather there. The same happened now – Helsinki & Tampere were boiling hot and I landed to Oulu to chilly 11C. After a bungee jump from 65m (*brrrrr*…), some sightseeing and a small get-together with a couple of Oulu promoters, the party broke loose right after midnight.

I don’t know about a perfectly structured set, but the night was full of twists and turns. I had prepared to play a bit more trancey stuff to the end, but despite a couple of classics (“Hale Bopp” & “Greece 2000”) (prog)trance really didn’t seem to find it’s place on the dancefloor. While the new Anjunabeats’ “Zeppelin” was a total turn-off, tracks like “JS16 – My Rosegarden”, “Sebastian – Ross Ross Ross” and “Mark Knight – Columbian Soul” made the downstairs of Dyyni go mental.

Getting stuck into progressive and electro house for the full three hours was nothing but pleasing. I think there is much more original trance feeling in several progressive house tracks these days than what you can find when browsing through the labels dedicated purely to (prog)trance.

Big thanks to open and crrrazy Kalajoki crowd, the superb nice staff of Dyyni – and Kaasi, who keeps on doing one of the most remarkable club series in the north. A couple of photos available here, videos available soon on the media page.

Notes about digitalizing vinyls

By Uncategorized

The full entry of Vinyl Digitalizing can be found here. Please add the possible comments there.

– The first 10 tracks are now in digital form. Whee. The first digitalized track was BT – Flaming June (BT & PvD mix).

– Grado DJ200 sound quality is amazing. I’m VERY satisfied with it. It’s worth every cent.

– Before starting to record, I tried a couple of programs:
* Sample Manager for normalizing. Very good, but very expensive. No use, sorry.
* Final Vinyl. Only for use with iGriffin products. No thanks.
* Analogue Ripper had nice features – iTunes support, track splitting etc. However, the user interface was horrible. The price, 30 dollars, was ok, but the usability was that poor that I decided not to pay.

– Finally I ended up using Audacity. The normalizing feature was very poor so no normalizing until I find a better software. Recommendations?

– As I mentioned in the comments of the previous entry, I decided to make two copies of the tracks: One .wav copy for playing and archiving purposes and .mp3 copy for portable music players and iTunes music library.

– I need a new hard drive.

Club Elite, Helsinki & Sunburn, Kalajoki

By GigsNo Comments

8.8.2007, 22 – 04, K18, 3€ @ Rose Garden / Helsinki

CLUB ELITE – High quality summer clubbing every Wednesday.
ROSE GARDEN, Iso Roobertinkatu 10 HELSINKI.

08.08.2007 | 22.00 – 04.00 | Tickets 3 eur | Age Limit 18.

· MEKE (, Flux, Resurrection, RAD)
· ORION (Misc Management)

11.8.2007, 23 – 04, K18 @ Ravintola Dyyni, Club Passoa / Kalajoki


Ravintola Dyyni, Club Passoa
Tuomipakkaintie 59, 85100 Kalajoki (Hiekkasärkät)
Tel. 08- 466 710 | >>www

Every Summer Saturday 2007. Open 23.00 – 04.00

:: WWW
Info, photos, links and charts.

Digitalizing the vinyls

By DJNo Comments

Ghost In The Vinyl

There’s one loong loong project ahead. Taking each of my vinyls on the turntable set next to my laptop, playing and recording them, normalizing the recording and tagging and archiving the mp3-files. Even if I would just record the most important records, this would take months. I was thinking to make the process a bit shorter, but I ended up having a software question in front of me.

I took the first step today and bought the cartridge which has been told to be the best one available for DJing purposes. No matter to which DJ-needle you compare Grado DJ200, the difference is huge. Check it yourself:

DJ Caro2 tested seven different DJ cartridges and recorded the test. Take a moment and listen the test. The last two loops are recorded with Grado DJ200 – the quality difference is mad. Here are the cartridges used in the test – you can hear each for about 10 sec.

Stanton 500al 1.8g (low weight)
Stanton 500al 3g
Stanton 680Hp 3g
Shure M35X 2g
Shure M44G 1.5g
Ortofon DJ E 3g
Ortofon Elektro 3g
Grado Dj200 3.4g (Technics SL-1200Mk5)
Grado Dj200 3.4g (Stanton STR8-80)

Now as I have the best possible cartridge, I would still need some good software to do as much work for me as possible. Basically the easiest and fastest way to digitalize the vinyls would be to record them to one file without breaks.

So – I need a program which will split this long audio file into separate tracks. Then I need a program which would normalize all these files as a batch.

After this is done, iTunes will take care of the wav-to-mp3 conversion and tagging.

I know there are several DJs and music lovers out there having the same project in their hands. Any software tips, hifi knowledge, experiences or opinions would be very welcome.

edit: Read further notes about the project.

Major bug on Ableton Live

By MusicNo Comments

I don’t know if this bug is Apple related, but it sure is a nasty one.

Let’s suppose you’re recording something on Ableton Live via your line-in. You want to check the sound via your headphones and plug the headphone jack into the line-out of your computer.

What does Ableton Live do?

It cuts a short part off from your recording. It stops recording for a short moment when the jack is plugged in. And again when you pull it off. Basically you’ll have gaps on your recording each time you want to double-check its recording quality via headphones. Crazy, isn’t it.