Some footage from Aero – Rio De Janeiro event, Helsinki Club last night (21.09.2007).
YouTube videos available on the media page.
Some footage from Aero – Rio De Janeiro event, Helsinki Club last night (21.09.2007).
YouTube videos available on the media page.
Another fantastic “event” idea from Unity possé.
Saturday 6th of October 2007
Taking part in Unity’s 11th birthday will cost you 20 euros.
But we won’t be throwing a party. Instead, we wish you to join
our Fight For A Better World, and spend 20 euros and/or 6 hours
on Fun. Do something fun, preferably something that makes
someone else feel good too. Take your loved one to the movies.
Surprise her or him by cleaning the flat. Go meet your
grandparents. Buy candy. Even better, buy music. Give to a
charity. Volunteer to help.Whatever you do, please let us know what it was by emailing and you’ll make us happy too!-With unifying regards, Unity Possé
via: Club Unity
Thanks for the great comments about vinyl digitalizing. Hopefully they’ve been as helpful for other digitalizers as they’ve been to me. With the help of the almighty Google and the opinions shared, I’ve finally reached a certain routin – or workflow – with the digitalizing process. It means, by following a simple step-by-step workflow the speed and quality of digitalizing has improved a lot.
The following vinyl digitalizing method is done with Ableton Live, iTunes and Audacity.
I just realized it’s been one year since I joined Misc. Management team. It’s been an incredible year with Peled brothers and the artists we support (and who support us :). Even though the year has passed unbelievably fast, it’s been full of good moments – and hard work. Big thanks for everyone making this possible.
At the moment we are working on DJ Orkidea’s album release tour, starting early next year. I’s going to be a tour to remember, loads of new add-ons, fresh, trendy & cool supporters, interesting artists and venues. In addition to the tour, I’m also looking forward to Misc revealing the new foreign artist on the roster. He’s cool, classic and very oldskool. For the upcoming updates, see – and while waiting, download a couple of mixes, there are some new ones around.
The flyer scanning project is over and it was time to grab some new stuff to scan. Not that I particularly love scanning, but it’s more or less cool to digitalize part of the electronic music history in Finland. I got Orkidea’s techno article collection and scanned over 150 news articles and old magazine advertisements starting from 1993. They are just awesome – the grand old men of techno looking like school boys, talking very serious about this new thing called techno music and guys like Sam Inkinen ranting about machines and techno philosophy. They’ll be published on Orkidea’s site first and then right here. While waiting, check the online Flyer Collection which just got bigger and exceeded the limit of 1600 flyers.
P.S. The article up there is a story of Grandmaster Flash visiting Finland back in 1985. The original story was released in Suosikki magazine. Mad, isn’t it? :) Found the article from DJ Anonymous’ blog.
Shortly in English:
Huge amount of Finnish flyers now online, nearly 2 gigabytes of new material. See them here:
Ja sitten suomeksi:
Uploadasin loput DJ Orkidean flyerikokoelmasta skannatuista flyereistä myös omalle Flickr-tililleni. Yhteensä Flickrissä on edellämainituista ja omista flyereistä skannattuna reilut 1600 flyeriä eri vuosilta.
Kaikki flyerit ovat nähtävissä osoitteessa:
Flickr toimii loistavana hakukoneena eri vuosien, bileorganisaatioiden tai tapahtumien flaikkuja etsittäessä. Kokeile vaikka:
Flyereitä vuodelta 1997
Pussy Clubin flyereitä
Flyereitä Rovaniemeltä
Hakuja pystyy yhdistelemään mitä erilaisimmilla tavoilla, muista vain liittää aina hakuun sana “flyer”.
Jotta hausta saataisiin vielä tehokkaampi, pyydän kaikkia teitä Flickrin käyttäjiä taggaamaan muutama flyeri aina niitä katsellessanne. Tagit löytyvät flyerisivun oikeasta laidasta ja niihin voi lisätä muunmuassa tapahtuman nimen, paikkakunnan, vuoden, tekijän, materiaalin tai muuta tietoa bileistä. Mitä useampi flyeri on tagatty hyvin, sitä enemmän hyötyä online-kokoelmasta on kaikille.
DJ Orkidean kokoelma on nähtävissä myös hänen saitillaan osoitteessa:
Shortly before releasing their new album, “Sturm & Drang” , Robosonic hits the podcast with a full-on guest mix. Full of twists and turns, from rocking electro to chilly electronica and grooving minimal, the mix also features rappers Panik Panzer & Kotti Kot and makes it rather a compilation of mash-ups than an ordinary mix. To get more information about Robosonic and the upcoming album, please visit or their MySpace at
More info about the podcast =>
Yeah, another Youtube video…
An example from Tom Middleton’s upcoming Lifetracks chill-out album, released on September 24th on Big Chill Recordings. Fabulous track and video. Search YouTube for more Lifetrack videos.
Beatport has released “Beatport Downloader“, a program which “allows you to download and organize your entire purchased music library with one click. No more incomplete or lost music, easily see the status of all your downloads. Organize your music like never before through the Downloader’s folder naming preferences. This feature allows for full control of how you store and search your music library.”
In a competition between the electronic music mp3 shops, Beatport has realized it’s not about the music you sell, it’s about how you sell it. Forget the dull newsletters, how reads them anyways. Innovative music marketing such as this Downloader or user-based news and blogging system Beatportal are just good examples how the music industry is about (and has) to change.
I’m happy to see that electronic music industry is one of the trend-setters in the business and isn’t afraid to try new ways of marketing.
Stockholm had their own One Minute Party, inspired by the One Minute Raves held in Helsinki. Check the video after the jump.
The full entry of Vinyl Digitalizing can be found here. Please add the possible comments there.
Vinyl digitalizing is going well. After Audacity crashed a couple of times I’ve used Ableton Live for recording and normalizing the tracks. Last night I digitalized a nice amount of bootleg breaks from my collection.
The latest questionmark has been the Grado DJ200 cartridges and needles I bought. As I’ve mentioned, the sound quality of Grado is outstanding, but DJ Orkidea pointed out that the sound volume is somehow quiet. He had noticed that compared to the basic Stanton cartridges the volume of Grado is 2-4db more quiet. I tested the sound with Ortofon Pro and noticed 3db difference.
OK, you have a gain switch on your mixer, but the question remains: how much does the gaining affect the dynamics of the sound and the overall sound quality? Because when you gain the sound coming from the channel you also raise the amount of noise. Right?
On my last gig in Kalajoki I played one digitalized vinyl which sounded fine in the club environment, but I had to gain it quite a lot. I saw a way on Logic Pro to raise the volume level without causing any clipping which would be a perfect for this problem – I just wish there would be a way to make this as a batch.