OK, here I am.
The weather is great, I’ve been shooting photos and videos like there’s no tomorrow. It’s such a pity that the internet connection seems to be from the 80’s – down&upstreams are 4kb/s if you’re lucky. Normally they’ll reach 1kb/s. So no photo or video uploads, sorry. They said the downstream works via satellite and when the connection works (not at the moment) the downstream is a bit faster, but the upstream still goes via some old modem.
The 5h bus trip from Madrid went fast and well. Except a small accident with a truck on a gas station and a broken front window, everything went as planned. Asturias is incredibly beautiful area, Pola De Lena bigger than we expected and Ronzon smaller. We are located just 4-5km away from Pola De Lena, surrounded with mountains.
The place itself is very entertaining, challenging and… just different. No shower – or well, you could call it a shower, but no warm water. No drinkable tap water. The canisters in which the drinkable water is, don’t look too good, but it’s the only chance to get something to drink. Damn – the photos would just tell more than what could ever describe. But what can you do.
Edit: I managed to upload two photos. The first one is a view from our balcony, the second just a general look over the fields of Ronzon. The Google Map below shows the exact location.