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Week-ending rice pause

By DJ, In English, Photos & VideosNo Comments

I’ll be playing on a private event in Sotkamo on Friday and continuing to one of the finest looking clubs in Northern Finland, Club96, on Saturday. Expect a small pause on blogging.

While enjoying the pause, take a look how resonance affects rice. Spooky.

Miika Kuisma: About creativity and being an artist

By DJ, In EnglishNo Comments

Miika Kuisma has written his best blog post so far. A long mind flow “About creativity and being an artist” is well worth 7-10min which it’ll take to read through.

The setup “creativity vs money” which Miika introduces is very very valid in the world of event managers and promoters, too. Even though organizing events can’t be categorized as “art” too often, the same series of actions appear there as well: if you organize events in order to make your living and/or to get rich, you’ll end up losing the touch to your audience and waste the real fun in it.

If you rank income above creativity or fame above art, take a while and read the post.

No need for words.

By Photos & VideosNo Comments screenshot. Check the picture in the middle.
Project 365, day 9

Photo: Antimega

Some videos from the gig. (Thanks, Pasi!)
Still looking forward to the hi-quality content.

Helsingin Sanomat

‘Underworld tarjoili tuhdin rytmipaketin

Julkaistu: 19:42

Koneisto Liven tähdeksi saadun brittiläisen Underworld-yhtyeen keikka jouduttiin siirtämään odotettua heikomman lipunmyynnin takia Jäähallista pienempään Koiton saliin, mutta järjestäjien tappio oli itse konsertin voitto.

Yhtyettä ennakoitua pienempi estradi ei näyttänyt haittaavan. Kolmimiehisenä kiertävä Underworld tarjoili kahden ja puolen tunnin mittaisen rytmipaketin, joka sai saliin ahtautuneen ihmismassan hyvin liikkeeseen, Juha Merimaa kirjoittaa arviossaan.

“Musiikillisesti yhtye korosti kappaleiden tanssittavuutta antamalla biiteille kosolti aikaa kehittyä. Esimerkiksi yhtyeen suurimman hitin Born Slippyn biitti paisutettiin salia vavistavaksi jo ennen kuin Hyde aloitti kappaleen maanisen julistuksen.”‘

You brought light in.

Tracklist: Orion @ Supercool, Uniq, Helsinki

By GigsNo Comments

Despite of everything what I heard about the comfort of playing at Uniq, the sound was pretty good after all. Ok, I have to admit that I had to have the monitors awfully loud to be able to be 100% sure of what I was doing. Better located monitor speakers would do a lot for that place from the DJ’s point of view. Anyway – the place was more crowded than on earlier wednesdays and music wasn’t that trance as I expected. Matthew Heath and Anton Sonin kept playing pretty housey material before me, so I delayed playing the progressive/trance tracks, too and chose a bit more electroish start.

Thanks to Tommi and other Supercool posse.

Orion @ Supercool, Uniq, Helsinki, 18.10.2006

01. Hybrid – If I Survive
02. Unknown – Accelerator feat. Alanis Morrissette
03. Sebastien Leger – Hypnotized (Chris Lake instrumental)
04. Andry Nalin – Pornographic Material
05. Shlomi Aber – Inspiration
06. R-Tem – M.S.F.G (Electro Mix)
07. Seyton vs. Dumb Dan – Buck Futter (Cryo remix)
08. Pryda – Aftermath (Paolo Mojo remix)
09. Jaytech – Starbright (Jaytech’s ´touch your dj´ mix)
10. Sunscreem – Perfect Motion (Unknown remix)
11. Freza & DJ Flash – Ritmix
12. C.M – Dream Universe (Tilt’s Eastern Storm remix)
13. Henrik B – Overrun
14. Syna – Megaforce
15. BT – Godspeed
16. Arksun – Astrodancer (Starecase remix)
17. Redanka – Waves (E-Mission Mix)
18. Jaytech – Genesis (Jimbo’s Afterburner remix)
19. David West – Make U Mine (Mike Shiver Dub)
20. X-Cabs – Neuro ’99 (John ’00’ Fleming remix)
21. Chris Micali – Schipol (Santiago Nino remix)
22. You Know – Roaches
23. Alex Axx Koss – I Hope
24. Perry O’Neil – Bass Society
25. Placebo – Every You Every Me
26. Sebastian Tellier – La Ritournelle

AllOfMp3 starts to “sell” music for free

By MusicNo Comments

AllofMP3, the notorious Russian music-selling site, has lost its Visa account and says it will switch to giving away free, ad-supported music. The site claims that its activities are legal under Russian law. Though it may not be legal under other countries’ laws for their citizens to download the music, AllOfMP3 says it has a blanket license to sell the music and no obligation to figure out what the laws are in each of its customers’ jurisdictions.

More: International Herald Tribune

via: BoingBoing

Is there a record company that is not evil?

By MusicNo Comments

Aula and Creative Commons Finland invite you to the next Aula Talk:

By: John Buckman, CEO and Founder, Magnatune (
Monday October 23rd at 19:00 – 20:30
Kulttuuritehdas Korjaamo
Töölönkatu 51B, Helsinki (

John Buckman isn’t afraid to point out what’s wrong with the music industry. Hit-driven radio is boring.CDs cost too much, and artists only get 20 cents to a dollar for each CD sold.Online sales (such as on often cost the artist 50% of their already-pathetic royalty. Record labels lock their artists into legal agreements that hold them for a decade or more.Napster, Gnutella and Kazaa proved that people love music, and they want to share it – butthe entrenched record industry wants to kill P2P and internet radio.

Magnatune is my project. The goal is to find a way to run a record label in the Internet Reality: file trading, Internet Radio, musicians’ rights, the whole nine-yards“, Buckman explains. Unlike regular record companies thatshare a percentage of their profit with artists, Magnatune shares a full 50% of the licensing, cdsales, and merchandise revenue (not profit) with the artists.

I thought: why not make a record label that has a clue? That helps artists get exposure, make at least as much money they would make with traditional labels, and help them get fans and concerts.” Come and hear Buckman describe his vision of a record company that is not evil and discuss the earning model for Magnatune’s opencontent distribution.

Top Choices 12/10/2006

By UncategorizedNo Comments

Top Choices 12/10/2006

01. Miika Kuisma & Mr.A – Honey (Heikki Liimatainen remix)
02. DK8 – Murder Was The Bass (Move Ya! & Steve Lavers remix)
03. You Know – Roaches
04. Flat Mode – Effect
05. David West – Make You Mine (Dub)
06. Pryda – Aftermath (Paolo Mojo remix)
07. Tearrain – Sleepless Fall
08. Leonid Rudenko – Summerfish (Scandall Sunset on Ibiza mix)
09. Alex Axx Koss – I Hope
10. Seyton & Dumb Dan – Buck Futter (Cryo remix)

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Solutions to throw away the rest of the spare time

By EntertainmentNo Comments

Dandelife finally made possible to create private timelines. It’s been a great service, but the lack of this feature has kept me from registering. Now I’m a happy user, writing down my lifeline – privately.

365 is an interesting project really worth starting. Basically it’s about taking one photo per day and creating an album which has 365 photos. Beyond that, it’s a lot more. Let’s see how far I’ll get.

Seti@Home was a big thing some years ago. Now a small program called Boinc connects Seti@Home to other similar projects such as Einstein, Rosetta and Nice program to use your computer’s idle time in a good way.