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Spinni upcoming…

By DJ, Gigs, In EnglishNo Comments

This Friday & Saturday Spinni-organization’s 10th Anniversary Party takes over I-klubi, a legendary club venue nearby the centrum of Tampere. Many of my finest moments in the late 90’s techno scene are located there – and I guess many others could agree…

Who still remembers MIR, Taika, Dawn and many, many more…?

I have no idea how the organizers managed to get the authorization for their parties until 07 or 09 at that time – as far as I remember, alcohol was sold until 03:30 and then the party just kept on going. Quite impossible these days.

Spinni’s party will be more or less a look back to the past. I’ll be warming up Peak Twins’ Live set on Saturday and – I have to admit – I’ve been browsing through my records anxiously to get a bag-full of Tampere-anthems with me. I’ve been selecting tracks which were BIG 5-10 years ago – not too obvious classics, but records which made it all work at the time when Tampere-fiilis was at its peak.

>>> Spinni10 website.

Levy-yhtiöt hävisivät vertaisverkko-oikeudenkäynnin Tuusulassa

By MusicNo Comments

Tuusulan käräjäoikeus hylkäsi eteläsuomalaista nuorta miestä vastaan nostetun syytteen mp3-tiedostojen jakamisesta ns. Finreactor-tapauksessa. Mies vapautettiin kymmenien tuhansien eurojen korvausvaatimuksista levy-yhtiöille. Syyttäjän esittämä näyttö ei riittänyt eli syyte kaatui todisteiden puutteeseen. Asiasta ei ollut suurta epäselvyyttä, sillä tuomio luettiin heti käsittelyn päätyttyä.

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Orion’s Top Choices 19/09/2006

By UncategorizedNo Comments

Orion’s Top Choices 19/09/2006

01. Hybrid – Just For Today
02. David West – Make You Mine (Mike Shiver dub)
03. You Know – Roaches
04. Leonid Rudenko – Summerfish (Scandall Sunset on Ibiza mix)
05. RTem – MSFG
06. Matt Rowan – Gold Mine
07. Jaytech – Genesis (Jimbo’s Afterburner remix)
08. Jaytech – Silver Cities
09. Montero – Hairy Hits
10. Misjah – Annie
11. Shlomi Aber – Inspiration
12. Deepsky – Ghost (Filo & Peri remix)
13. Chris Micali – Schipol (Santiago Nino remix)
14. Troia & Veda – Flow (Gareth Emery dub)
15. Dallas Superstars – Higher (Magellan Project remix)

Coming up: Automatic excuses

By Blogs & PodcastsNo Comments

The excuse for the lack of blog posts is that we’ve been busy with Misc2.0, the update of Misc Management website. The update is not yet there, but we’re getting closer every day…

And now a small teaser – it’s going to be very orange.

…uh …and besides that there’s also an updated supercool artist roster, new photos from various events, loads of mixes, brand new biographies, charts etc etc. Loads of interesting stuff to read anyways.

I started an automated blog entry via today. Every evening before midnight the recommended links of the day should be posted to the blog and all that – *drumfill* – automatically. What a wonderful world of the web.
But seriously – I have so little time during the day to post any interestingness here, but putting that to is just one click away. So these automatic posts should also sum up where I’ve (virtually) been during the day.

General Fuzz & Unity video

By In English, Music, Photos & VideosNo Comments

If you’re into any kind of chill-out/ambient music, I highly recommend you to check out the latest album of General Fuzz, called Messy’s Pace.
The album is completely free. >> General Fuzz’s website.

For a flyer freak like me, it was fun to get a copy of Club Unity’s latest flyer. The flyer itself is a DVD disk which contains a video of Unity’s past – 10 years of parties.

If you can’t get a copy of the DVD itself, there’s always a possibility to download the video in Quicktime format >> Club Unity 10 Year Anniversary Video.

Oh, it seems to be in YouTube as well. (Thanks, Niko)

Culture shocks

By Civilian lifeNo Comments

After the relaxed years in the Finnish outback, Rovaniemi, last night must have been really the first experience of living not only in a different city, but also in a different world here.

See also some photos:

Miika Kuisma podcasted – and something to read.

By Blogs & PodcastsNo Comments

Have you ever read Moby’s blog? Take a while, you won’t be disappointed.

Meanwhile, Miika Kuisma’s guest mix has been podcasted. Listen it through while wandering inside Moby’s head. Here’s the tracklist:

Guest Mix – Miika Kuisma (Helsinki, Finland)

1. Marek : Lullaby [iRecords] 2. Casa Flava : Magma [Plastic Fantastic] 3. Faithless : What About Love (Unknown Remix) [CD-R] 4. Eelke Kleijn : Deeper Depths [Segment] 5. Native : Believe In Me feat. Ani (V-Sag Remix) [Babylon] 6. Kind Of Zero : Favourite Train (Alex Stealthy Remix) [SOG Chrome] 7. Montano & Coto : Chala (M.C.’s Dis-jointed Remix) [CD-R]

Podcast information here.

Miika Kuisma on Orion’s Podcast

By Blogs & PodcastsNo Comments

As always, we’re happy to announce the next Guest-DJ on Orion’s podcast: Despite being extremely busy with launching the new Danceteria label and making various tracks and remixes, Miika Kuisma somehow still had time to put together a very nice 45min progressive trance guest mix for the podcast.

To get it, make sure you’re subscribed – the instructions are here. The mix will be casted at latest tomorrow evening. Stay tuned…

Misc. Misc. News

By In EnglishNo Comments

As the update of Misc website still takes a while, here are some nice news from theee HeadQuarters ;)

First of all, Misc Management will from now on be taking care of the bookings of David West – a warm welcome to the artist roster :) The guy is simply amazing on- and off-stage – I guess anyone who visited [reiv:] Season Ending last Friday could tell that. David also proved how flexible he is by flying to Finland to replace Jody Wisternoff (who cancelled) with a super short notice of less than four hours.

And then – the main man of Misc, Oded Peled is warming up Underworld on their gigs in Tallinn and Riga. A very nice possibility to promote his excellent upcoming Underwater label releases. And – in case you didn’t know – warm-up set for Underworld’s gig in Finland will be played by DJ Orkidea.

Flickr and geotagging

By Photos & VideosNo Comments

Flickr finally started to support geotagging in an easy way. Also users seem to be quite happy about it – during the first 24 hours 1,234,384 photos were geotagged according to Flickr blog.

But (There’s always a “but”).

We’re not living in America and Flickr doesn’t use Google Maps but Yahoo Maps instead. This combination is not too good if you’re willing to geotag your photos manually to a certain street in Helsinki – or any other city in Finland. You just can’t zoom in, there’s no information available. Yahoo Maps is too far behind if you compare it to the Google Maps.

But still – despite the inaccuracy – it’s quite fascinating to browse through the photos on the map. Take a look:

Geotagged Flickr photos in Helsinki or in Oulu or how about southern New Zealand..

Pretty productive weekend

By DJ, In English, Music, Photos & VideosNo Comments

A remix of Tilt’s “I Dream” got nearly finished last weekend. Here’s a short clip of what’s coming up next:

Tilt – I Dream (DJ Orion remix)

Snare Rush Collage.
Weird collage of clips and videos from the past…
You got to love this YouTube-quality… :P Here’s a link to a better quality mp4-file => download (38mb).

And finally a peek to the iTunes Music Folder.
Quite a nice way to present one’s musical taste in a visual way.
My iTunes Album Covers


By EntertainmentNo Comments

Kosmo had a good point while commenting the previous post, but how can you enjoy networking in a place where every third click brings you an “unexpected error”?

Luckily every single error “has been forwarded to MySpace’s technical group”. Or…? Luckily someone on Flickr seems to know ;)


Making friends is never too easy. What a perfect new slogan for MySpace.