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Goodbye WMS

By Blogs & Podcasts, In EnglishNo Comments

First some sad news. I will stop hosting and casting Worldwide Mix Selections podcast.

Worldwide Mix Selections has been quite a successful project. After the 12th of December ’05 we’ve podcasted over 110 different mixes. Each of them has reached 200-400 subscribers. It’s been a nice way to show that there are SO many good deejays around sharing good music of which most of us hasn’t ever heard.

Anyway, I’ll concentrate from now on only on my private podcast on a monthly basis and leave WMS behind. Might be that there is someone who would like to continue the project but if not, the casts will stop in the near future.

New guest mix coming up

By Blogs & PodcastsNo Comments

Just a note: Mixes are fully functional and online again. Go grab them.

I just received a guest mix for the podcast from DJ Thomas. I have to admit that the quality of all these guest mixes has really surprised me. Most of them have been made by DJs from Northern Finland which just tells about the huge potential of the region. Every guest mix has also its roots in progressive/trance music which would make one to expect cheesy vocal bigroom tracks – but no: every DJ has really shown that progressive/trance music is still vital and so much more to offer than these top XX chart tracks.

DJ Thomas’ mix makes no exception. According to him, it’s a tribute to the older Renaissance sound: a melodic combination of house, progressive and trance. DJ Thomas has gained reputation in the Jyväskylä/Joensuu area but lives nowadays in Tornio, Northern Finland. He really has eye (or ear:) on quality trance and nice collection of sound which you easily could call oldskool these days. His mixes are more or less rare, so it’s more than nice to receive an exclusive one for this podcast.

Now, subscribe to the podcast and sit back. The new guest mix will be casted any day now.

Klubitus offline and some of the mixes, too.

By Blogs & PodcastsNo Comments

Some of the DJ-mix content on this site may be offline due to the disk failure at The problem should be fixed in the beginning of the next week.

I’ll be spending my last “holiday” this summer for the next four days. By the lake, far from everything. This is how it looks like:

Time Tunnel

By UncategorizedNo Comments

This year’s Time Tunnel serves the northern music lovers with artists like…

Utah Saints (UK) Decks & FX set.
DJ Burdock (betoni, X-Rust. Tku)
DJ Felix Manell (Soul Seed, Tku)

Time Tunnel facts:
– Saturday 9.9.2006 :: 22.00 – 04.00
– Restaurant Foxia, three different party areas.
Main room, b-eat-z club and Funky Café.

More info:


By MusicNo Comments

Hevi- ja kitaramusiikin paremmuutta muunmuassa konemusiikkiin nähden painottava Sue-lehti kirjoitti tammikuussa “asiantuntijan ottein” arvion DJ Orkidean uudesta levystä.

Viimeistään Lordin myötä Suomessa överiksi mennyt hevisekoilu saa Aamulehden kolumnistin kyseenalaistamaan tämän paremmuuden. Myös Sue-lehti saa osansa. pHinnweb scannasi artikkelin iloksemme.


By Civilian life, In English, Photos & VideosNo Comments

I promised earlier to confirm when everything’s set for moving away from Rovaniemi. So this is it, 100% confirmation. I’ll be heading to Helsinki on the first of August. Interesting autumn ahead.

I think now it’s time more or less to look back. These five years have been incredible in many ways. Here’s a Short Story of the Northern Club Life – the electronic music scene in Northern Finland 2001-2005 as I remember it. Thanks to all of you who were involved in a way or another – you know why :)

Aki A’s guest mix on the podcast

By Blogs & PodcastsNo Comments

A 45min excellent trance set mixed by Aki A from Turku is now available via Orion’s Podcast. The mix is made exclusively for this cast and contains some true gems. One of the best trance mixes I’ve heard lately.

Subscribe to the podcast and make your own judgement.
If you don’t know what podcasts are or are just too lazy to use them, check these instructions (“Blogs and casts directly to your email”).

Orion’s Podcast
Guest Mix – Aki A (Turku, Finland)

Angelo D’Onorio: Moving Thoughts [Mid-nite Sessions] Sexual Deviants: Oxygen (Blue Noise Mix) [Slide] B.I.G.: Carpe Diem [Swift] Nalin & Kane: Krazy People [Superfly] Joshua Collins: Navigator [Frik ‘n Frak] David Forbes: Jacksville [68] Niyaz: Dilruba (Andy Gray’s Grayed Out Mix) [Six Degrees]

Download problems?

By Blogs & Podcasts, In English, MusicNo Comments

Every now and then I hear complaints that someone is unable to download the mixes on this site.

The most common problems are:
1) When left clicked, the link does not save but opens a new Firefox window and starts to play.
2) When saved directly (Save Target As), the mix is saved as a kuuntele.php file.

Here are the solutions:
1) Check how your browser handles the mp3-files. You can change the Download Actions in Firefox easily: Preferences => Downloads => Download Actions
1.2) If this does not solve the problem, just left click the link and let it open in a new window. The mix starts to play. Select File => Save Page As. Now you can download the mix and close the window.
2) If you rather right click and save the file as “kuuntele.php”, make sure you rename the file afterwards. Anything with an ending “.mp3” will do. All the mixes on this site have full ID3-tags so they will show up correctly in your iTunes or Winamp, no matter what the file name is.


By In English, Photos & VideosNo Comments

Found a nice way to share the photos I’ve recently taken. I don’t post every single uploaded photo to this blog so if you want to stay updated with my Photo Stream (or Photocast, whatever), now it’s easier than ever (requires iPhoto OR any other feedreader).

1) Copy this URL:
2) Go to
3) Paste the URL, click the button of your choice and enjoy the up-to-date photo stream.

ET (won't) phone home.
Photo: Feedreader at its best.

Back. And away again.

By Civilian lifeNo Comments

Typical Finnish juhannus. Relaxed.


I’ll still confirm this 100% later but at the moment it seems that I’ll be leaving Rovaniemi behind on the 31.7. Yes, for good.
So after July there will be nothing but Helsinki Scorchin’ :)