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Brotherhood review @ Musicritics

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Nice guys at Musicritics wrote a review of Brotherhood single. Check it out below.

Also, Flight & Jontey’s remix was chosen as a “featured track” on and the original version has now climbed to TOP50 on Audiojelly’s chill-out charts.

Here’s the review – however, I recommend checking it at Musicritics website.

DJ Orion returns to our hallowed blogs, with a follow-up to his debut on Solaris, this time taking the sister label Lost Language for a spin. Brotherhood is a collaboration between himself and one J. Shore, both of whom combined forces with Russian progressive hotshot Mango, to create Raining In Osaka. Along for the ride are Ayelon, Flight and Jontey (New names to me), DJ Taucher (A German veteran of the scene), and Anton Sonin. Read on!

Brotherhood (Original Mix)

This is a simple tune, but it’s simply effective. We steadily slide through, being guided by a piano through waves of strings and french horn. Some barely tangible percussion gives a bit of atmosphere, but really the centerpieces are the piano, strings, and horn. And, ringing in at eight minutes, it is apparent that there is a story to be told (Most chill-out tracks I’ve seen usually clock in at no more than five minutes). It’s earmarked with all the elements of a good organic soundtrack, while being distinctly and synthetically chill-out…On a final note, it’s nice to see dynamics in the waveform, something not too common within electronic music, and even without nowadays.

Brotherhood (Ayleon Remix)

Ayleon appears on on the roster to once again drive us into Finnish goodness. Driving beats and toothed basslines guide us in, but the break reveals the original’s determination, as the bassline unravels and ushers in a breakbeat, which subsequently unravels into piano and strings [guitar(both kinds) and pads alike]…Yes, I just used math syntax. Anyways, the breakbeat winds back in to build us up into that gnarly groove. While Ayleon really does not take this one to the level of atmosphere that the original has, they certainly knock it out of the park on the energy front!

Brotherhood (Flight and Jontey Remix)

These guys are taking the progressive route, judging by their swarthy intro. We are guided forward by the original’s piano and a bleeping arp, which is eventually joined by warm rhythm synths and pads. This one just flutters about, being guided by that arp, which is rather well-programmed; it starts as something bleepy, and morphs into something full and rich. If you are looking for a driving rhythm-based slice of progressive, with atmosphere, look no further!

Brotherhood (DJ Taucher Adult Mix)

DJ Taucher, you say? I say! This mix has a lovely moody intro, complete with an excerpt of spoken-word…No idea where it’s from though. And with that, we plug forward into the darker depths of Taucher’s sound. It starts out with some vocoded rhythm synths and the layers are gelled on gradually, as a riff of acid wolps into the mix. This one is for the darker progressive/techno lovers!

Brotherhood (DJ Taucher Genetic Mix)

The Genetic Mix is quite similar in structure to the Adult Mix, what with the intro with monologue. However, things really take change with the addition of a kick. The bassline is wobblier this time around, bells echo through the fields of stereo, and in general this one is more atmospheric and melody-driven. You still get your daily allotted dose of darker Brotherhood, though.

Brotherhood (Anton Sonin Remix)

Anton turns in a trance remix, but it’s a little broodier than its Ayelon counterpart. We build from the start and casually find ourselves in the piano-driven break. It’s a pretty casual mix, something to wind down to, but it really could use some more energy…But maybe it’s just me.

[Insert “Fins win” comment here]

You’ve heard what we have to say with regards to those Fins, so I need not say it again! I’m offering my nod to the Ayelon remix and the original mix…I love them both! 8/10.

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YleX Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 08.12.2009

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Tiistain Tanssi-ilta

DJ Orion @ YleX – Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 08.12.2009

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta tracklist
01. Blaze – Lovelee Dae (20:20 Vision remix) (Playhouse)
02. Mollan – En Mis Manos (Sick Watona)
03. Gramophonedzie – More I Get (Dub mix) (Oxyd City)
04. Pitto – Feelin’ (District One’s Feelin’ Techno Remix) (Rejected)

05. Felix Da Housecat – Silver Screen Shower Scene (Jacques Lu Cont remix) (Emperor Norton)

06. Paul Keeley – Everytime We Do (AnjunaDeep)
07. Bedrock – Heaven Scent (edit) (CDr)
08. Björk – Hyperballad (Nick Galea remix) (CDr)
09. Underworld – Two Months Off (Greayarea’s Four Years Off remix) (CDr)

10. DJ Orkidea – Unity (2009 remix) (CDr)

11. All Thieves – Turn And Turn Again (Chrysalis Music Group USA)

Listen Tiistain Tanssi-ilta again on YleX Areena (works in Finland only):

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta links
Kerro Tanssi-iltamuistosi ja lempibiisisi 22.12.2009 -ohjelmaa varten
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 1998-2009
RA’s TOP100 DJs of 2009.
Yle Areena myös iPhone-käyttäjille
Spotify tips: DJ Hero & Mixmag lists
Video: Underworld & Mark Knight – Downpipe
No more Technics SL1210
Picks from the crate

DJ Orion’s podcast

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ KLUBITUS
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ IRC-GALLERIA
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ FACEBOOK
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ YLEX

DJ Orion Solaris International Guest Mix

By CastNo Comments

DJ Orion’s podcast is a one hour show, casted twice a month from Helsinki, Finland.
Hosted by DJ Orion (Radio 1 Finland, Lost Language, Solaris), the podcast features one Finnish or international guest on each show. For tracklists and more info, see:

Solaris International Guest Mix: Dj Orion
01. DJ Orion & J.Shore – Brotherhood (intro edit) (Lost Language)
02. DJ Orion – One Sunday (Beetseekers remix) (Solaris)
03. Underworld – Two Months Off (Grayarea’s 4 Years Off remix) (CDr)
04. Freefall – Skydive (Ad Brown remix) (CDr)
05. Allende – Anxiety (Sedna)
06. DJ Orion & J.Shore – Brotherhood (Ayleon remix) (Lost Language)
07. Phonky Asses – Blue Pills (Finity)

Orion’s podcast on iTunes:
Feed address:

[podcast][/podcast] .

RA’s TOP100 DJs of 2009.

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While DJ Mag TOP100 poll gets more & more critique each year, there’s another TOP100 which is worth looking, especially if you’re tired seeing Armin, Tiesto and likes sharing the top spots one year after another. No matter what kind of electronic music you like the most, there’s no denying that there’s so much happening in the current techno scene. If we still would get as covering and interesting list of most interesting house jocks of 2009, I would be satisfied.
But here it is, Resident Advisor Top DJs of 2009:
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DJ Orkidea ja Kalle Miettinen Tiistain Tanssi-illassa 08.12.2009

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null Kalle Miettinen promo pic

08.12.2009 Tiistain Tanssi-illan ensimmäisen tunnin biisivieraina ovat kaksi pitkän linjan Tanssi-illan juontajaa, DJ Orkidea ja Kalle Miettinen. Tanssi-illan house-musiikin sanansaattaja Miettinen kertaa vanhoja studiomuistoja ja pyöräyttää Jody Wisternoffin Tanssi-illassa soittamassa livesetistä taannoin trainspotatun raidan. DJ Orkidea puolestaan katsoo menneiden lisäksi myös tulevaan ja kertoo viimeisimmät kuulumiset studiosta ja tulevasta 23h DJ-keikastaan.
Lisäksi ensimmäisellä tunnilla tuttuun tapaan musauutiset ja viikon vinyyli.

Meikäläisen viimeinen Tanssi-ilta -lähetys kuullaan kahden viikon kuluttua 22.12.2009, jossa käydään läpi kuulijoiden valitsemia hetkiä Tanssi-illan historian ajalta sekä Tanssi-ilta -biisien parhaimmistoa. Voit käydä ehdottamassa haluamaasi kappaletta tai kertomassa mieleenjääneen Tanssi-ilta -muiston osoitteessa

Tune in. Nyt tiistaina klo 21-22


Tanssi-ilta livenä myös Twitterissä: @YleX & @Juska

Fiksaatio in Seinäjoki & Sunday Fun in Tampere

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This weekend sees another set of quality events, this time in Seinäjoki & Tampere. On Friday I’ll be heading to the clubbing capital of Pohjanmaa, where grand old Fiksaatio possé have been influencing the local scene for already some time and I was really happy of being invited to their last winter event for this year. Held at Karma, the event also presents Infekto, Syna, Flight, Andy K, Ville Lope and Echostep. I’ll be playing the last slot, starting at 01:30.
Fiksaatio Facebook event.

On Sunday I’ll be joining Tabu’s Sunday Fun chill-out event in Tampere. Getting behind decks to play chill-out is a rare sight, but I’m really looking forward to this one. Sunday Fun concept sounds very promising – cheap booze, huge sofas, board games, comics and Tampere-fiilis(tm) can never go wrong. It’s our independence day, too, so there might be an extra amount of domestic quality chill-out, classics and some new DJ Orion & J.Shore productions in the air. The set should start between 21:00 & 22:00 and last around 2,5h.
Sunday Fun Facebook event & official website

And yeah, if you don’t have anything to do on Saturday, join us at Romance in Laterna, Tampere. Manly love behind the decks as Mr.A & Flight will rock the place. House hasn’t been this good in Tampere after the Good Miau! Days :)

F/X – Fiksaatio
Friday, 04 December 2009 at 22:00
Karma, Kauppatori 3, 60100 Seinäjoki
Infekto, Orion, Syna, Flight, Andy K, Ville Lope, Echostep, Hosted by Cristal Snow

Sunday Fun
Sunday, 06 December 2009 at 20:00
Tabu, Hämeenkatu 10, Tampere, Finland
DJ Orion, Ville Lope, Blastic

Yle Areena myös iPhone-käyttäjille

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Image via Wikipedia

Tämä on jo useamman kuukauden vanha juttu, mutta tuli ainakin allekirjoittaneelle täysin yllätyksenä. Ehkäpä hyötyä on jollekulle muullekin.

YLE on avannut mobiiliin optimoidun Areena-palvelunsa iPhone-käyttäjille. Satoja tv- ja radio-ohjelmia tarjoava palvelu on laajuudessaan ainutlaatuinen Suomessa, ja sen odotetaan lisäävään mobiilivideoiden katselua merkittävästi.

Osoitteesta löytyvän palvelun sisältöjä ladataan kuukausittain keskimäärin 800 000 kertaa. Radio- ja tv-ohjelmat ovat potentiaalinen kasvualue, videoita ladataan nyt parhaimmillaan 30 000 kertaa kuukaudessa.

”Uskomme, että kaksinkertaistamme videoiden käytön vuoden loppuun mennessä”, sanoo YLEn uusien palvelujen päällikkö Jari Lahti.

Samalla myös muut sisällöt, kuten podcastit, uutiset, urheilu, sää ja rss-palvelut toimivat tietenkin myös iPhonelle räätälöidyssä käyttöliittymässä.

Interview for Solaris International

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In addition to making a guest mix for Solaris International some days ago, I answered a couple of questions regarding my past, present & future.

The full interview is pasted below, but feel free to check the original one at Solarstone forums

(If you’re more into reading an interview in Finnish, I recommend checking out Kehto interview.)

This week, we interview Juska Wendland, better known as DJ Orion. Hailing from Finland, he offers us some insight on blogging and ginger. Read on!

Solaris International: Go ahead and give us a little background info…How you got started, in music, then in DJing, and so on.

Orion: I went to my first raves in 1994 in the industrial city of Tampere, Finland. Big raves attracted thousands of youngsters every month there, but the warehouse culture was also very active. That was something totally new for a young kid like me and I got hooked in the music & techno culture relative early. I went out actively, got to know new people, helped my friends organizing and cleaning up the venues and later ended up organizing my own parties.

Now, 15 years later, I’m hosting a radio show on Finnish National Radio (YleX), working at Misc. Management which is the oldest DJ Booking Agency in Finland (, producing events, DJing and writing chill-out tracks with my brother, J.Shore. It’s lots of work but I’m happy it still gives me the same kicks as when I was a youngster.

SI: I’ve noticed you have a pretty busy blog ( with all sorts of neat stuff! Care to give us a guided tour?

Orion: I’m happy I’ve lately seen several DJs and artists starting blogging. Sharing inspiring or fun stuff is often much more interesting than a monthly newsletter or an announcement of the upcoming gigs. After all, artists and DJs are the professionals of the scene – they find often the coolest music, videos and trends first. But why do so few share that stuff to everyone?
The blog @ has been running since 2002 and has given me a chance to express my ideas and opinions about the electronic music world, but also to share some entertaining videos & articles which I’ve run into. Some of my favourite topics are copyright, future of music business and flyer art (there’s my digital flyer collection of over 2000 items @ I’ve heard that also several people who aren’t that interested in my music still follow my blog, which is just great.

SI: Tell us about a particularly memorable gig.

Orion: Finland is the land of opposites – I’ve been playing at -20C outdoor events and +30C indoor events, but I think I choose the warmer memory here :)
There’s an annual event called Pacifique organized in Espoo, right next to Helsinki. Pacifique is organized in the biggest indoor waterpark in Scandinavia, with 4 different stages, dozens of artists, tropical climate and over 2000 clubbers going crazy in the huge pools. Here’s a nice photo gallery:

I’ve been playing there for 3 years in a row and I think it’s easily the most fantastic clubbing experience one can get.

SI: Why did you choose to start producing chill-out tunes?

Orion: For two reasons: I wanted to try something new as a music producer than what I’ve been going as a DJ and I wanted the results to be something which could stand the test of time.
Today the lifespan of an electronic music track is really really short. It’s kind of sad that many good tracks are being hyped only until they are released and after two weeks they are forgotten. I still remember running after some hard-to-find vinyls for months and once I got a copy, the tune stayed in my record bag for the next 6 months – that’s hard to imagine happening anymore. I want to make music which still sounds fresh after years and which doesn’t follow any trends.

I very rarely play chill-out when I DJ – both my radio shows as well as DJ gigs are more prog house / trance influenced. I don’t like being categorized by the music I play or produce. When I started in 1994, there were no “house DJs” or “trance DJs,” it was all about techno or electronic music. And still today, I think people who see themselves as electronic music artists have free hands, they don’t need to think “I’m a deep house producer, I can’t play or produce music like that.”

SI: Alright, now for some non-business questions:
Name one piece of technology you dislike.

Orion: Windows PCs.

SI: Name a vegetable you love or hate.

Orion: Does ginger count as a vegetable? I love it.

SI: You see a coin on the ground. Do you pick it up or shrug it off?

Orion: Pick it up.

SI: What was (or is) your favorite subject in school?

Orion: Psychology.

SI: Finally, what is the biggest influence in your life?

Orion: My son Nils.

SI: Alrighty, thanks for taking the time, and here’s to a great future!

Orion: Thanks a lot!

TTI #50, 24.11.2009, Progressive xtravaganza

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DJ Orion’s podcast is a one hour show, casted twice a month from Helsinki, Finland.
Hosted by DJ Orion (Radio 1 Finland, Lost Language, Solaris), the podcast features one Finnish or international guest on each show. For tracklists and more info, see:

01. Eat More Cake – Red Sky (Urbantorque)
02. Last Rhythm – Last Rhythm (Prok & Fitch remix) (CDr)
03. The Temper Trap – Sweet Disposition (Axwell & Dirty South remix) (Infectious)
04. Underworld – Two Months Off (Grayarea’s Four Years Off remix) (CDr)

05. Freyia & Stereonova – Massive (Atollo)

06. Dave Cortex – Ender (Nellie)
07. Proff – Starstruck (Solarity remix) (Silk Royal)
08. Ben Preston – Shot In The Dark (Beneath)
09. Allende – Anxiety (Sedna)
10. Above & Beyond – AnjunaBeach (Jerome Isma-Ae remix) (AnjunaBeats)
11. Midway – What If (In Trance We Trust)
12. The Kleptones – Voodoo Sabotage (The Prodigy vs Beastie Boys) (CDr)

Orion’s podcast on iTunes:
Feed address:


Guest mix on Solaris International

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I made a 40min Guest mix for this week’s Solaris International radio show.
Hosted by Solarstone and Agnelli&Nelson’s Robbie Nelson, the show is aired on dozens of channels on web radios & broadcast radio networks. It’s also possible to subscribe to highly popular Solarstone’s podcast in order to get the latest episode.

In addition to the guest mix, the show also features the premiere of Ralphie B – Massive (DJ Orion & J.Shore remix).

>> Direct download link (full show, 116mb, 128kbps)

Solaris International #186

Nu Tunes:
Tritonal – Kiss Me Here (Randy Boyer MIX) (Spundae)
Giuseppe Ottaviani – Thermopile (Extended Mix) (Vandit)
Digitalis – Memento (Original Mix) (Monster Tunes)

It’a Not The Kind Of Thing We Usually Play….
Stuart Mort Pres. Mr M – Who Is This (Tate Simister Remix) (Prehab)

3 In A Row:
Timo Pralle – Hopeful (Sequentia Remix)(Perceptive)
Nick Callaghan – A New Day Rising (Harryson Remix)(Phase Seven Records)
Geezk – Faraday Cage (Danilo Ercole Remix)(40 Degrees Records)

Resurrection Section:
Mind One – Hurt Of Intention (Ferry Fix)(Flashover)

Robbie Nelson’s Big Tune:
Dash Berlin – Waiting (Walsh & McAuley Intro MIx)(Aropa)

Nu Tunes:
Walsh & McAuley – Sea Of Lights (Simon Pitt Remix)(Magic Island)
A.M.R. – Elevation (Fast Distance Remix)(Alter Ego)

Guest Mix: Dj Orion
DJ Orion & J.Shore – Brotherhood (intro edit) (Lost Language)
DJ Orion – One Sunday (Beetseekers remix) (Solaris)
Underworld – Two Months Off (Grayarea’s 4 Years Off remix) (CDr)
Freefall – Skydive (Ad Brown remix) (CDr)
Allende – Anxiety (Sedna)
DJ Orion & J.Shore – Brotherhood (Ayleon remix) (Lost Language)
Phonky Asses – Blue Pills (Finity)

Nu Tunes:
Matt Hardwick & Gulf – Impossible (John O’Callaghan Remix)(Kill The Lights)
Bobina – Honesty (Ilya Soloviev Dub)(Maelstrom)

Forum Favourite:
Gleave – Somethings Up (Joint Operations Centre Remix)

Chillout Moment:
Ralphie B – Massive (DJ Orion & J.Shore Remix)

Picks from the crate #2, Sven Väth

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Sven Väth, The Harlequin - The Robot and the Ballet-Dancer. Picks from the crate -

Today’s crate pick is one of my earliest influences, a long player that still amazes me today, Sven Väth‘s second album The Harlequin – The Robot and the Ballet-Dancer. I can’t remember where I heard this for the first time, but I had a copied C-cassette for four years until I bought a CD copy in 1998 in Essen, Germany for 29.99DM.

Released on Eye-Q in 1994, you can’t help hearing both Sven’s interest in early German trance sound and producer Ralf Hildenbeutel’s influence on the recording process. The booklet has a rather funny computer generated pics of Sven (see below) as well as a weird quote by Erasmus, which can also be heard on the intro track of the record.

But what hit me most when I first heard the LP through was the ending. Ballet-series, a 16 minute journey from Ballet-Romance’s string sections to acid sounds of Ballet-Fusion and finally to chill-out rhythms of Ballet-Dancer must be the first truly epic trance track I’ve ever heard (check the video below). Personally I would say this LP is one of the milestones of German oldskool trance and when looking Sven today you see we’ve come a long, long way from those days :)

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No more Technics SL1210

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Panasonic Corporation
Image via Wikipedia

Technics is dead. No more Technics turntables SL1200/1210. Kind of a sad day, but also one more sign that electronic music is heading clearly towards 100% digital future. See the full article below.

The DJing community and the greater dance music scene mourns the loss of a clubbing staple today. No, Steve Aoki hasn’t hung up his record bag, but rather news has emerged that iconic turntable manufacturers Technics will be stopping production on their universally loved Technics 1200s and Technics 1210s.
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Picks from the crate #1 – DJ Kim

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This is my first post in “Picks from the crate” series. I’m picking up meaningful, old, rare, fresh and interesting CDs, mixtapes and vinyls from my record collection and ranting about them. Unlike in today’s digital music collection, I feel like there are 1000 stories in my record shelf, waiting to be told. Let this be the first one.

DJ Kim - The Beauty & The Beast - mixtape 2001. Picks from the crate -

I bought this double mixCD while visiting some club event held in Tampere-Talo in 2001. I had just moved to Rovaniemi and thought a piece of my previous hometown in a form of two CDs wouldn’t do any harm. What I got, is pure awesomeness still today.

I guess everyone remembers Kim (or KimiK) as a house jock, but in the around the beginning of the new millennium many DJs in Tampere had sort of a identity crisis. Infekto tried a new alias “Rec”, many techno DJs went into hard house, trance DJs got bored and started playing “more interesting” progressive music (Stephanie K & Creamer, anyone? ;) and also KimiK went into new grounds – towards more melodic and trancey sound.

Nevertheless, this must be his best mixtape, including the most amazing progressive and trancey house tunes of the early 00’s. There’s Starecase, Hybrid, BT, Ashtrax, Cass&Slide, Maurice’s Feline, Stakker’s Humanoid, Max Graham’s Airtight etc etc… I guess anyone who lived through the 1999-2001 electronic music hype in Tampere shouldn’t miss this. Anyone else still having this in the shelf?

(A cool detail – in the inner sleeve there’s a note “Mixed live at the Kaleva Cathouse with Tamperefiilis(tm)” ;)

Check the full tracklist below.

DJ Kim - The Beauty & The Beast - mixtape 2001. Picks from the crate -

YleX Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 24.11.2009

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Tiistain Tanssi-ilta

DJ Orion @ YleX – Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 24.11.2009

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta tracklist
01. Eat More Cake – Red Sky (Urbantorque)
02. Last Rhythm – Last Rhythm (Prok & Fitch remix) (CDr)
03. The Temper Trap – Sweet Disposition (Axwell & Dirty South remix) (Infectious)
04. Underworld – Two Months Off (Grayarea’s Four Years Off remix) (CDr)

05. Freyia & Stereonova – Massive (Atollo)

06. Dave Cortex – Ender (Nellie)
07. Proff – Starstruck (Solarity remix) (Silk Royal)
08. Ben Preston – Shot In The Dark (Beneath)
09. Allende – Anxiety (Sedna)
10. Above & Beyond – AnjunaBeach (Jerome Isma-Ae remix) (AnjunaBeats)
11. Midway – What If (In Trance We Trust)
12. The Kleptones – Voodoo Sabotage (The Prodigy vs Beastie Boys) (CDr)

Listen Tiistain Tanssi-ilta again on YleX Areena (works in Finland only):

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta links
Kerro Tanssi-iltamuistosi ja lempibiisisi 22.12.2009 -ohjelmaa varten
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 1998-2009
Report: Spotify Paid Lady Gaga $167 For 1M Plays
Infusion interview
Is dance music killing off hiphop

DJ Orion’s podcast

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ KLUBITUS
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ IRC-GALLERIA
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ FACEBOOK
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ YLEX

Progressive Xtravaganza Tiistain Tanssi-illassa 24.11.2009

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Progressive house

24.11.2009 Tiistain Tanssi-illan ensimmäisellä tunnilla kuullaan koko 60 minuutin mitalta viimeisintä progesoundia niin progressiivisen housen kuin progetrancenkin tiimoilta. Lautasilla mm. Last Rhythm, Allende, Midway aka Ralphie B, Above & Beyond, Solarity, Ben Preston, Jerome Isma-Ae ja Proff. Lisäksi klubimusauutiset ja viikon vinyyli.

Meikäläisen viimeinen Tanssi-ilta -lähetys kuullaan 22.12.2009, jossa käydään läpi kuulijoiden valitsemia hetkiä Tanssi-illan historian ajalta sekä Tanssi-ilta -biisien parhaimmistoa. Voit käydä ehdottamassa haluamaasi kappaletta tai kertomassa mieleenjääneen Tanssi-ilta -muiston osoitteessa

Tune in. Nyt tiistaina klo 21-22


Tanssi-ilta livenä myös Twitterissä: @YleX & @Juska