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Kehto Magazine started

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A fresh looking Finnish webzine Kehto started some weeks ago on the obvious address

Kehto describes itself shortly:

KEHTO Magazine on suomalainen, elektroniseen tanssimusiikkiin keskittynyt verkkolehti. Tavoitteenamme on tarjota kotimaan bilekansalle uutisia, sekä levy- että laitearvosteluja, reportaaseja menneistä ja tulevista tapahtumista sekä tarjota henkilö- ja artistihaastatteluja niin kotimaisista kuin ulkomaisistakin artisteista.

From my perspective, Kehto is very promising newcomer for various reasons:
** Despite being built on WordPress, it’s not and doesn’t try to be a blog.
** It takes advantage of social media like Facebook and Twitter.
** It isn’t related on one music genre only, it has several “reporters” and it’s being updated often (not often enough, though;).
** It writes articles, reviews and stories – not short opinions or posts.
** It doesn’t represent anyone – and therefore – it has credibility.
** It’s written in Finnish.

I believe the future of online forums like or is a format like this. Combining online discussion forum to a platform where experts and promoters write articles about the music scene is a concept, which I’d really love to see. Maybe within one year Kehto could be combined to a vital discussion forum or it could even start its own. Anyway, I raise my thumbs up to a new kid in town! :)

Metro Live: Katoaako flyeri?

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Metro Live -artikkeli.

Illusions, 7.9., front

Katoaako flyeri?

DJ D.N.A. eli Denis Vakulin aloitti bilekuviot pohjalta, jakamalla flaijereita. Kun teki tutuille vähän töitä, pääsi juhlien nimilistalle.

Nyt takana on kymmenen vuotta bilehommia. Pippalot muistuttavat itsestään kansioissa, jotka pursuavat Vakulinin keräämiä flaijereita, eli pieniä ja isompiakin keikoista kertovia mainoslappusia.
Bilemarkkinointi siirtyy yhä enemmän nettiin, mutta flaijerit eivät vielä ole kadonnutta kansanperinnettä. Flaijerilla järjestäjät nostattavat etukäteen fiilistä. Tunnelmat on mietitty tarkkaan.

– Tämä on vähän hippihenkinen, on haettu positiivista fiilistä. Tässä on isompaa, massiivista assosiaatiota. Valentine’s Dayn synkkä teema herättää mielenkiintoa vastakohtaisuudella, Vakulin selailee kokoelmaansa.
– Flaijerissa yhdistyy taide ja kaupallisuus. Tämä on markkinointisijoitus, hän toteaa.
Suurista summista ei ole kyse. Vakulinin luotsaama I love Kiksu -trancebileorganisaatio ei ole rahallisesti mikään kultakaivos, vaan harrastus jota tehdään talkoovoimin. Toimeentuloa varten on erikseen päivätyö.
Vakulin työstää flaijerit yhdessä tuttujen graafikkojen kanssa. Tiskijukka myös osallistuu flaijereiden jakamiseen.
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Jack 7th birthday this weekend

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Jack 7th anniversary poster

Seven years of house music. Jack’s come a long way… I remember hearing about a club called Jack when I was still living in Rovaniemi and all the hype caught my eye instantly. It was a fresh concept right from the beginning and gave everyone a possibility to hear both veteran DJs and fresh talents under one roof. It also was – at least for me – one of clubs to make house music easily approachable, fresh and hip again. And I’m sure many house purists disagree with me here ;)

Jack landed to Rovaniemi in 2004, if I recall right. It was supposed to be a one-off night, but after an instant success and a sold-out night, people ended up going crazy with Jay Mellin, Milla Lehto, Dallas Superstars, Mr.A, Lil’Tony, Orkidea, Tomi K, Uke and KimiK during the next 2,5 years.

When I moved to Helsinki in 2006 I was asked to join the team to produce Jack and during the past years I’ve felt more than priviledged to be a part of such an innovative, creative and happy team and pushing forward Helsinki house music scene.

The past year in Redrum has been one of the most successful in Jack’s history. We’ve seen Nick Warren, Matthew Dekay and Gavyn Mytchel behind the decks, rocked with Fresh talents in January and co-produced Danceteria cruise afterparty – many of those with sold-out status.

Lé grande finale of this year – however – still goes one step further. Jack will celebrate its seventh anniversary for full 14 hours, starting at 22:00 on Saturday, 21.11.2009. Dave Seaman will rock the main event in Redrum and Jody Wisternoff headlines the afterparty at Playground. Finnish jocks include Orkidea, Mr.A, Peled Brothers and me. I’ll be warming up the floor at 05:00-06:30 at the afterparty (do you really need to call it a warm-up after a 6 hour mayhem in Redrum?:) and preparing the things for Jody.

To get more information about the event, surf to Jack’s Facebook event or check some discussion at Klubitus topic. Let the Jack begin.
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TTI #49, 10.11.2009, featured artist Dave Seaman

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DJ Orion’s podcast is a one hour show, casted twice a month from Helsinki, Finland.
Hosted by DJ Orion (Radio 1 Finland, Lost Language, Solaris, Misc. Management), the podcast features one Finnish or international guest on each show. For tracklists and more info, see:

01. Bent – As You Fall (Guy J remix) (G&E Analogue)
02. BT – Remember (Phrakture’s Unofficial remix) (CDr)
03. Calvin Harris – Flashback (Eric Prydz remix) (Ultra)
04. Underworld – Two Months Off (Grayarea’s Four Years Off remix) (CDr)
05. Steve Angello – Tivoli (Hy2rogen & Fr3cky remix) (Size)

06. Dave Seaman & Andy Chatterley – K Conundrum (Audio Therapy)

07. Shiloh – All That (Lowbit)
08. Luigi Lusini – A Neverending Story (The Clubbers)
09. Loquai – Andromeda (Human8 remix) (MistiqueMusic)
10. Ridgewalkers – Find feat. El (Russell G remix) (Wild Records)
11. Wippenberg – Pong (Tocadisco remix) (High Contrast)
12. Solarstone & Alucard – Late Summer Fields (Forerunners Dub) (Solaris)

Orion’s podcast on iTunes:
Feed address:


Rovaniemi & Kalajoki this weekend

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I’m really looking forward to this weekend in Northern Finland. It’s been already a year I last visited Rovaniemi and I can’t wait get back to the old hoods :) Friday will be spent at Doris in Rovaniemi hosted by Helmi (Facebook event) and Saturday is for returning back to Kalajoki after summer to the Sunburn Winter Event at Dyyni (Facebook event).
Good stuff. See you all there :)
Oh yeah, here’s a video from last year’s trip. Snow and lots of weirdos :)

P.S. Below is a Rovaniemi&Kalajoki TOP3 chart from all of us. Check it ouuut. Read More

YleX Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 10.11.2009

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Tiistain Tanssi-ilta

DJ Orion @ YleX – Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 10.11.2009

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta tracklist
01. Bent – As You Fall (Guy J remix) (G&E Analogue)
02. BT – Remember (Phrakture’s Unofficial remix) (CDr)
03. Calvin Harris – Flashback (Eric Prydz remix) (Ultra)
04. Underworld – Two Months Off (Grayarea’s Four Years Off remix) (CDr)
05. Steve Angello – Tivoli (Hy2rogen & Fr3cky remix) (Size)

06. Dave Seaman & Andy Chatterley – K Conundrum (Audio Therapy)

07. Shiloh – All That (Lowbit)
08. Luigi Lusini – A Neverending Story (The Clubbers)
09. Loquai – Andromeda (Human8 remix) (MistiqueMusic)
10. Ridgewalkers – Find feat. El (Russell G remix) (Wild Records)
11. Wippenberg – Pong (Tocadisco remix) (High Contrast)
12. Solarstone & Alucard – Late Summer Fields (Forerunners Dub) (Solaris)

Listen Tiistain Tanssi-ilta again on YleX Areena (works in Finland only):

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta links
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 1998-2009
Dave Seaman
Yle pääsee jakelemaan musiikkipodcasteja
Linkage: Daft Punk, Sven Väth, 2 Many DJs… closes (or does it?)
Pete Tong interview
Jori Hulkkonen talks about fame
Der Dritte Raum – Swing Bopp

DJ Orion’s podcast

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ KLUBITUS
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ IRC-GALLERIA
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ FACEBOOK
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ YLEX

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 1998-2009

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Tiistain Tanssi-ilta

Alla lyhyt tiedote YleX:n uudistuksista vuodelle 2010 koskien Tiistain Tanssi-iltaa. Mikäli muutokset ihmetyttävät tai harmittavat, suosittelen suuntaamaan edes parin lauseen asiallisen palautteen tiedotteen lopussa oleviin sähköpostiosoitteisiin.


YleX uudistaa tarjontaansa vuodeksi 2010, ja vuodenvaihteessa kanavan ohjelmistosta poistuu myös syksyllä 1998 startannut Tiistain tanssi-ilta. OlliS, DJ Orion, Jori Hulkkonen ja DJ Infekto jatkavat ensi vuonna vuoroviikoin ja entistä puheliaampina maanantai-illoissa tunnin ohjelmapaikalla.  Klubimusiikin osuus on air –ohjelmistosta vähenee siis kolmesta yhteen tuntiin viikossa.

Palautetta voi lähettää (josta palautteet menevät myös yleisötutkimuksen tietoon) ja/tai YleX:n musiikki- ja kanavapäälliköille, ja

Misc. Management winter 2009 update & New Finnish talent in the house

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Dear friends and night life lovers!
Here is a short recap of what we Misc boys have been cooking this year, which was one of our busiest yet… We feel we want to share and thank you all for being a part of these great memories. Knowing when to say yes and when to say no is something we have gotten better at with age and experience. And my my my how many yesses had to be said in 2009!

JACK – Rocking Redrum

We joined Orkidea as the co-producers of Jack’s new beginning at Redrum. Line ups went from the new and old school DJ’s of Finland, to great legends of the world and one solo set by Orkidea. The nights turned out to be some of this year’s hottest, sweatiest and funnest parties in Helsinki. We will be closing our first JACK year with the biggest birthday party to date! Redrum will be headlined by Dave Seaman and the afterparty at Playground by Jody Wisternoff on the 21.11.2009!!!

CULTIVATE – Online TV Show

An online show about what’s bubbling under (and pouring out of the champagne glasses) in Helsinki was issued for Basso TV and Diesel. Oded Peled got dressed up with La Persé, beaten up on Vappu and left thirsty at Helsinki Design Week…

Check the episodes on the Diesel site:

LOVE – Brings us all together…

LOVE arrived in the summer. A fresh approach of building a club concept taught us so much and brought us light… Although there have only been 2 amazing parties to date, it feels as if a complete book could be written about the process of falling in love and the experiences it gave to people involved in it.

Pictures, videos and love stories can be found at :

DANCE. HERE. NOW. – All over the country

The club concept was planned to spread the sounds and vibes of our artists all over the country… And so it did. Our trips to Kouvola, Kajaani, Tampere, Kuopio, Joensuu, Hanko, Rovaniemi and Kalajoki have given us some great experiences and a deeper understanding of the club scene in Finland. A big thank you for dancing right there and then!!!


Another fabulous night with Orkidea and friends at the packed Helsinki Club… A smooth musical journey downstairs and an upstairs filled with new DJ Heros. The after-party at Playground was hosted by Orion and kept you dancing till the morning light. Extreeeeeemely fun !

Check out the pictures of the event from here:

DJ BOOKINGS – If you book them, they will come.
* Pete Tong and Paul Oakenfold at Love
* Kenny Carpenter and David Morales at Ihana
* Rob di Stefano, Alan Braxe and Chris Lake at Danceteria
* Smokin Jo at Pussy
* Nick Warren, Matthew Dekay, Gavyn Mytchel, Dave Seaman and Jody Wisternoff at Jack
* Ian Ossia and Andy Moor at Extremely Miscbehaving
* Alfredo at Pacifique
* Leama at Clinic
* Niklas Harding at One
* Freemasons at Dance. Here. Now. Joensuu

See them all:

NEW TALENT – DJ Flight is in the House!
We are very happy to announce that DJ Flight has joined our team and DJ Roster. Bringing big smiles and huge sounds to the people is what he is all about, so it feels natural for him to join the Misc family… Check out his hot looks and groovy selection here :

ORKIDEA 23 HOUR SET – 2010, Here we come!
As if only to keep the bar very high, the first day of 2010 will start with a historical event, when Orkidea will play the longest set in his life. A 23 hour supermegamarathon at Redrum and Copacabana. Probably and possibly the last time something like this happens in Finland. Unless some other nutcase does it :)

A big thank you to all of you, that came and made the nights unforgettable… We hope to share more nights together with you.

Oded, Asaf, Juska and Marko

Dave Seaman Tiistain Tanssi-illassa 10.11.2009

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Dave Seaman promo pic

10.11.2009 Tiistain Tanssi-illan ensimmäisellä tunnilla biisivieraana on yksi housemusiikin merkittävämpiä tekijöitä jo useamman vuosikymmenen ajalta. Brittiläinen Dave Seaman kertoo biisivierasosuudessaan ajatuksiaan uudesta Renaissance-kokoelmastaan, jonka mukaan nimetty kiertue rantautuu myös Suomeen 21.11.2009. Biisivierasbiisinä kuullaan tuore julkaisu herran luotsaamalta Audio Therapy -levymerkiltä.

Lisäksi lautasilla mm. Eric Prydz, BT, Guy J, Steve Angello, Underworld ja Solarstone. Uutisissa klubimusiikkiohjelmien ja Tiistain Tanssi-illan tulevaisuus vuonna 2010.

Tune in. Nyt tiistaina klo 21-22


Tanssi-ilta livenä myös Twitterissä: @YleX & @Juska

TTI #48, 27.10.2009, featured artist Stonebridge

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DJ Orion’s podcast is a one hour show, casted twice a month from Helsinki, Finland.
Hosted by DJ Orion (Radio 1 Finland, Lost Language, Solaris, Misc. Management), the podcast features one Finnish or international guest on each show. For tracklists and more info, see:

01. BT – Flaming June (Phrakture’s Blazing August Remix) (CDr)
02. Jon Hopkins – Light Through The Veins (Tom Middleton Remodel) (Domino)
03. Underworld – Two Months Off (Grayarea’s Four Years Off Remix) (CDr)
04. Flanders – Time (Redanka dub) (Ego)
05. Sultan, Ned Shepherd – Roads Under Ramallah (GU)
06. Analog People In A Digital World – Circus (Instrumental mix) (Hysterical)

07. Stonebridge – Morning After (CDr)

08. Adam K – Brighter Days (Hotbox Digital)
09. Ashley Wallbridge – Solidaritet (Armada)
10. Lensflare – Shutter (AVA)

11. Armin – Lost Soul Society (Cyber)

Orion’s podcast on iTunes:
Feed address:

[podcast][/podcast] closes (or does it?)

By UncategorizedNo Comments closes its doors. That’s sad. Here’s an email I got into my hands:

“Dear Label Partner
It is with great regret that we have to inform you that DJdownload Limited has been placed into administration by the Directors of the company effective today.

The Directors have worked extremely hard over the past few months to try and save the company: overheads were reduced and attempts to increase revenues were made but ongoing efforts to raise further finance were unsuccessful. Despite their best efforts the company was not able to continue to trade.

We would like to thank you for your support and business over the years and we wish you all the best in the future.

If you have any questions with regard to UNPAID ROYALTIES from DJDownload Limited please contact:

Marguerite Webster – Case Administrator at Bridge Business Recovery
Phone: +44 207 025 6139

Yours sincerely
Justin Pearse”

Now let me predict – will raise their prices within one year.

Edit (06.11.2009): It seems the story is not over. About 24h after the first news, Juno has acquired DJDownload. If anyone has an official link, please post it below. Here’s the official link (thanks to Homegrove!):

DJ Orion & J.Shore productions update

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DJ Orion & J.Shore productions news, winter 2009

Mango, Orion, J.Shore – Raining In Osaka (DJ Orion & J.Shore remix) (Silk Sofa) will be coming out finally early next year (Jan/Feb). The original was released last spring (check the full package incl samples), but our nearly 9 minute chill-out remix found a good home on Silk Sofa sampler and we believe all the wait was definitely worth it. This is also our first release on Silk label group and hopefully a good start of a good and long relationship.

J.Shore and me will be collaborating again with Mango and the new track see the daylight early next year. Mango, Orion, J.Shore – When All The Ships Are Gone (Mango Alley Recordings) is originally one of the Goodbye Earth EP tracks (see below), now put into progressive house form with two mixes – Main Mix and Shoreliners Remix. I will post a preview on my website soon. This is a sequel to our Raining In Osaka collaboration and even the official release is stll far away, I’m excited about this.

DJ Orion & J.Shore – Goodbye Earth EP (Silk Sofa) was a project we started with my brother last summer. It’s a three track chill-out EP which was originally made in Tampere and finally tweaked in Southern Germany. There is a YouTube video sample if you’re into listening. At the moment it seems there will be a remix EP, too – but I’ll post more details when things get confirmed.

Also, we’ve just finished a remix of Ralphie B’s trance classic Massive. It’s an unofficial remix, full-on 97bpm chill-out (what a combo! ;), a fresh approach to one of my all-time-favourite trance tracks with strings, massive drums and woodwinds.

And finally, our next one, DJ Orion & J.Shore – Brotherhood (Lost Language) will be out on 23.11. More about that on the official newsletter.

Pete Tong interview

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Beat Dis by Bomb the Bass (1988) features the ...
Image via Wikipedia

Pete Tong states:

“Well I’ve always said that when Acid House was happening in the say 1987, it was like the equivalent of Punk in how it affected rock n roll and progressive rock that went before it. A lot of people, therefore, don’t remember anything before punk and I think the same goes for dance music, a lot of people just wipe the slate clean and that nothing existed before raves came along and those types of parties.”

A really interesting Pete Tong interview – Where did it all go Pete Tong?!?

Jori Hulkkonen talks about fame

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Album Collection
Image by maddenman2000 via Flickr

Jori Hulkkonen about fame:

“Sure enough there’s a lot people who never were “big”, but are they still working? Releasing albums, singles, getting remix requests and DJing all over after 15 years? No. But I am. And this I see as my greatest achievement and there’s a lesson to be learned everyone: If you never become trendy it’s impossible for you to become untrendy.”

The whole interview/article is worth reading. Check also his latest album, Man From Earth.

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YleX Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 27.10.2009

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Tiistain Tanssi-ilta

DJ Orion @ YleX – Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 27.10.2009

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta tracklist
01. BT – Flaming June (Phrakture’s Blazing August Remix) (CDr)
02. Jon Hopkins – Light Through The Veins (Tom Middleton Remodel) (Domino)
03. Underworld – Two Months Off (Grayarea’s Four Years Off Remix) (CDr)
04. Flanders – Time (Redanka dub) (Ego)
05. Sultan, Ned Shepherd – Roads Under Ramallah (GU)
06. Analog People In A Digital World – Circus (Instrumental mix) (Hysterical)

07. Stonebridge – Morning After (CDr)

08. Adam K – Brighter Days (Hotbox Digital)
09. Ashley Wallbridge – Solidaritet (Armada)
10. Lensflare – Shutter (AVA)

11. Armin – Lost Soul Society (Cyber)

Listen Tiistain Tanssi-ilta again on YleX Areena (works in Finland only):

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta links
DJ Mag TOP100 2009
Jon Hopkins – Light Through The Veins
New compilation from Underworld
Benjamin Zander on music and passion
Hiphop in a Japanese way
Review: DJ Hero hands-on

DJ Orion’s podcast

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ KLUBITUS
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ IRC-GALLERIA
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ FACEBOOK
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ YLEX

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