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Konemetsä next weekend

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Konemetsä 2008

Konemetsä Open Air Forest Festival is one of the most exciting electronic music concepts in Finland. Located in the forests of Marttila, Konemetsä brings the sound to the nature for the full weekend, non-stop.

I happy having a possibility to play there this year. What’s expected, is a three hour chill-out set on the early hours of Saturday (09:00-12:00, to be exact). It will be a chill-out set in a true From Rural To Urban style, atmospheric morning hours campfire chill-out sound at its best. Hopefully I’ll meet you there having a good nap :)

The main artists of the chill-out area include Mirror System from the UK while on the main stage Astrix, System 7 and GMS take over. The full artist lineup is pretty impressive, check it out.

Joonas Hahmo Tiistain Tanssi-illan biisivieraana

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DJ Orion @ YleX – Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 08.07.2008

Tiistain Tanssi-illan biisivieraana 08.07.2008 on tamperelainen DJ ja tuottaja Joonas Hahmo. Massiivisessa nosteessa oleva Joonas on lyönyt läpi maailmanlaajuisesti englantilaisen AnjunaBeats-levymerkin kautta ja julkaisee pian paljon odotetun Cocktail Bar -biisinsä sekä uunituoreen remiksin Alex Kunnarin Unstable-kappaleesta. Joonaksen biisivierasosuudessa kuullaan valitun biisin lisäksi miehen kuulumiset Tampereen studiolta sekä keikkarintamalta.

Biisivieras Tiistain Tanssi-illassa joka toinen viikko. DJ Orionin tunnilla klo 21-22 esittäytyvät vieraat kuuluvat Suomen elektronisen musiikin artistien kärkikaartiin ja tuovat ohjelmaan oman musiikillisen antinsa esittelemällä valitsemansa biisin.

08.07. Tanssi-illassa tarjolla biisivieraan lisäksi pianjulkaistavaa soundia AnjunaBeatsilta ja UrbanTorquelta, Shiloh:n toisen puoliskon uusi biisi, katsaus Jaytechin uuteen pitkäsoittoon sekä uutta trancesoundia Oceanlabilta, Hydroidilta ja Miika Kuismalta.

Tune in.

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ KLUBITUS
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ IRC-GALLERIA
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ FACEBOOK
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ YLEX

Where do artists and managers stand?

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Bruce Houghton wrote an excellent blog post about band managers and today’s music business. Managing a band differs from managing an electronic music act or DJ, but there are similarities. I’ve been now part of Misc. Management for about two years, a relatively short part of Misc’s nine year history, but definitely a very active one. So – if Bruce is asking “Where have all the good managers gone?”, I’m asking what is it that makes a good manager? And is exposing a new talent on manager’s responsibility? What is it that young artists should do in the world of smaller and longer careers? And finally, what if managing doesn’t make you rich?

Finding good talent is the hardest job in this business. Exposing it, breaking it through, is almost as difficult.
Bob Lefsetz: Saving the music business

In the field of electronic music being part of an agency is considered valuable for the artist’s career. It might be right, but the role of the agency is often overestimated, too. Young artists expect their career to get an instant boost from being in a respected artist roster and are ready to give the responsibility to the management: “Go on, make me famous.”

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about Misc. artists here. The artists I’m privileged to represent know their responsibility and part of the work. A couple of months ago we finished DJ Orkidea’s Metaverse album tour, which was a good example of what the artist must these days do for successful results.
If all the Web2.0 consultants are telling the companies to be present in the web, write blogs and discuss in order to get loyal customers, why shouldn’t artists do the same?
The management can’t represent artist on social networks and web communities. It’s the artist himself who needs to be personally present, write, ask, answer, listen, meet, share and interact in places where the people are.

But all this 2.0. thing needs to be innovative – if you were thinking about artist writing forum posts or MySpace blogs here, your way of thinking is old-fashioned. And most importantly – it’s the artist who should come up with these ideas and the management’s task is to support it.

We are approaching the times when digital music can’t be marketed, it can only be found. The times when the management is promoting the artists in order to get more gigs sold is over and something much more exciting is ahead. And it means we have hell of an amount of work to do.

So, let’s talk about work.

[…]the new music business is creating a new musical middle class. Rather than a few flash in pan stars, we’re seeing more smaller but longer careers.
Bruce Houghton: Where have all the good managers gone?

I couldn’t agree more here. Longer careers mean bigger amount of work and patience. I’ve seen several DJs hoping to break through but unable to understand that the more influence you will get in the music scene the more work you must do. Also – breakthrough rarely happens overnight, but that’s what people seem to hope. I’m sure doing 10 years of work for the breakthrough, finally making it and then slowly fading out is much more rewarding than working hard half a year, breaking through and then fading out.
Artists should be happy and appreciate of where they stand now. Grass is always greener on the other side, but you can’t know if you’d be talented enough of keep it that green if you were there.

“[…] Managers will be more willing to manage if there’s money, but for there to be money, they need to do a good job managing! This seems to be why a lot of people give managing a shot, and then realize its not worth the headache!”

Above is a part of Gavroche’s comment to Bruce’s post. Artist management is often seen as a wealthy business which it definitely is if you’re the manager of Madonna. Most of times it’s not. But still it has a huge cultural value and big importance to the artists. I haven’t gotten rich while working at Misc, but I’ve met incredible amount of new people, made great friends, travelled a lot, explored new music and been part of influencing Finnish electronic music culture. If I would count my hourly salary, I’d definitely make more money at McDonald’s. I do not regret any of the moments I’ve worked for free for the purpose of making our artists more famous and electronic music more visible.

To sum this all up, I hope you have time to see Tony Robbins’ short speech of Why We Do What We Do. And after it, no matter if you’re an artist or manager or DJ – or anything – ask yourself what is it that you want to do and why and then do it.

But don’t forget to be happy of what you’ve achived already.

Konemusiikki syntyy nappia painamalla

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Konemusiikin tekemisessä ei tarvitse tietää mitään musiikista tai ainakin sen parissa pärjää ilman erityistä vaivannäköä. Niinpä se kuulostaakin kylmältä ja tunteettomalta.

Helsingin yliopiston studioamanuenssi Kai Lassfolk myöntää konemusiikin syntyvän sananmukaisesti nappia painamalla, vaan ei välttämättä sen helpommin kuin muukaan musiikki.

Kuuntele ohjelma YLE Radio 1:ssä maanantaina 30.6. klo 11.40.


P.S. Testaa uusi kännykällä. Hieman hämäävästi podcasteiksi nimetyt mp3-tiedostot on optimoitu myös hitaammille yhteyksille ja latautuivat nopeasti jo EDGE-yhteydellä.

YleX – Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 24.6.2008

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DJ Orion @ YleX – Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 24.06.2008
“In summer, the song sings itself.” -William Carlos Williams

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta tracklist 24.06.2008 
01. Del Gado – Children (Tini Monteca vs. Saffa Mix) (Dream Beat)
02. Axwell – Feel The Vibe (DJ Flex & Sandy Wilhelm remix) (The Saturday Club)
03. Flight & Jontey – Sangria (CDr)
04. Felix Da Housecat & Kris Menace – Artificial (Compuphonic)
05. Royal Kinks – Borrowed Time (Michael Cassette remix) (Danceteria)
06. Guru Josh – Infinity 2008 (Jerome Isma-ae remix) (BigCityBeats)
07. Heikki L – Classic (Fektive) *** VIIKON BIISIVIERAS
08. Dinka – Ordinary People (Unreleased Digital)
09. Clubbervision – Contrast (Jerome Isma-ae remix) (Frisky)
10. First State – Sierra Nevada (Terry Ferminal mix) (In Trance We Trust)
11. Menno De Jong – Solid State feat. Re:Locate (Gareth Emery remix) (Intuition)
12. Aurosonic – Solar Breath (FENology)

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta links 24.06.2008
Justice interview
Blind DJ says his farewell at The Burren Sunday
Flight & Jontey 
Bedroom Bedlam
Alan Braxe vs DJ Assault

Listen Tiistain Tanssi-ilta again on YleX Areena (works in Finland only):

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ KLUBITUS
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ IRC-GALLERIA
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ FACEBOOK
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ YLEX

RMJ – Mecano Beach & Dance Factory

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A couple of videos and photos from this year’s RMJ Festival, Kirjurinluoto, Pori. The content is from Thursday, the first day of festival, with JS16, Heikki L, Lank, Vertigo, Mio and me. Thanks for the nice company and the first RMJ gig experience :)


Photos: (click for more)

RMJ 2008 - Mecano Beach & Dance Factory - 18

Heikki L Tanssi-illan biisivieraana

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DJ Orion @ YleX – Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 24.06.2008
“In summer, the song sings itself.” -William Carlos Williams

Ensi Tiistain Tanssi-illan biisivieraana 24.06.2008 Dallas Superstarsin myötä julkisuuteen noussut ja nykyisin sooloprojekteillaan huomiota herättävä Heikki L, joka vaikuttaa myös muunmuassa Cristal Snow:n tuottajajoukossa. Kesäkuulumisten lisäksi Heikiltä kuullaan viimeisintä housetuotantoa Pitäjänmäen studioilta.

Biisivieras Tiistain Tanssi-illassa joka toinen viikko. DJ Orionin tunnilla klo 21-22 esittäytyvät vieraat kuuluvat Suomen elektronisen musiikin artistien kärkikaartiin ja tuovat ohjelmaan oman musiikillisen antinsa esittelemällä valitsemansa biisin.

24.6. Tanssi-illassa tarjolla biisivieraan lisäksi aimo annos kesähousea. Asialla muunmuassa Axwell, Guru Josh, Jerome Isma-Ae, Flight & Jontey sekä Robert Miles pienen bootlegin muodossa. Tanssi-illan ekan tunnin päätteeksi vielä pienet rytmit tämän päivän Hollanti-trancea.

Tune in.

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ KLUBITUS
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ IRC-GALLERIA
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ FACEBOOK
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ YLEX

RMJ @ Pori

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One of the biggest midsummer festivals in Finland, RMJ Festival, moves this year from Rauma to Kirjurinluoto, Pori. The festival starts this Thursday, 19.6. and ends two days later.

I’ll be playing on the Dance Factory stage the last set of Thursday, apprx. 00:00-01:30 (TBC). I’m very excited of the possibility of being there, I think it’s going to be a night to remember.

Full festival information is available at See also the Festival Artist List.

… and Justice for all

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Waiting for Justice

The wait is over. Provinssi Rock 2008 offered Finland Justice’s first live set. Justice had gotten a gig offer for the same date from the States, but they refuse playing in the daylight. Because the gig before Radiohead would have been open air, they rather came to Finland where X-Stage tent granted enough darkness for the show.

I was nearly as excited of seeing Justice live as I was when waiting Underworld to appear on stage in Helsinki a year (or two?) ago.
It was awesome. I had seen a couple of videos of their performances, but I had never realized that those Marshall amplifiers are actually light effects and don’t contain any sound components. Very cool effect when they turned them on.

Justice started with Genesis, played the through the obvious hits (DVNO, D.A.N.C.E, We Are Your Friends), introduced two or three new, very strong tracks, played AUTO remix of Stress, mashed-up version of Phantom and finished the 1h 15min set with their version of Metallica’s Master of Puppets including samples from “The Party“.

The sound was very clear and even pretty low in the beginning. But even the sound pressure was low there was definitely a nice amount pressure on the audience, especially on the first rows. Young people totally drunk and with “rock attitude” made sure there were enough elbows to dodge. You could clearly feel you were on a festival and not on a 22-years-and-up club. Maybe I’m just getting old (or never quite gotten the rock festival glamour thing), but I enjoy more concentrating on the music than trying to stay on my feet when the band is on the stage.

However, Justice played a very charismatic live set and being there was a truly cool experience. If you have a possibility of seeing Justice live, just go for it – they are even better than what you have heard.
P.S. If you’re interested, here are a couple of ProvinssiRock cameraphone photos

Oh, of course YouTube had a video of the Master of Puppets remix:

Finnish music on Pete Tong’s Fast Trax

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Pete Tong’s Fast Trax show has Bedroom Bedlam Chart section which introduces three tracks from bedroom producers. The biggest tracks can be signed to Bedroom Bedlam label. This week Bedroom Bedlam Chart includes a summer filter house track from Tampere, Finland: Flight & Jontey – Sangria. Support the Finnish talents and give your vote. No registration needed for voting.

Funny coindidence: While I’m writing this I end up reading that Peter Gabriel thinks internet has a bad influence on music (article in Finnish). Right…

Anyway, congratulations to Flight & Jontey – No doubt you’ll hear Sangria on the next (24.6.) Tiistain Tanssi-ilta, too.

JS16 Ylen Fläshbäkissä

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Ylen Fläshbäkissä kerrataan arkistomateriaalin voimin Jaakko Salovaaran uraa. Mieheltä ilmestyi hiljattain uusi single JS16-nimellä kymmenen vuotta esikoislevyn julkaisun jälkeen. Salovaaran ja Heikki Liimataisen duo Dallas Superstarsin biisi päätyi jalkapalloilun EM-kisojen tunnusmusiikiksi.

Haastiksen parhainta antia on ehdottomasti JS16:n puheet “eräästä Darudesta”, jolta löytyi yksi kiinnostava biisi, joka nyt julkaistaan… :)

Kuuntele haastattelu (MP3) kesto: 1.53 

via Yle web 

Promot ja niiden levittäminen

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Promolevyjen myynnistä väännetään kättä maailmalla

Levy-yhtiöiden markkinointitarkoituksessa lähettämien promootiolevyjen omistusoikeutta ratkotaan oikeusteitse Britanniassa ja Yhdysvalloissa.
Levy-yhtiöiden markkinointitarkoituksessa lähettämien promootiolevyjen omistusoikeutta ratkotaan oikeusteitse Britanniassa ja Yhdysvalloissa. Toimittajille, radioille ja tiskijukille lähetettävissä levyissä kielletään erikseen niiden jälleenmyynti tai levittäminen. Levyjä päätyy kuitenkin myyntiin ja internet-jakeluun, välillä myös ennen albumin julkaisua.

Mielenkiintoinen uutinen. Yhdysvalloissa päästiin jo ratkaisuun, joka jätti promojensaajat rankaisematta. Tämän mukaan promolistalla olevat saavat tehdä saamallaan musiikilla mitä haluavat.

Elektronisen musiikin puolella hämmentävää on, että monet vertaisverkoissa levitettävät kopiot lähtevät liikkeelle nimenomaa DJiden saamista mp3-promoista. Promopooleihin ei kokemukseni mukaan ole suunnattoman helppoa päästä, joten täytyy kysyä mikä motiivi sinne päässeillä on laittaa saamansa musiikki julkiseen levitykseen?

Misc. Management website preview

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Misc website, front page

Here’s the preview to the brand new Misc Management website. It will be online any day now (most likely on Friday / Saturday). Above is the main page and below you see how the artist pages are going to look like.

Let’s take a closer look at the features.

1) If you don’t like the background colour, come back later. Misc website has a built-in emotion detector which changes the background colour to match the current feeling of the user. It’s not a perfect detector, but expect the colour change at least once in an hour ;)

2) As you see below, all the artist pages are powered with YouTube and Flickr. Flickr integration allows Flickr users add photos to the galleries and on the artist pages (kind of similar thing what you already saw on the Metaverse Tour) and simplifies sharing the latest artist promo pictures.
YouTube enables us to add fan videos and tracks directly from YouTube to our site. This is pretty simple 2.0. stuff, but after browsing through many agency website I couldn’t find any which would actively use similar features.

3) On Events and Collaborations section you can find bigger Flickr galleries going back to the early years of Misc (We are already 8 years old in July :) and detailed information of the past partnerships with different companies. Also the DJ list is finally up-to-date.

4) Many thanks to Tuomo and Niko for great and professional php help and tips during the project. Huge thank-yous go to Viljami who designed and put the site together and put his time and heart on the code. Viljami is a very professional and nice guy – keep your eye on him for the future for any 3D, Flash, CSS or webdesign tasks. Thanks to all the friends who tested the site and gave your improvement comments, we are working on them.

See on Friday/Saturday this week to give a test drive to the new site.

Misc website, artist page

YleX – Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 10.06.2008

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DJ Orion @ YleX – Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 10.06.2008
“Enter night.”

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta tracklist 10.06.2008
01. Tiger Stripes – Beach Buggy (Motorcitysoul Ambient mix) (Urbantorque)
02. Booka Shade – Outskirts (Babelsberg mix) (Get Physical)
03. Elastic Sound – Moscow After Autumn Rain (Ricky Ryan Edit) (Sick Watona)
04. Mango – Friday Coffee (Paul Keeley remix) (Add2Basket)
05. Heikki L & Mr.A – Viola (CDr) *** VIIKON BIISIVIERAS
06. Junkie XL – Cities In Dust (King Unique remix) (Artwerk)
07. Sultan & Ned Shepard – Jeopardy (16 Bit Lolitas remix) (Shinichi)
08. Dinka – Ordinary People (Unreleased Digital)
09. Jaytech – Groove Nova (AnjunaDeep)
10. Inkfish, Synergy, Davester – Rejections (Inkfish Rec.)
11. Robimon feat. Tiff Lacey – Goodbye (Cressida remix) (MPFS)
12. Meck – So Strong (Frenetic)

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta links 10.06.2008
Universal Music Group spent $180K lobbying in 1Q 
Dubfire’s roots return 

Viikon suosituimmat musiikkisivustot 
Basso ja Ben&Jerry’s siivoustalkoissa

Listen Tiistain Tanssi-ilta again on YleX Areena (works in Finland only):

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ KLUBITUS
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ IRC-GALLERIA
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ FACEBOOK
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ YLEX