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Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 10.06.2008 preview

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YleX – Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 10.06.2008
“Enter night.”

Tiistain Tanssi-illan ekan tunnin artisteina tällä viikolla David West, Booka Shade, Mango, Junkie XL, Jaytech, Dinka ja Robimon ja labelipuolella uutta matskua mm. AnjunaDeepiltä, Add2Basketilta ja Sick Watonalta.

Tanssi-illan biisivieraana tällä viikolla pitkän linjan DJ-veteraani ja Danceteria-brändin isä, Mr.A uunituoreen oman raidan kera.
Ekan tunnin tracklist, biisiäänestys ja linkit heti klo 22:00 saitilla:


Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ KLUBITUS
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ IRC-GALLERIA
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ FACEBOOK
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ YLEX



Changed to WordPress

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This blog went through one of the biggest changes in years when I updated everything below the surface from Movable Type 4 to WordPress. Until version 4 came out I was very happy what I could do with Movable Type, but the user experience of the latest version was incredibly bad. I decided to give a try and install WordPress and I have to say I’ve been very happy with it. Very easy to install, edit and use. I’m sure you can still find lots of things which don’t work as well they used to, but everything should be running perfectly before the weekend. There will be some “new” features available as soon as tomorrow, check back.
I’m troubleshooting like there’s no tomorrow, but if you find any problems or get any errors, please let me know. Geeky geek.

YleX – Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 27.5.2008

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YleX – Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 27.05.2008
“Yes We Can to justice and equality.”

01. House Music United – Yes We Can (Reinvent Music)
02. Claes Rosen – I Want (Paul Keeley Mix / Ricky Ryan edit) (Brown Eyed Boyz)
03. Jay Lumen – Calypso (Anjunadeep)
04. The Jay Lumen Vibe – Siren (Electronic Elements)
05. Michael Cassette – Shadows Movement (Komytea remix) (Anjunadeep)
06. Ørjan Nielsen – La Guitarra (Armind)
07. Agent K, Bella – Sierra Leone (The Phat Riderz remix) (Digital Records)
08. Heikki L – Classic (Fektive)
09. Flight & Jontey – Dirtyback (CDr) ** VIIKON BIISIVIERAS
10. Maurice – Feline (Original Union Mix) (Distinct’ive)
11. Mike Foyle – Pandora (The Blizzard remix) (Armind)
12. Nitrous Oxide – Cornflake (Anjunabeats)

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta links 27.05.2008
Music’s Goth Phase
Way Out West 1995 set
Hybrid’s YouTube channel
ISOS 7 tracklist revealed
Mixmag 25th Anniversary poll results
Quivver’s artist album out soon

Listen Tiistain Tanssi-ilta again on YleX Areena (works in Finland only):

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ KLUBITUS
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ IRC-GALLERIA
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ FACEBOOK
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ YLEX

Thank You Turku & Diiva UG!

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Late but heartly thank-yous to Turku party people and Diiva UG -posse for making a 3 year birthday party worth remembering and giving me a possibility of being there. The night was fantastic, the cellar absolutely one of the most intimate and friendly venues I’ve witnessed in Finland and Lank and Vertigo very warm and professional hosts with a great music taste. The guys are going to play in Oulu in a month or so, make sure to check them out if you’re in the area. Also thumbs up to Niska who played a rocking warm-up set with a good electro vibe. Very nice guy and a talent to keep an eye on.

I started my Diiva UG set with a bit more progressive and melodic sound which obviously wasn’t the hottest stuff for the cellar-like surroundings and I turned after a track or two to slightly more technoish and rough sound which seemed to be the thing. The crowd was on a birthday party mood and if you could see something through the enormous amount of smoke, they were smiles :) The tracks of the night would be Quivver – Surin (Lutzenkirchen remix), Freeflow 45 – PeakTime and Dennis Sheperd – Infinity. Thank You Turku & Diiva UG!

Our Music Culture Explained

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A very fitting and entertaining blog post about the electronic music culture.

Years ago, the joke was, ‘Everybody’s a DJ’, now it’s, ‘Everyone’s a producer’.

Anyone with a music MySpace page, a computer and a music program, can basically become an instant producer; they can also buy a flat screen and have an instant “studio”, woohoo.

Make sure to change AIM status to “in studio”, just to let everyone know you are hammering away in your bedroom, aka “The Studio”.

If there is one thing I am not, it’s a hater, so I hope that’s not what I come off as with anything I comment on or anyone I point out.

I’m just an observer, I call a spade a spade.

I love watching the success of others, I love seeing my friends’ progress, and I love to progress myself. […]

> Our Music Culture Explained @ Beatportal

Musiikki ja media -seminaari

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Ikävää, että en päässyt osallistumaan, mutta onneksi edes tiivistettyjä sisältöjä on julkaistu varsin tehokkaasti Musiikki ja Media -seminaarista.

Musiikkiala kaipaa kipeästi arvoketjun uudelleen arvioimista: vanhat uskomukset on hylättävä ja asiakaskokemus ja asiakassuhde nostettava kunniaan, todistivat Janne Airo ja Timo Poijärvi tänään musiikkialan toimijoille järjestetyssä Musiikki ja Media -seminaarissa.

>> Vierityspalkki-blogi.
Muutama Jaiku ja Flickr-kuva tapahtumasta.

YleX – Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 13.05.2008

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YleX – Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 13.05.2008
“Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.”
-Victor Hugo

01. Mirco De Govia – Fragile Symmetry (Euphonic)
02. The Attic – Flash In The Night (Henrik B remix) (Joia)
03. Miika Kuisma & OlliS – Green Lane (SubTraxx)
04. Jay Lumen – Calypso (AnjunaDeep)
05. Unknown – Untitled (Sami Saari remix) (White Label)
06. Ivan Spell – No Way Back (Baroque Limited)
07. Mark0 – Air (Jaytech remix) (D4Dirty Records)
08. Jay Lamar – Prestige (Add2Basket)
09. Mind X – Sensation Seekers (Martin Roth NuStyle remix) (Sirup)
10. Orli & Martie – White Flower (Jerome Isma-ae remix) (Kosmo)
11. Mirco De Govia – Catching Light (Euphonic)
12. Markus Schulz – Perfect (Jerome Isma-ae remix) (Coldharbour)
13. Faithless – Salva Mea (Sister Bliss remix) (Cheeky)

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta links 13.05.2008
Download: Ian Pooley – My Thing
Review – Portishead – Third
How trance works ( blog)
The month in techno
Can The “Long Tail” Save Music?
Madonna interview – Making Hard Candy
Hard Candy review
Tristram Cary is dead.
Mixmag claims ‘indie rock is dead’
Beatport Awards 2008 winners
Tiesto Announces Release of In Search of Sunrise 7: ‘Asia’
Nine Inch Nails’ new record available for free

Listen Tiistain Tanssi-ilta again on YleX Areena (works in Finland only):

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ KLUBITUS
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ IRC-GALLERIA
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ FACEBOOK
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ YLEX

Musiikin uudet ansaintamallit

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Ilmainen seminaari: 16.5. klo 10.00 – 15.00
Sibelius-Akatemian auditorio, Töölönkatu 28, T-talo, 5.krs., Helsinki

Musiikin uudet ansaintamallit

Musiikkialan yritykset joutuvat nykyajan murroksessa miettimään ansaintalogiikan uudella tavalla. Tulovirtoja ankkuroidaan yhteistyösopimuksilla, mainosrahoituksella, keskittymällä syvemmin 360 asteen malliin ja jopa “maksa mitä haluat” -logiikalla. Uusien julkaisujen elinkaari on muuttunut lyhyemmäksi, käytettävät teknologiat kehittyvät huimaa vauhtia.

Mitä tulevaisuuden ansaintamalleja häämöttää edessä ja mitä on jo tapahtunut? Näkemyksensä asiasta antaa mm. vallankumouksellisen sosiaalisen levy-yhtiön Sellabandin toimitusjohtaja Johan Vosmeijer.

Päivän ohjelmassa Timo Poijärvi (Idean Enterprises) kertoo kuluttajakäyttäytymisen muutoksesta ja crowd sourcing -tapojen lisääntymisestä, jotka radikaalisti vaikuttavat perinteisen ansaintamallien toimintaan. Alan muutoksia puidaan yhteispaneelissa, jonka moderaattorina toimii Janne Airo (Playground Music Scandinavia).
Seminaari on maksuton mutta vaatii ennakkoilmoittautumisen ti 13.5. mennessä.


Above & Beyond, 10.5.2008, Studio51, Helsinki

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Clinic presents Anjunabeats 100 Album Tour with ABOVE & BEYOND, 10.5.2008, Studio51, Helsinki

AnjunaBeats100 tour hits Helsinki this Saturday headlining Above&Beyond with a two hour set. I’ll be warming up the main floor for two hours 21:00-23:00, after which our beloved AnjunaBeats artist Joonas Hahmo will present his Sound of Saturday. After the main act DJ Poliisi finishes the night with some psy-trancey moods.
The second room will be hosted by Flinkki, Coma, Paul Easy and Nenna & Reb.

There’s also an afterparty available for those who couldn’t get enough. Clinic “intensive care” Afterparty takes place at 05:00 in Rose Garden, offering sounds from Easy Coma, Grin & Node, Milla Lehto and me.

More information available at Clinic website.

Midlake – Roscoe (remix)

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I’ve totally forgotten to share this: Heikki played and recommended me this track on a VERY early Sunday morning between Tampere and Helsinki when coming back from Hämeensilta Metaverse event.

I’m not a huge fan of file sharing, but these kind of not-to-be-sold bootlegs and non-profit tracks are just meant to spread around. And I’ll do my duty: Midlake – Roscoe (Beyond The Wizard’s Sleeve remix) (zShare link) is a fantastic track, I hope you love it as much as I do.
Imagine sitting in a quiet train wagon, completely exhausted, watching the sunrise and listening to this. It just hits you.

Ascension – Echoes of Angels, Velvet Club, Lahti

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ASCENSION - Echoes of Angels 30.4.2008 @ Lahti

ASCENSION – Echoes of Angels

Wednesday 30.4.2008, 21 – 04, K18, 7€ @ Velvet Club / Lahti

ORION – Misc. Management, Ylex, Helsinki
DIFFAS – Millennium, Rad
NIKLAS N – Etana, Cowbell
ZONEX – Etana, Rad

Enjoy your vappu, wherever you rave :)