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Misc news from the scanner’s lair

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I just realized it’s been one year since I joined Misc. Management team. It’s been an incredible year with Peled brothers and the artists we support (and who support us :). Even though the year has passed unbelievably fast, it’s been full of good moments – and hard work. Big thanks for everyone making this possible.

At the moment we are working on DJ Orkidea’s album release tour, starting early next year. I’s going to be a tour to remember, loads of new add-ons, fresh, trendy & cool supporters, interesting artists and venues. In addition to the tour, I’m also looking forward to Misc revealing the new foreign artist on the roster. He’s cool, classic and very oldskool. For the upcoming updates, see – and while waiting, download a couple of mixes, there are some new ones around.

The flyer scanning project is over and it was time to grab some new stuff to scan. Not that I particularly love scanning, but it’s more or less cool to digitalize part of the electronic music history in Finland. I got Orkidea’s techno article collection and scanned over 150 news articles and old magazine advertisements starting from 1993. They are just awesome – the grand old men of techno looking like school boys, talking very serious about this new thing called techno music and guys like Sam Inkinen ranting about machines and techno philosophy. They’ll be published on Orkidea’s site first and then right here. While waiting, check the online Flyer Collection which just got bigger and exceeded the limit of 1600 flyers.

P.S. The article up there is a story of Grandmaster Flash visiting Finland back in 1985. The original story was released in Suosikki magazine. Mad, isn’t it? :) Found the article from DJ Anonymous’ blog.

Flyer gallery update

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Destroit4, 1992, front

Shortly in English:
Huge amount of Finnish flyers now online, nearly 2 gigabytes of new material. See them here:

Ja sitten suomeksi:
Uploadasin loput DJ Orkidean flyerikokoelmasta skannatuista flyereistä myös omalle Flickr-tililleni. Yhteensä Flickrissä on edellämainituista ja omista flyereistä skannattuna reilut 1600 flyeriä eri vuosilta.

Kaikki flyerit ovat nähtävissä osoitteessa:

Flickr toimii loistavana hakukoneena eri vuosien, bileorganisaatioiden tai tapahtumien flaikkuja etsittäessä. Kokeile vaikka:

Flyereitä vuodelta 1997
Pussy Clubin flyereitä
Flyereitä Rovaniemeltä

Hakuja pystyy yhdistelemään mitä erilaisimmilla tavoilla, muista vain liittää aina hakuun sana “flyer”.

Jotta hausta saataisiin vielä tehokkaampi, pyydän kaikkia teitä Flickrin käyttäjiä taggaamaan muutama flyeri aina niitä katsellessanne. Tagit löytyvät flyerisivun oikeasta laidasta ja niihin voi lisätä muunmuassa tapahtuman nimen, paikkakunnan, vuoden, tekijän, materiaalin tai muuta tietoa bileistä. Mitä useampi flyeri on tagatty hyvin, sitä enemmän hyötyä online-kokoelmasta on kaikille.

DJ Orkidean kokoelma on nähtävissä myös hänen saitillaan osoitteessa:

Orion’s Podcast: Robosonic (Diskomafia, Germany)

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Shortly before releasing their new album, “Sturm & Drang” , Robosonic hits the podcast with a full-on guest mix. Full of twists and turns, from rocking electro to chilly electronica and grooving minimal, the mix also features rappers Panik Panzer & Kotti Kot and makes it rather a compilation of mash-ups than an ordinary mix. To get more information about Robosonic and the upcoming album, please visit or their MySpace at

More info about the podcast =>

Orion’s Podcast on Facebook

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Orion’s Podcast group is now also on Facebook. If you have a profile there, feel free to join.
Link: (needs Facebook registration)
Orion’s Podcast on Facebook

Here’s my profile, too.

Just as a note, Facebook finally managed to make a clean, goodlooking online community and fix all the problems MySpace had. Compared to MySpace, I really enjoy exploring Facebook and trying out new features. I have no problems saying goodbye to MySpace after using Facebook for a couple of weeks.

Madwave weekend

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Madwave, 17.08.2007, Tampere, front

I’m heading today to Tampere to attend Madwave weekend. Madwave events will take place both in Tampere and Turku, Friday and Saturday, David West headlining both nights.

I’m very excited – playing at the same event with David in Oulu’s “Northern e’Motion ’07” was just amazing not to mention the last trip to Tampere’s “Romanceevent some months ago. It’s been a while that I’ve been playing in Turku, but the last experiences at “LCS” and “Choon!” were simply great.

All in all, I think the combination of David West, Tampere and Turku is a rare enough to force all the progheads out to party. The lineup also includes very strong domestic spinners – Romance’s head honcho DJ Flight; Joonas Hahmo, one of the most interesting producers at the moment and the Sergei Shkuroff’s & D.N.A‘s full-on back2back.

After the Turku event – on Sunday morning – I’ll be travelling with David West back to Helsinki. David’s spinning at Pussy Club afterparty in Rose Garden with Mr.A.

Here are the full weekend details:

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TeliaSoneran edistyksellinen tekijänoikeuslausunto

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TeliaSonera näkee nykyisen tekijänoikeuslain esteenä tietoyhteiskunnan palvelujen kehittymiselle.

Lausumassaan TeliaSonera toteaa, että äänitteiden myynnin jyrkän laskun takana ovat myös levy-yhtiöiden omat tekniset suojauskeinot ja niiden liiallinen käyttö. Näin ollen levymyynnin laskua ei voida kaataa pelkän nettipiratismin syyksi.

TeliaSonera kritisoi myös lain heikentämää yksityisyydensuojaa sekä sitä, että tekijänoikeusjärjestöt vaativat maksamaan samasta materiaalista kaksinkertaisia tekijänoikeusmaksuja, kun materiaalia tarjotaan eri päätelaitteisiin.

Yhtiö vaatii loppukäyttäjille myös oikeutta valmistaa kopioita yksityiskäyttöön riippumatta teoksen lähteen laillisuudesta tai laittomuudesta.

Lue koko juttu. (
Lausunto kokonaisuudessaan Opetusministeriön sivuilla. (.pdf)

Kiitos, Kaasi.

Helsinki hauskemmaksi palkinto Club Unitylle

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Helsinki hauskemmaksi -tunnustuspalkinnon saa tänä vuonna Club Unity sekä sen keulahahmo Dj Orkidea. Palkinnon jakaa Art goes kapakka -kaupunkifestivaali.

Palkinnon jakajan mielestä Club Unityn voimana on vahva yhteisöllisyys ja vapaaehtoistyö, sekä rakkaus elektromusiikkiin. Dj Orkidea on soittanut dj:nä Euroopan suurkaupungeissa ja palkittu Suomessa ennenkin.


Tracklist: Orion @ Sunburn, Kalajoki, 11.08.2007

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Orion @ Sunburn, Kalajoki, 11.08.2007

Claes Rosen – Eighties
Brazen – Toto
Sunfreakz – Riding The Waves (Henrik B remix)
Nicole Otero – Sunshine Song (Thomas Gold remix)
Quivver – Dancing in Dark Rooms
VAU! & Heikki L – Loud Music
Cirez D – Horizons
Josh Wink – Higher State Of Consciousness (Marco V remix)

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Notes about digitalizing vinyls

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The full entry of Vinyl Digitalizing can be found here. Please add the possible comments there.

– The first 10 tracks are now in digital form. Whee. The first digitalized track was BT – Flaming June (BT & PvD mix).

– Grado DJ200 sound quality is amazing. I’m VERY satisfied with it. It’s worth every cent.

– Before starting to record, I tried a couple of programs:
* Sample Manager for normalizing. Very good, but very expensive. No use, sorry.
* Final Vinyl. Only for use with iGriffin products. No thanks.
* Analogue Ripper had nice features – iTunes support, track splitting etc. However, the user interface was horrible. The price, 30 dollars, was ok, but the usability was that poor that I decided not to pay.

– Finally I ended up using Audacity. The normalizing feature was very poor so no normalizing until I find a better software. Recommendations?

– As I mentioned in the comments of the previous entry, I decided to make two copies of the tracks: One .wav copy for playing and archiving purposes and .mp3 copy for portable music players and iTunes music library.

– I need a new hard drive.