In Escanda there has been a hype about the biodiesel motors – turning your diesel motor into a motor which runs with recyclable veggie oil. The idea itself is really cool, but we soon noticed why all the cars don’t use this bio oil instead of gasoline. The main reason is that it stinks.
When you’re driving, it smells like the McDonald’s french fries fat. Everywhere.
The other reason we noticed on the way back from the Gijon demonstration – the car just stopped and didn’t start again. One hour trip turned into three hour wait by the high traffic motor highway.
Well, we’re back and alive.
About the community in Escanda: There are 14 people living here permanently. Most of them don’t have any kind of a daily job. And they don’t need one. They grow all sorts of things in the garden, get loads of fruits, pasta, rice and stuff for free from the markets and shops. There are always plenty of visitors here, yesterday there were over 20 people staying here, today most of them are gone and it’s a bit more relaxed. You can stay here for free, just by working in the garden or helping with household works.
All the costs (food, car repairs, transports, gas, new stuff bought to the house etc), so really ALL the costs of 14 people are 1500e a month. That’s living with 100e the whole month. Most of this money comes from workshops which they run at local schools plus environmental researchs.
This way of living has really opened my eyes. This is SO far away from the society I’m living in back home. If you don’t work there, you’re officially unemployed and the society takes (more or less) care of you. The society is based on individualism, not common good.
Here you can just decide quit working and put all your energy on making the community better. And you’re not considered unemployed, you’re considered free. All the work you’re doing is not for you but for everyone. And the people are so balanced and happy. They have time for themselves and for each other.
After getting over the cultural shock I’ve gotten used to the idea that not everything has to be as tidy and super-hygienic as back home. It doesn’t kill you. On my first post I told what things they don’t have here. Now I’ve realized they have everything you need. And a bit more.
It’s 26C today.