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Video: Ülos Ovest – Absence of Friends (Kitkatone remix) (Absence of Facts)

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Ülos Ovest – Absence of Friends (Kitkatone remix) (Absence of Facts)
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With its roots firmly in the relentless techno of the ’90s, Absence of Facts presents modern analog-inspired tracks that have been handcrafted and carefully selected in Helsinki, Finland.

Ülos Ovest delivers a perfect two-tracker of relentless and warehousey techno. Both tracks have the raw, analog and oldskool approach yet the production is 100% crisp and modern. Joining in the remix duties are two other Finnish heavyweights, Kitkatone and Buru. Bringing melody and edginess to the originals, both artists add their own signature sound to the package.

Written and produced by Ülos Ovest
Remixes written and produced by Buru (Mikko Ihalainen, Ilkka Ihalainen) and Kitkatone (Ilkka Koistinen)
Cover shot at Pispala, Tampere. Photo by Ville Lintusaari
Mastered by Phonogenic Audio
Recorded in Tampere, Finland

© Absence of Facts 2017
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Through the lens

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🇫🇮 Todella fiiliksissä uusimmasta @absenceoffacts -julkaisusta! 100% suomikamaa, kaksi orkkista herralta nimeltä Ülos Ovest (pakko saada tietää miten tää äännetään ulkomailla) ja kaksi piinkovaa remiksiä @kitkatonemusic:lta ja @burusound:lta. Tampere on vahvasti messissä – kaksi artisteista ja sit allekirjoittanut liputtaa kaupungin puolesta, joten kansikuvakin on suaraan Pispalasta! Kiitos upeesta kuvasta @vaaleanpunainenjantteri 💪
Tätä saa nyt eksklusiivisesti osoitteesta Beatportit ja muut tulee vasta tän kuun lopussa, mut diili on hyvä. Kolmella eurolla saa itselleen kaikki biisit sekä vielä paketista löytyvän bonusraidan, jota muista kaupoista ei tuu löytymään. Suomi- ja Tampere-teknolle lippu ylös! 🇬🇧 Suuuper excited of the latest @absenceoffacts release. 100% Finnish release, two originals by Ülos Ovest and remixes by @kitkatonemusic & @burusound. City of Tampere is strong in this one – me and two other artists fly the Tampere flag high and therefore the cover photo was shot in the area of Pispala. Thanks for the great photo, @vaaleanpunainenjantteri 🤟
This is now exclusively available at Beatport and all other outlets follow later. With three euros you’ll get the whole package including a bonus track not available anywhere else. Not a bad deal:) Support your local underground dealer, get a package of Finnish techno for the darkest period of the year. 💪

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