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Chloe Harris gets angry

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I don’t generally voice my opinion too publically about politics but I just can’t take this woman anymore. Sarah Palin you suck in so many ways that just mentioning a few won’t do how evil you are justice.

Chloe Harris writes about Sarah Palin on Earworm blog.

Kaleva & Club Supergut

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Hevikaupungiksi helposti miellettävässä Oulussa on varmasti hankalaa saada aikaan kunnon elektropainotteisia bileitä, joissa dj ei ole jukeboksi vaan esiintyvä artisti. Niinhän sitä luulisi, mutta viiden miehen ylläpitämä Club Supergut todistaa luulon vääräksi. Kyllä Oulustakin aitoa tanssikansaa ja kansainväliseen dj-kulttuuriin verrattavaa menoa löytyy, kun sen eteen tekee vähän töitä.

Kaleva kirjoittaa Oulun Club Supergutista.

Music download tips

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Here are some music download tips which I can warmly recommend:

Adam Singer, a pianist and electronic music artist has released a full length artist album downloadable for free. 12 very nice and chilly downtempo/electronica tracks and more than 77 minutes of music. Available here.

Finnish DJ Aki A. released a three part mix, which is probably the most awesome mixed wholeness I’ve heard in a while. Aki has an incredible musical sense as a DJ and I can bet he’ll be one of the future trendsetters in progressive scene in Finland. Or actually… he already is. Check and download the Autumn Grooves triple mix Lisboa-London-Seattle.

YleX Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 16.09.2008

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DJ Orion @ YleX – Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 16.09.2008

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta tracklist
01. The Drill ft. Firetruck & Antarctica – Piano Mano (Destined)
02. Disco Te Que – Everytime My Heart (Heikki L & Mr.A Danceteria Mix) (Danceteria)
03. Degrees In Motion – Shine On (EDX Dubai Skyline Dub) (Cayanne)
04. Hernan Cerbello – Breathless (Baroque)
05. Kosmas Epsilon, Somnus Corp – Buenos Tiempos (GrooveCollection Black)
06. Leventina – Nightshift (Unreleased Digital)
07. Joonas Hahmo – Tampere By Night (AnjunaDeep)
08. Orli & Martie – Sheila (Jahawi remix) (Kosmo)
09. Young Parisians – Jump The Next Train (Probspot remix) (Euphonic)
10. Tritonal – Lights Over Austin (AnjunaBeats)

11. Beach X – Sweetest Thing (Jussi Soro remix) (CDr)

12. Andrew Bennett, DJ Tatana – Closer (Than A Heartbeat) ft. Tiff Lacey (Gareth Emery remix) (S2)

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta links
DJ Jussi Soro
Beach X
A State of Trance 2008 Tracklist revealed by Armin
Metallican Death Magnetic vaatii kuplamuovia kaverikseen
Sander van Doorn records with Robbie Williams
Exclusive Paul van Dyk Documentary
Podcasts Growing Slowly
Linkage: September 15, 2008
An iPhone-wielding DJ’s best friend?
Interview: Above & Beyond
How Genius?
Richie Hawtin: “All music is version 1.0”
Above & Beyond announce ‘Anjunabeats Volume 6’ release date and tracklist
80s Music Videos Collection

Listen Tiistain Tanssi-ilta again on YleX Areena (works in Finland only):

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ KLUBITUS
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ IRC-GALLERIA
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ FACEBOOK
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ YLEX

Tracklist: ONE – The Grand Opening

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The opening night of ONE is happily behind, the only sad thing reminding me from the weekend is this nasty tiredness still following me even after a couple of well slept nights. Am I getting old or what?
Needless to say, I had lots of fun warming up Super8 & Tab who played a superb set with not-too-many techy tracks and more progressive sound what I’ve normally heard from them. The highlight must have been their vocal mash-up of Helsinki Scorchin’ which made the whole Tanssitalo go bonkers.

I was happy to see so many familiar faces there from the good ol’ days and loads of of new people I’ve only recently gotten to know. I really enjoyed chatting with all of you and having a possibility to share the good mood together. There were so many smiles and the original Tampere-fiilis around. Can’t wait for the next event to come.

Here’s the tracklist of the first three hours of the night. Filterheadz’s remix of Massive and a couple of remixes from Fletch kickstarted the party, but the highlight must have been Cocktail Bar from Joonas Hahmo. Joonas really gets the well deserved support from his home town :)

Orion @ ONE Grand Opening, 13.09.2008, 22:00-01:00

Milton Jackson & Sei A – Jinzou (Manuel Tur Remix)
Dana Bergquist & Peder G – Sprint
Slytek – Calyx (Ricky Ryan edit)
Talisman & Hudson – Leaving Planet Earth (Eelke Kleijn Remix)
Chymera – Parelo (Jody Wisternoff Mix)
Blue Room Project – Velo City (Fletch Remix)
Claes Rosen, Add2Basket – Volaris
Yvel & Tristan – Heart & Soul
Sunshine Jones – If You Wouldn’t Mind (Tiger Stripes Remix)
Passenger 10 – Passenger 10
Audionova – Higher (Jay Lumen rmx)
Interplay – Interplay
Jay Lumen – Calypso
Serge Devant – Sweet Harmony (Isma-Ae remix)
Disco Te Que – Everytime My Heart (Heikki L & Mr A Danceteria Mix)
Oppanox – Misdonomer (Fletch remix)
Oceanlab – Miracle (Fletch remix)
Ralphie B – Massive (Filterheadz remix)
Orli & Martie – White Flower (Jerome Isma-Ae Remix)
DJ Orion – One Sunday (Beetseekers remix)
Dinka – Out of Bounds
Perry O’Neil – Wave Force
Richard Durand – Weep (Sundown mix)
Joonas Hahmo – Cocktail Bar
Claes Rosen – Mystify (Dinka remix)
Unknown – Untitled
DJ Orkidea – Metaverse (Gareth Emery remix)
Young Parisians – Jump The Next Train (Probspot remix)
Andy Moor – Fake Awake (Ecomix)
Filterheadz – Yimanya

Jussi Soro Tiistain Tanssi-illan biisivieraana

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Jussi Soro

Tiistain Tanssi-illan biisivieraana 16.9.2008 kuullaan Turun maineikkaan Choon-tranceklubin isäntä Jussi Soroa. Turun viimeisimpien skenekuulumisten lisäksi Jussi pyöräyttää myös uunituoreen uuden koulun tranceremiksinsä Beach X:n uudesta biisistä, jonka nostatusta mies itsekin kuvailee varsin härskiksi.

Biisivieras Tiistain Tanssi-illassa joka toinen viikko. DJ Orionin tunnilla klo 21-22 esittäytyvät vieraat kuuluvat Suomen elektronisen musiikin artistien kärkikaartiin ja tuovat ohjelmaan oman musiikillisen antinsa esittelemällä valitsemansa biisin.

Tanssi-illan ensimmäisellä tunnilla tarjolla katsaus tulevaan AnjunaBeats Volume 6 -kokoelmaan parin biisin voimin, joista toinen on Suomen radioensi-iltansa saava Joonas Hahmon Cocktail Bar -hitin seuraaja Tampere By Night. Lisäksi lautasilla mm. Gareth Emery, Mr.A & Heikki L, Orli & Martie, The Drill sekä viikon klassikkoraita.

Tune in. Nyt tiistaina klo 21-22

The anatomy of Tiistain Tanssi-ilta

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The misassumption of running Tiistain Tanssi-ilta is that it doesn’t take much time. When I started working at YleX in the beginning of the year, Orkidea, OlliS and Leena all told me that running a well planned show bi-weekly is going to take hell an amount of time. I did believe them, but still I was surprised how much work it actually is. Here’s the short anatomy of one Tiistain Tanssi-ilta show:

– Tuesday – one week before the show
Compiling the first version of the tracks selected to the upcoming show. Writing the press announcement about the upcoming featured artist. Making possible interviews. Writing and scheduling a blog post which includes the press release and setting it to go live on Saturday or Sunday.

– Thursday/Friday
Mixing and mastering the final one hour version of the show. Fitting in the pre-recorded parts such as Featured Artist and possible interviews. Archiving an mp3 copy, leaving the .wav file for broadcasting.

– Saturday/Sunday
Releasing the info about the upcoming show all over the web. Sending the tracklist and press announcement to YleX. Listening through the one-hour mix at least once for the manuscript writing purposes. Writing and scheduling the blog post which includes the tracklist and the selected music news from the past weeks. The blog post goes live on Tuesday 21:55.

– Monday
Going through the tracks and gathering the Teosto information. Sending the reminder to the next Featured Artist. Making the manuscript for the next day’s show (I’m pretty used to this already, but it still takes more than one hour to do).

– Tuesday – Tiistain Tanssi-ilta
Heading to Pasila about 1,5h before the show. Writing the Teosto information for every track played in the show: Track name, Artist name, Artist’s real name, Country, Year, Label, Catalog Number, Original Track Length, Played Track Length. Setting the Yle Areena to work correctly and to broadcast Tanssi-ilta on-demand for the next week. Plugging the laptop to the YleX mixer, setting the mics and jingles ready, playing the show, making the voice-overs live. Leaving Pasila about 5 minutes after the show. Checking that the show information has gone live as planned on the blog and on YleX services.

– Wednesday – (two weeks before the next show)
Searching for new music for the next show and sorting out news for the next show start. These two go on daily for the next two weeks and take a pretty significant amount of time. Sending a reminder to the next featured artist, if not gotten a pre-recorded voice-over and the featured track yet. Informing about the past show, posting through the forums and social media. Answering the emails and feedback. Having a couple of days “free” and starting from the beginning again :)

I once counted that you use easily a full work day (8 hours) for the routines mentioned above. If an interview is included, you can count 2-3 hours extra work and all these hours definitely do not include searching and listening through the new music, which easily takes in average 1-2 hours a day.

Work is either fun or drudgery. It depends on your attitude. I like fun.
-Colleen C. Barrett

YleX Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 02.09.2008

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DJ Orion @ YleX – Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 02.09.2008

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta tracklist

01. Mason – The Ridge (Great Stuff)

02. Henrik Schwarz, Amampondo – I Exist Because Of You (Dixon’s Stripped Down Version) (Innervisions)

03. Li Mo Yin Yang – Reach (Mark Knight remix) (Defected)
04. Slytek – Body Heat (Quarrel remix) (Standby)
05. Richard Durand – Weep (Sundown remix) (Perfecto)
06. Jaytech – Vela (Tritonal Air Up There Mix) (AnjunaDeep)
07. Gabriel Lukosz – Watch Your Step (Cressida remix) (Monster Deep)
08. Lange – Out Of The Sky feat. Sarah Howells (Kyau & Albert Mix) (Maelstrom)
09. Art of Trance – Madagasgar (Cygnus X remix) (Platipus)

10. Apocalyptica – Grace (Proteus remix) (UHOtrax)
11. Proteus – Angel Of Hell (UHOtrax)

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta links

DJ Oded Peled
DJ Proteus
The Producer As Manager?
News | Sony to cause train wrecks with Xross Fade iPod mix system
Hard house is still breathing
Scientists: ‘Dance music is good for you’
James Holden: Everyone is making “Ableton Techno”
What file size and type?
Deadmau5 does chill out
Muxtape Shut Down By RIAA
2008 LoveParade attracts 1.5 Million Partygoers
RIAA Pays Tanya Andersen $107,951
Sharing 2,999 Songs, 199 Movies Is Safe In Germany
Musiikin verkkomyynti Suomessa heikkoa

Listen Tiistain Tanssi-ilta again on YleX Areena (works in Finland only):

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ KLUBITUS
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ IRC-GALLERIA
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ FACEBOOK
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ YLEX

Tracklist: Pinky, Turku, 30.08.2008

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Pinky - Sunset - Turku - 30.08.2008

Thank You Turku & Pinky possé! It was again another fantastic Turku experience, this time a bit on a trancey tip. I really appreciated getting to play a three hour warm-up set as these days people tend to arrive rather after midnight than at half past ten. However, the floor was crowded already well before 00:00, people on the party mood and good vibe all over the place. Komytea continued where I left and Joonas Hahmo ended the night with a style. I can’t help hyping the new track from Joonas, “Tampere By Night”, which is an amazing follow-up for Cocktail Bar, possibly even better. Rumours say it might be featured on the upcoming AnjunaBeats Vol.6 compilation before the actual release.

Here’s the tracklist of the night for all you trainspotters. See you in two weeks at One in Tampere!

DJ Orion – Pinky, The Club, Turku 30.08.2008, 22:00-01:00

Milton Jackson – Jinzou (Manuel Tur remix)
Dana Bergquist & Peter G – Sprint
Jay Lumen – Rockin’
Andy King – Amsterdam (By Day Mix)
Audionova – Higher (Jay Lumen remix)
Blue Room Project – Velo City (Fletch remix)
Passenger 10 – Passenger 10
Sunshine Jones – If You Wouldn’t Mind (Tiger Stripes remix)
Chymera – Parelo (Jody Wisternoff remix)
Claes Rosen, Add2Basket – Volaris
Liluca – Naam (Paul Keeley remix)
Slytek – Calyx (Ricky Ryan edit)
Yvel & Tristan – Heart&Soul
Lil Mo Yin Yang – Reach (Mark Knight remix)
Orli & Martie – White Flower (Jerome Isma-Ae remix)
Bas Van Essen – So Sexy
Ralphie B – Massive (Filterheadz remix)
Sebastien Leger, Chris Lake – Ghost
Dinka – Out of Bounds
Kosmas Epsilon, Somnus Corp – Buenos Tiempos
Serge Devant – Sweet Harmony (Jerome Isma-Ae remix)
Perry O’Neil – Wave Force
Richard Durand – Weep (Sundown Mix)
Kris Benton – Final Race (Flash Brothers remix)
Claes Rosen – Mystify (Dinka remix)
Eelke Kleijn, Nick Hogendoorn – Where Are My Goggles (Fine Taste remix)
Gareth Emery – This Is That
Orkidea – Metaverse (Gareth Emery remix)
Envio – For You (Blizzard remix)
Jav D ft. MatZo and Einat – Silver Lining (Myon At Albion Dub)
Super8 & Tab – Elektra
Filterheadz – Yimanya

Oded Peled ja Proteus Tiistain Tanssi-illassa

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Oded Peled Proteus

Tiistain Tanssi-illan biisivieraana 2.9.2008 kuullaan Suomen vanhimman DJ-bookkaustoimisto Misc. Managementin isäntää, Oded Pelediä. Odedin valitseman biisin lisäksi kuullaan herran itsensä että Misc. Managementin kuulumiset sekä hieman tunnelmointia, millaista on pyörittää DJ-bookkaustoimistoa Suomessa täyspäiväisesti.

Biisivierasosuuden lisäksi Tiistain Tanssi-illassa DJ Proteuksen puhelinhaastattelu miehen debyyttialbumin julkaisun jälkimainingeissa. Haastattelun lisäksi kuullaan otteita uudelta For Those Who Understand The Nature Of The Beast -albumilta.

Biisivieras Tiistain Tanssi-illassa joka toinen viikko. DJ Orionin tunnilla klo 21-22 esittäytyvät vieraat kuuluvat Suomen elektronisen musiikin artistien kärkikaartiin ja tuovat ohjelmaan oman musiikillisen antinsa esittelemällä valitsemansa biisin.

Tune in. Nyt tiistaina klo 21-22.

ONE – official season opening mix

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Hello, One Family Member!

It’s been great past months seeing One taking its form and becoming one of the most interesting new club concepts in Finland. But for everything that is new, something defining won’t do any bad. This mix is not only the good definition of the quality sound you’ll hear at One, but also a small hint of the upcoming: Most of the artists you will hear on this mix, you will also witness live on stage at the upcoming One events.

It’s going to be an autumn to remember. See you at One.

DOWNLOAD: ONE – Official Season Opening Mix

> One Facebook Event
> One Facebook Group
> One Official Website

Mr.A acquires Bar Loop

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Great news from the Helsinki club scene.

Mr.A from the Danceteria fame has taken another step on his career and recently started as a general manager of Helsinki based Bar Loop. Already having a good reputation as a small and intimate club, at Mr.A’s guidance Loop is definitely becoming the future-place-to-be.

For upcoming events and more info, see Bar Loop’s Facebook group or the official (yet unupdated) website.

This Saturday: 3h set at Pinky, Turku

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Pinky - Sunset - Turku - 30.08.2008

Another Turku visit ahead this Saturday. I’ve had such an amount of great experiences from Turku lately and I’m expecting this to be nothing less. Club Pinky starts its season by inviting two domestic Anjunabeats/AnjunaDeep artists in, Joonas Hahmo and Komytea. Needless to say, I’m very happy of getting an invitation to start the night with a longish three hour set of progressive house with some trancey flavor. I’m really looking forward to this one. See more details below or at Klubitus.

Pinky – Sunset
Saturday 30.8.2008
The Club, Turku
22 – 04
K18, 8€

Main Stage:
Komytea Live
Joonas Hahmo

2nd Stage
John Major

Misc Management presents Miscbehaving

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Lehdistötiedote, vapaa levitettäväksi heti.

Miscbehaving on Misc. Managementin uusi kuukausittainen klubikonsepti, joka pidetään joka kuun ensimmäisenä lauantaina Rose Gardenissa, Helsingissä. Suomen vanhin elektronisen musiikin bookkaustoimisto Misc Management on viimeisen 9 vuoden aikana ollut vahvasti kasvattamassa Suomen elektronisen musiikin skeneä ja edustanut Suomen johtavia tiskijukkia, joihin lukeutuvat mm. DJ Orkidea, Mr A, JS16, Infekto ja Heikki L.

Miscin artistit kutsuvat Miscbehaving-iltoihin omia lempiartistejaan ja tämän hetken kuumimpia DJitä ja tuottajia maailmalta ja Suomesta. Jokaisen illan takana seisoo yksi Suomen johtavista tiskijukista, joka ohjaa iltaa musiikillisesti. Luvassa on hyvin laaja skaala elektronista underground-musiikkia: house, trance, breakbeat ja techno ovat kaikki edustettuna MiscBehaving-illoissa.

Miscbehaving-nimellä järjestetään myös isoja klubitapahtumia noin 5-6 kuukauden välein. Ensimmäinen ‘Extremely Miscbehaving‘-tapahtuma pidetään Virgin Oilissa 19.12.08 DJ Orkidean ja hänen kutsumiensa ulkomaalaisten DJ-vieraiden kanssa. Extremely Miscbehaving tulee olemaan talven huomattavimpia progressiivisen housen ja trancen tapahtumia.

Lisää infoa Misc Managementista saa uudistuneilta nettisivuilta:

Ensimmäisen Miscbehaving-illan musiikkitarjonnasta vastaa RICO TUBBS joka tunnetaan myös nimellä DJ INFEKTO. Hän on valinnut vieraakseen legendaarisen drum and bass -artisti ‘DRUMSOUND’:in Englannista sekä Suomen kuumimpiin artisteihin lukeutuvan ABRAHAM:in Large Amount Of Soul (L.A.O.S.) -kollektiivista.

Let’s Miscbehave!


Lauantai 6.9.2008
Klo 22-04
Rosegarden, Iso Roobertinkatu 10, Helsinki
Liput 8€ (naiset ilmaiseksi ennen klo 23.00)
Ikäraja 20

DJ Proteuksen haastattelu Rockin Maailmassa

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Rockin Maailma haastatteli DJ Proteusta.

Olet aloittanut Dj:n hommat jo 90-luvun alkupuolella. Mistä innostus juuri raskaamman konemusiikin Dj:n pallille kiipeämisestä lähti? Tietääkseni muut Suomen Dj:t eivät soittaneet hard dance -tyylistä settiä lainkaan tuohon aikaan…
Olen aina digannut raskaammasta ja energisemmästä musiikista, oli se sitten metalli/rock, industrial tai muuta konesoundia ja yhdistää nämä keskenään tanssilattian puolella. Suurin vaikuttaja on ollut, ja on vieläkin, industrial/metallegenda Ministry ja tahkosin Al Jourgensenin tuotantoa tuntitolkulla läpi nuorempana ennen kuin aloitin dj-hommia tekemään…