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Jori Hulkkonen’s Acid Symphony

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From pHinnWeb:

A very nice documentary about Jori Hulkkonen’s Acid Symphony, a music piece for ten Roland TB-303s is fully viewable on YouTube and on pHinn’s blog.

The Acid Symphony Orchestra is Jori Hulkkonen, Jesper Dahlbäck, Kalle Karvanen, Aku Raski, J-P Parikka, Janne Puurunen, Kimmo Oksanen, Petri Salonen, Tuomas Toivonen, Johannes Auvinen, Tatu Peltomäki.

Here’s the first part. See them all at pHinn’s blog.

Podcasting A-B-C

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Orion's Podcast

Several people have been asking me about podcasting and the technical solutions behind DJ Orion’s podcast. There are no hardcore coding mysteries or science fiction involved, so here’s a short tutorial about setting up your own podcast.

I realized there are very few good tutorials about podcasting on the net. Most of them tell how you can record your very first podcast, but I’m assuming you know how to record audio on your computer if you’ve read this far :)

OK, here we go.

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19.02.2008 Tiistain Tanssi-ilta special

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Hybridistä hybridiin

Tiistain tanssi-illassa on luvassa 19.2. kaksikin spesiaalituntia.

Eteläwalesilainen Hybrid on rikkonut ja asettanut uusiksi elektronisen tanssimusiikin rajapyykkejä modernin progressiivisen breakbeatin ja klassisen musiikin yhdistelmällään. Lähes 300 omaa kappaletta ja remixiä tuottaneen duon uraan ja sen viime käänteisiin perehdytään DJ Orionin osuudella klo 21.

Speed garage oli reilut 10 vuotta sitten brittitanssimusiikin uusin keksintö, josta juontuivat UK garageksi, 4/4 houseksi ja lopulta grimeksikin kutsutut urbaanit klubigenret. Nyt speed garage on tekemässä paluuta uudessa muodossa ja nimellä bassline house. Jos tyylien ja termien kirjo pökerryttää, niin selventäviä esimerkkejä sekä vanhasta että uudesta soittaa DJ Infekto omassa klo 23 starttaavassa spesiaalissaan.

Red Bull Music Academy & Bassoradio yhteistyöhön

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Helsinkiläinen, nuorille aikuisille suunnattu paikallisradioasema Bassoradio, on aloittanut yhteistyön energiajuomayhtiö Red Bullin kanssa. Yhteistyö liittyy Red Bull Music Academy -nimiseen kansainväliseen tapahtumaan, joka on on dj:lle ja elektronisen musiikin tuottamisesta kiinnostuneille henkilöille suunnattu kaksiviikkoinen, vapaamuotoinen kurssi.

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Altered Oceans

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The UNEP estimates there are 46,000 pieces of marine debris for every square mile of all the world’s oceans. […] Able to last indefinitely in seawater, plastics will continue to plague the Eastern Pacific long after new solutions have been adopted on land.

Altered Oceans multimedia article on L.A. Times. If you view only one video, let it be the second video of Part 4.

We really do not understand the amount of trash we produce. Chris Jordan tries to make it visible and understandable, though.

We are really raping this planet like there’s no tomorrow.

Life After The Oil Crash

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This must be one of the scariest websites I’ve seen in a long time. It tells about the life after the oil crash. Meaning when we have no more oil to rely on. Which will be pretty soon. The website just gives no hope at all.

This is “Energy Curve” of the history.

Soon, actually very soon we will run out of oil and return to the state of energy consumption which was happening before the 1920’s. But it won’t be like in the 1920’s because there are like three times more people in the world now and our society is totally dependent on oil. It will be catastrophic.

I totally recommend this website – take a moment and browse it through: Peak Oil – Life After The Oil Crash

Mind Records catalog from 1996

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Mind toinen etusivu

“Hot! Tip!”
I finally managed to upload the Mind Records catalog from 1996, which has been rotting on my archive drive for years already.

Do you still remember when you used to order the records browsing catalogs like this? You phoned to the shop and asked them to play you records you probably would like. And the guy in the shop left the phone next to the speaker and put the record on. And then you made your decision.

Boy, those were the times… We really rarely think how easy acquiring music has gotten. I should really remember that next time I’m whining about some bad user interface or slow connections on some random mp3 shop.

See the full Mind Records 1996 catalog.

An ambient field mix

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Low Light Mixes has published a very nice ambient selection. The mix is mostly made out of field recordings and other recorded soundscapes. Very interesting, relaxing and surprisingly rhythmic.

The sounds range from a resonant pipe in a rain storm to foghorns to church bells to chanting to arrival anouncements to piano and an open window. I know that some field recordings may be interesting but not really listenable, not musical enough. I think this mix works pretty well & is easy to listen to.

Download “Migrations” mix or read more.

Beatport sales limit question

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This is very interesting. Proton Music manager Jay Epoch tells Beatport has sent the following notification to all the labels selling music via their service:

“Any label that cannot produce $300.00 in GROSS sales each quarter will be put on a probationary status. If the label is unable to hit the $600.00 mark by the second quarter then that label will be cut from the Beatport system […] by increasing your promotions outside of the Beatport store and providing a consistent new release schedule we are confident that many of our low producing labels will be able to achieve the quarterly sales goal.”

If this if true, this means two things.

First of all, the huge amount of bad quality music will little by little vanish from Beatport. Finally – what we buy actually affects what they are selling. Very nice.

BUT there are loads of very good small labels, which probably will have problems selling enough music in order to stay in the store. In the worst case scenario this would mean that Beatport would end up selling just electronic music hits and supporting the major labels and we would need to find the rare gems elsewhere.
This must be the first time I’m mentioning the word “rare” when talking about digital music. I really hope they will find a good compromise between those two scenarios.

Vinyl Gets Its Groove Back

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Now it’s time for Time Magazine to write the same article which Wired (1, 2) and Yle wrote already months ago.

Still, 990,000 vinyl albums were sold in 2007, up 15.4% from the 858,000 units bought in 2006. Mike Dreese, CEO of Newbury Comics, a New England chain of independent music retailers that sells LPs and CDs, says his vinyl sales were up 37% last year, and Patrick Amory, general manager of indie label Matador Records, whose artists include Cat Power and the New Pornographers, claims, “We can’t keep up with the demand.”

Time: Vinyl Gets Its Groove Back

Thanks, Thomas!