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Free Plump DJs Download

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Plump Djs are giving away a free download of their previously unreleased track “Listen To The Baddest”, which won’t be available on their new album.

All you have to do is send your full name, email address, mobile number and the country you live in to and to say thanks we will send you a link to our previously unreleased track ‘Listen To The Baddest’ which won’t be available on the album. It’s that easy. We would like to ask that you please respect our work and don’t copy or share it, but most importantly enjoy it and we’ll see you on the dance floor soon,

Lee & Andy

Check out their MySpace page for more details.


Sony BMG: Copying music you own is stealing

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For real, Sony – how low can you go?

[Jennifer Pariser, the head of litigation for Sony BMG] …has a very broad definition of “stealing.” When questioned by Richard Gabriel, lead counsel for the record labels, Pariser suggested that what millions of music fans do is actually theft. The dirty deed? Ripping your own CDs or downloading songs you already own.

Gabriel asked if it was wrong for consumers to make copies of music which they have purchased, even just one copy. Pariser replied, “When an individual makes a copy of a song for himself, I suppose we can say he stole a song.” Making “a copy” of a purchased song is just “a nice way of saying ‘steals just one copy’,” she said.

and after comments like this they STILL blame customers… eh, sorry, they blame pirates that “Sony BMG is half the size now as it was in 2000”.


via: Ars Technica

Jackin’ music available

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Here are the latest releases from Jackin’ Music label. Free of charge and full quality.

Morillo vs Tong: Afterparty At My Villa (Jackin’ Music 001)

Morillo vs Tong: Hey Raver! (Jackin’ Music 002)

Morillo vs Tong: Papa’s Got A Brand New E-Samba (Jackin’ Music 003)

For more info about Morillo vs Tong & Jackin’ Music, see, Morillo vs Tong Myspace, Klubitus discussion and Jack facebook event site.

Health care for poor children is unfair.

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there’s a program called ‘schip’, which provides health care to poor children.

it’s a popular program, and it works well. it has the support of a majority of governors, health care providers, democrats, and moderate republicans.

it passed a vote in the house today, but conservative republicans voted against it and president bush is threatening to veto it.

let’s remember: this is a program that provides health care to poor children.
it’s popular and it was crafted by democrats and moderate republicans.

why is bush going to veto this bill?

and why are right wing republicans against it?

a big reason is that in order to pay for the bill there’s an increase in the tax on cigarettes.

and the president and the right wing republicans believe that this is unfair to tobacco companies.

i’m not kidding.

so the president and the right wing republicans are against a bill that provides health care to poor children because they believe it’s unfair to tobacco companies.

they also believe it’s too expensive.

but to put it in perspective: one year of this health care program costs as much as running the war in iraq for 30 days.

Read the full story –

Unity 11th anniversary

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Another fantastic “event” idea from Unity possé.

Saturday 6th of October 2007

Taking part in Unity’s 11th birthday will cost you 20 euros.
But we won’t be throwing a party. Instead, we wish you to join
our Fight For A Better World, and spend 20 euros and/or 6 hours
on Fun. Do something fun, preferably something that makes
someone else feel good too. Take your loved one to the movies.
Surprise her or him by cleaning the flat. Go meet your
grandparents. Buy candy. Even better, buy music. Give to a
charity. Volunteer to help.

Whatever you do, please let us know what it was by emailing and you’ll make us happy too!

-With unifying regards, Unity Possé

via: Club Unity

Vinyl digitalizing: Workflow

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Thanks for the great comments about vinyl digitalizing. Hopefully they’ve been as helpful for other digitalizers as they’ve been to me. With the help of the almighty Google and the opinions shared, I’ve finally reached a certain routin – or workflow – with the digitalizing process. It means, by following a simple step-by-step workflow the speed and quality of digitalizing has improved a lot.

The following vinyl digitalizing method is done with Ableton Live, iTunes and Audacity.

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TeliaSoneran edistyksellinen tekijänoikeuslausunto

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TeliaSonera näkee nykyisen tekijänoikeuslain esteenä tietoyhteiskunnan palvelujen kehittymiselle.

Lausumassaan TeliaSonera toteaa, että äänitteiden myynnin jyrkän laskun takana ovat myös levy-yhtiöiden omat tekniset suojauskeinot ja niiden liiallinen käyttö. Näin ollen levymyynnin laskua ei voida kaataa pelkän nettipiratismin syyksi.

TeliaSonera kritisoi myös lain heikentämää yksityisyydensuojaa sekä sitä, että tekijänoikeusjärjestöt vaativat maksamaan samasta materiaalista kaksinkertaisia tekijänoikeusmaksuja, kun materiaalia tarjotaan eri päätelaitteisiin.

Yhtiö vaatii loppukäyttäjille myös oikeutta valmistaa kopioita yksityiskäyttöön riippumatta teoksen lähteen laillisuudesta tai laittomuudesta.

Lue koko juttu. (
Lausunto kokonaisuudessaan Opetusministeriön sivuilla. (.pdf)

Kiitos, Kaasi.

Helsinki hauskemmaksi palkinto Club Unitylle

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Helsinki hauskemmaksi -tunnustuspalkinnon saa tänä vuonna Club Unity sekä sen keulahahmo Dj Orkidea. Palkinnon jakaa Art goes kapakka -kaupunkifestivaali.

Palkinnon jakajan mielestä Club Unityn voimana on vahva yhteisöllisyys ja vapaaehtoistyö, sekä rakkaus elektromusiikkiin. Dj Orkidea on soittanut dj:nä Euroopan suurkaupungeissa ja palkittu Suomessa ennenkin.
