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Photos: LCS, Turku, 26.02.2010

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Here’s a couple of shots from past Friday’s LCS event (plus some older Turku phots, too). Great people and good vibes around – many thanks to Gavin, Ali and other LCS possé for the invitation. It was great seeing you and other Turku people after a while, they’re always great company :)

If you can’t see the photos below for some reason, head to the gallery.

[flickr-gallery mode=”search” tags=”djorionweb_gigs, turku” tag_mode=”all” ]

This Friday – LCS @ Klubi, Turku

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Liquid Crystal Sounds - Progression, 26.02.201...

I’m returning to Turku this Friday to celebrate the local Liquid Crystal Sounds club promoter’s – DJ Progression’s 30th birthday. He is throwing a party at Klubi with Joonas Hahmo, himself and me sharing the sounds.

Funny coincidence – we almost have the same birthdate, I’m having my own 30th anniversary today so it feels great to join the birthday vibes on Friday. In addition to the latest proggy/trance tunes, I’ll be grabbing some old classics with me – just to remind myself that it’s just us getting old, not the good music ;)

I’ll be behind the decks on Friday at Klubi, Turku at 01:30-03:30. See you there :)
Check the Facebook event for further details.

To sum it up, here are two great quotes, which you might have already spotted in my Twitter, but nevertheless they fit perfectly to my thirty-year-old-state-of-mind :)

“The first sign of maturity is the discovery that the volume knob also turns to the left.” -Jerry M. Wright

“You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely.” -Author Unknown

Labyrinth // Laserpoint // Whiteout lineup revealed

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Labyrinth // Laserpoint // Whiteout, Helsinki, Finland, 17.4.2010

This year’s lineup has just been released.

Darude (Emi)
Orkidea (Unity)
Leo Laker – Live (Tresor)
Anton Sonin (Laserpoint)
Proteus (Säde)
Orion (YleX)
Jace (Monday Bar)
Flight (One)
Casper DJ (Helsinki)
Paul Easy (Clinic)
T. Rio (Hooverdamn)
Pietari (Labyrinth)
Carbon Based (Finrg)

Check the full website @

This Saturday: Jack – And This Is Fresh!

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Jack - And This Is Fresh!

This Saturday we’ll celebrate Jack’s first year in Redrum – and what a year it has been. Dave Seaman, Nick Warren & Jody Wisternoff sharing the same DJ booth, Matthew Dekay rocking the house at Jean Michel Jarre‘s concert unofficial afterparty, summer vibes at Danceteria cruise afterparty and much more.

I’m really looking forward to the upcoming year – it seems there will be more One & Love events and the future of Jack looks bright too. This Saturday, at Jack’s 2010 season opening, I’ll be joining the decks with the finest and most promising house talents at the moment: morning party hero Paul Easy, fresh prog house duo Something Good, Visions DJ’s from Playground and Romance head-honcho DJ Flight.

This is also my first time behind Redrum’s decks and I’m really excited of finally getting into the groove with much-talked Funktion One soundsystem. They say Redrum has easily the best DJ booth in Finland – can’t wait to get a hands-on experience :)

To get more information about Saturday’s Jack event, head to the Facebook Event page, read the previous blog post about the event or read the artist interviews at topic.

Iced 23 hour chill-out experience.

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23 Poster

On New Year’s day, 01.01.2010, Helsinki will feel the longest DJ set in Finland as DJ Orkidea plays a full 23h non-stop gig in Redrum. The marathon mayhem starts at 05:00 on New Year’s Day and ends at 04:00 on next day. The main happening takes place in Redrum, but there’s also stuff happening in Copacabana and Ice Bar. Copacabana offers full restaurant capabilities for hungry and possibly tired clubbers while Ice Bar is a literally a chilled-out (-5C) room with non-stop downtempo goodness provided by DJ Indigo and me.

I’ve compiled a 323 minute mix for the event in the spirit of 23 years of electronic chill-out music and the icy location where it’s being performed. To add some more number play, the mix was compiled on 23th of December and the maker has his birthday on 23.2. Crazy, huh? ;)

You can find loads of information about the event on Facebook or on DJ Orkidea’s website. If and when you’re witnessing the longest club gig in Finland, drop by to minus degree chill-out space, too :)

Photos & videos: Fiksaatio, Seinäjoki

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I had really, really good time visiting Seinäjoki for the first time after ’03 or ’04. Over 700 happily smiling people, awesome lineup, pikkujoulu and one hell of a queue outside guaranteed a p-a-r-t-y. I tested a couple of new edits of ours which went down nicely – one of my favourite moments was the crowd chanting lyrics of Prodigy – Narayan (Orion & Flight re-edit) and going mental with Sami Saari’s Electric Love and Ayleon’s remix of Brotherhood.

Big, big thanks to Syna possé for the invitation (was grreat to see them playing live after a while) and to my fellow DJs Flight, Infekto, Ville Lope, Echostep & Andy K for a good company – not to forget the ever-crazy pohojammaa crowds :) Hoping not to have another 5 year break before returning back there again.
See some photos below and a short video clip of Insomnia played as an encore.

[flickr-gallery mode=”search” tags=”djorionweb_gigs, fiksaatio” tag_mode=”all” ] Photos: Jukka Vähälummukka
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Rovaniemi & Kalajoki this weekend

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I’m really looking forward to this weekend in Northern Finland. It’s been already a year I last visited Rovaniemi and I can’t wait get back to the old hoods :) Friday will be spent at Doris in Rovaniemi hosted by Helmi (Facebook event) and Saturday is for returning back to Kalajoki after summer to the Sunburn Winter Event at Dyyni (Facebook event).
Good stuff. See you all there :)
Oh yeah, here’s a video from last year’s trip. Snow and lots of weirdos :)

P.S. Below is a Rovaniemi&Kalajoki TOP3 chart from all of us. Check it ouuut. Read More

Sunburn 2009 review

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Despite the cloudier and more rainy weather than I expected, the atmosphere in Kalajoki was still the same as every year: Loads of smiling, open-minded people with a good sense for good electronic music. You could still see the last red and orange colours of the sunset above the sea in the horizon from the open windows of the club when I started – really a beautiful, classic view – and an unique one, at least in Finland.

I started with a bit more techier/tech-housier tracks like Mason’s Kippschwinger and Sander Kleinenberg’s This Is Our Night and headed towards more proggy & trancey vibes. Both Ayleon’s and Flight&Jontey’s remix of my upcoming Brotherhood track went down really well, Kyau&Albert’s new track “Grrreat” got a really good response and for the full Sunburn experience some Sun was needed, this time from Slusnik Luna, which was probably the track of the night.

A big hand for the audience and the Dyyni staff, you’re the best – it was really a pleasure visiting Kalajoki again. And biggg thank-yous to DJ Kaasi – it seems to the time spent together never fails to be entertaining and full of fun :)

Weekend in Tampere & Kalajoki

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On the upcoming weekend I’m playing my last gigs before a short paternity leave. On Friday I’ll be heading to Tampere to Club Play, a summer club running at Apollo. It’s been a while that I’ve played a house set in Tampere and I’m really looking forward to this. My slot should be starting around midnight.

On Saturday I’ll fly to Kalajoki to headline the local Sunburn event, one of the longest running summer club concepts in Northern Finland. I’ve lost my count if this is already the 6th or 7th year in a row I’m visiting Kalajoki in the summer, but it definitely hasn’t lost its vibe. Kalajoki – as mentioned numerous times before – is the “Ibiza of Finland” and the venue, Dyyni, is easily among the coolest clubs in the north with a panorama view to the sea and the whole building standing on a huge sand dune. The house music maestro of the north, DJ Kaasi will be doing the warm-up and I’ll be playing a 2-2,5h set in the end of the night. See the video from last year’s party below or check some photos from the past years.

Sündstoff, Parktheater, Kempten 25.07.2009

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Friday night @ ParkTheater, Kempten

This Saturday I’ll be playing at Kempten’s Parktheater, one of the biggest clubs in Allgäu area, South Germany. The club looks awesome (see the photo above) and the mood and music are very German, especially on these house/techno based nights. Local DJ hero Alfredo will be warming up the decks and I’ll be on around 01:00 for a two hour set. See you there! ;)

DJ Taucher remix + gig in Germany

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Just a short note before leaving Finland for one month.
It just got official – Brotherhood will be remixed by DJ Taucher, an oldskool German trance talent, who also visited Finland back in the day, playing at Labyrinth Summer Sound System.

I just got a preview of the track and it’s really something you could expect from someone who is one with his roots: the remix sounds like ’94 Eye-Q trance, it’s hypnotic, bubbling and energetic – something you’ll rarely hear these days – a combination of fresh and 15 year old sound. Needless to say – this puts together the package really well: a trance remix from Ayleon, prog house from Flight&Jontey, prog trance from Anton Sonin and an oldskool interpretation from DJ Taucher.

Some other good news, too. I’ll be playing at Parktheater, Kempten, Germany on 25.07.2009. I’m really looking forward to this – Parktheater is among the biggest and best looking clubs in Allgäu area, I’ve visited the place a couple of times and the place never failed to impress me. Check the video for a better look of the interiors.

If you’re interested in reading more, I recommend you check the Summer 2009 Newsletter.

DJ Orion newsletter, summer 2009

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Hello hello!

The famous Finnish summer has started (famous for not being sunny and warm as summers usually are:) and it’s a good chance to put together a newsletter of some sort. It’s been an incredible 2009 so far and there are plenty of interesting things to come – here are some selected newsbits.

*** Coldplay – Viva La Vida (Flight & Jontey meet DJ Orion bootleg remix) ***

Early this year I joined Flight & Jontey, a Tampere-based house duo, to make an exclusive bootleg remix for this year’s Labyrinth // Laserpoint event. After the event, a couple of copies were given out and the response was really nice. By now not only for example Tiesto and Jaytech have given thumbs-up for the track but over 100 Scandinavian DJs are playing it regularly. A summer tune for sure :) Thanks for all the nice feedback we’ve gotten for the track – and if you happen not be familiar with the tune, you can check it at YouTube.

*** In the studio with J.Shore and Flight&Jontey ***

Talking about Flight & Jontey, we’re still getting together in the studio this June. Their house & dnb background combined with a bit more proggy influenced taste of mine resulted in nice combos last time and I can’t wait to share the much talked Tampere-fiilis with them again :)
A week ago I finally found time to share a studio with my brother, J.Shore, and continue the chill-out project we started last year with One Sunday and Brotherhood tracks. The result was three new chill-out tracks, which still need some days of work, but I’m hoping to have some samples online by the end of June.

*** DJ Orion – Brotherhood ***

The remixes of Brotherhood, a sequel for One Sunday are now ready. I was really, really happy with the One Sunday remixes and once again the remixers went beyond all the expectations. Ayleon, Flight&Jontey and Anton Sonin deliver their interpretations – something for everyone: Ayleon’s trancey remix, Flight&Jontey’s house&proghouse version and Anton’s progressive trance remix are available for listen at

*** Mango, DJ Orion, J.Shore – Raining In Osaka ***

The Russian-Finnish co-op track “Mango, DJ Orion & J.Shore – Raining In Osaka” climbed the Beatport prog house charts after its release and got very nice feedback. The last version, “Raining In Osaka (DJ Orion & J.Shore remix)” will be released on Mango Alley Recordings sampler in August. Available for listen here:

*** Love ***

After last year’s Metaverse tour, we at Misc. Management have been working together with DJ Orkidea & Jack club, running nights at Redrum with guests like Nick Warren and Matthew Dekay.
Over half a year ago we started planning a new concept called “Love” and to keep it short, you can read more here:
We’ve been really busy with the Love opening night, happening on 5.7.2009 with Pete Tong (BBC Radio 1, UK) headlining. Busy or not – it’s anyway been great to be a part of the concept and share the Love to music and club culture :) If you feel like looking, the website is now open at

*** Schedule ***

Despite of all the fun described above, lately I’ve needed to say to “no” to several interesting possibilities, projects, gigs and events. I’m having a short gig break until October, 2009 and concentrating on something which has been by far the most fascinating experience of my life. I’m becoming father in early September – and needless to say, I want to save some quality time to get most out of the days before (and after) the birth :)

*** YleX Tiistain Tanssi-ilta ***

Even though I’ve reduced the amount of gigs, the beats at Tiistain Tanssi-ilta will be served regularly every second Tuesday on YleX at 21:00.
One of the most exciting upcoming shows is on 21.7.2009 when we’ll be having the Tom Middleton retrospective, a show presenting Tom’s whole career in one hour. Not an easy task, but luckily we got help from Tom himself, who will be hosting the one-hour show personally. This is a very, very rare occasion and really worth listening.

Thanks for reading this far – you can catch up with the latest stuff on my blog or download the latest mixes via the podcast, both available at

edit: For more news about DJ Taucher remix of Brotherhood & the upcoming gig @ Park Theater, Germany, see here.

Cheeerio! :)

DJ Orion / Juska

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Crazy weekend in Helsinki

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I just had to write this down for the years to come. On one weekend Helsinki witnesses Chris Lake, Tom Middleton, Marco V, Joris Voorn, Astral Projection, Push and Derrick May on five different events. 2009 hasn’t been a bad year at all, but this has been a top weekend so far.

If you feel like looking further back, I recommend checking legendary Ocsid playlist from 1995 which Ozzi made alive again by collecting the tracks on one playlist on YouTube. If you’re not familiar with Ocsid, read more on Klubitus topic.

Playing tonight at Mixxed @ Bio Rex terrace. It’s beautiful weather, really looking forward to this.

Mixxed June 2009 poster

Pacifique Lumière, this Saturday

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One of the most awaited events of the year is at hands. Pacifique is one day of summer in the middle of the coldest winter and probably one of those nights people will remember for years.

It was my first time last year to see all of it, and boy, was I excited :)

For those who hear about Pacifique for the first time: it’s a 2000 people party, held once a year at Serena, the biggest in-door spa in Northern Europe. Five stages and whole variety of electronic music and electronica. Sold out in less than a month this year.

In 2009, Pacifique will also see its first foreign guest, Alfredo, the godfather of Ibiza house. It’s the same guy who inspired the likes of Paul Oakenfold and Nicky Holloway back in the day and was the one to start the spirit of Ibiza people are still enjoying today. Really looking forward to see the guy in action.

Misc. will take care of artist coordination, so no getting loose (at least as much as last time:), but this is still one of the highlights of this year, needless to say. I’m also playing a one hour chill-out set at the saunas in a familiar From Rural To Urban spirit, starting at 22:30. Join in and get a good löyly or two :) (and if you’re interested, check the tracklist from last year)

Infected Mushroom in Helsinki, 25.10.2008

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Infected Mushroom, 25.10.2008, Helsinki, front

Infected Mushroom hits Helsinki for the third time this Saturday. The party will be held at Suvilahden Voimala, which has also been the home of Flow Festival in the past years. The main act will be supported by quite a bunch of domestic DJs including Eliot Ness, Milla Lehto, Indigo, Casper and several more. I’ll be starting up the madness at the main floor with a laid-back prog/psy/technoish set, see you there!

For more information about the event, visit
Oh, see a short video clip from IM’s performance in Helsinki 2007.

Tracklist: Pinky, Turku, 30.08.2008

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Pinky - Sunset - Turku - 30.08.2008

Thank You Turku & Pinky possé! It was again another fantastic Turku experience, this time a bit on a trancey tip. I really appreciated getting to play a three hour warm-up set as these days people tend to arrive rather after midnight than at half past ten. However, the floor was crowded already well before 00:00, people on the party mood and good vibe all over the place. Komytea continued where I left and Joonas Hahmo ended the night with a style. I can’t help hyping the new track from Joonas, “Tampere By Night”, which is an amazing follow-up for Cocktail Bar, possibly even better. Rumours say it might be featured on the upcoming AnjunaBeats Vol.6 compilation before the actual release.

Here’s the tracklist of the night for all you trainspotters. See you in two weeks at One in Tampere!

DJ Orion – Pinky, The Club, Turku 30.08.2008, 22:00-01:00

Milton Jackson – Jinzou (Manuel Tur remix)
Dana Bergquist & Peter G – Sprint
Jay Lumen – Rockin’
Andy King – Amsterdam (By Day Mix)
Audionova – Higher (Jay Lumen remix)
Blue Room Project – Velo City (Fletch remix)
Passenger 10 – Passenger 10
Sunshine Jones – If You Wouldn’t Mind (Tiger Stripes remix)
Chymera – Parelo (Jody Wisternoff remix)
Claes Rosen, Add2Basket – Volaris
Liluca – Naam (Paul Keeley remix)
Slytek – Calyx (Ricky Ryan edit)
Yvel & Tristan – Heart&Soul
Lil Mo Yin Yang – Reach (Mark Knight remix)
Orli & Martie – White Flower (Jerome Isma-Ae remix)
Bas Van Essen – So Sexy
Ralphie B – Massive (Filterheadz remix)
Sebastien Leger, Chris Lake – Ghost
Dinka – Out of Bounds
Kosmas Epsilon, Somnus Corp – Buenos Tiempos
Serge Devant – Sweet Harmony (Jerome Isma-Ae remix)
Perry O’Neil – Wave Force
Richard Durand – Weep (Sundown Mix)
Kris Benton – Final Race (Flash Brothers remix)
Claes Rosen – Mystify (Dinka remix)
Eelke Kleijn, Nick Hogendoorn – Where Are My Goggles (Fine Taste remix)
Gareth Emery – This Is That
Orkidea – Metaverse (Gareth Emery remix)
Envio – For You (Blizzard remix)
Jav D ft. MatZo and Einat – Silver Lining (Myon At Albion Dub)
Super8 & Tab – Elektra
Filterheadz – Yimanya

I Love Kiksu 4th Birthday

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I Love Kiksu 4th Birthday

D.N.A |Resident|
JOKKE | Streetbeat
ORION | Misc. Management|

I Love Kiksu Collective including
Looney, Mio, N Geselle and Mr. Sinner

I Love Kiksu 4th Birthday
Saturday 26.07.2007 – Virgin Oil Co
Mannerheimintie 5, Helsinki, Finland.
Time 22pm – 04am, Age limit 18 and older

Advance tickets 6€ from Street Beat / Mikonkatu 8, Helsinki.
Tickets from the door 8€

RMJ – Mecano Beach & Dance Factory

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A couple of videos and photos from this year’s RMJ Festival, Kirjurinluoto, Pori. The content is from Thursday, the first day of festival, with JS16, Heikki L, Lank, Vertigo, Mio and me. Thanks for the nice company and the first RMJ gig experience :)


Photos: (click for more)

RMJ 2008 - Mecano Beach & Dance Factory - 18

RMJ @ Pori

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One of the biggest midsummer festivals in Finland, RMJ Festival, moves this year from Rauma to Kirjurinluoto, Pori. The festival starts this Thursday, 19.6. and ends two days later.

I’ll be playing on the Dance Factory stage the last set of Thursday, apprx. 00:00-01:30 (TBC). I’m very excited of the possibility of being there, I think it’s going to be a night to remember.

Full festival information is available at See also the Festival Artist List.

Thank You Turku & Diiva UG!

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Late but heartly thank-yous to Turku party people and Diiva UG -posse for making a 3 year birthday party worth remembering and giving me a possibility of being there. The night was fantastic, the cellar absolutely one of the most intimate and friendly venues I’ve witnessed in Finland and Lank and Vertigo very warm and professional hosts with a great music taste. The guys are going to play in Oulu in a month or so, make sure to check them out if you’re in the area. Also thumbs up to Niska who played a rocking warm-up set with a good electro vibe. Very nice guy and a talent to keep an eye on.

I started my Diiva UG set with a bit more progressive and melodic sound which obviously wasn’t the hottest stuff for the cellar-like surroundings and I turned after a track or two to slightly more technoish and rough sound which seemed to be the thing. The crowd was on a birthday party mood and if you could see something through the enormous amount of smoke, they were smiles :) The tracks of the night would be Quivver – Surin (Lutzenkirchen remix), Freeflow 45 – PeakTime and Dennis Sheperd – Infinity. Thank You Turku & Diiva UG!