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Paul Oakenfold about his gig in Helsinki

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Thursday August 6: Madonna West Harbour, Helsinki, Finland

The sun is still with us as we cross on the ferry from Tallinn to Helsinki. The ride over is a laugh and the food excellent!

Arriving at the hotel its: out of the car, avoid being run down by cyclist, meet the promoter for tomorrow night club gig at Circus, then check into our hotel. As with all his club gigs on this tour, Paul has his DJ equipment from his rider set up in his hotel room on arrival. This allows him to listen to material for on-going projects (which there are many of) plus new tracks from CD’s to try out for that night’s set. It’s a good system that works on many different levels.

From the dock, we can view the staging on West Harbour (the site for tomorrows concert), it’s massive. Disembarking of the boat, Paul gets talking to a Finnish Madonna fan who praises what an amazing show it was in Tallinn, and how the Finnish crowd will be even better at the tomorrows show. We can believe that, Tallinn was a good crowd but the Finns are known more for expressing themselves.

The following day, leaving the hotel for the gig, the constant flow of traffic seems to head in the direction of the West Harbour. The closer we get, it turns into a procession of people; the whole of Helsinki’s is turning out for Madonna.

Once his arm is taped again, Paul is well enough to play. It’s awkward, but he arrives on stage to an absolute mass of (what later was recorded as) 98,000 people. Still, getting them to warm up and have a good time is no easy job. Gradually, the crowd follows his every gesture until being completely persuaded by the appearance of Madonna’s dancers, who are now a part of this ritual warm up. The sight of this mass of smiling people is 100% satisfying. This has been a most awesome crowd!


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Extremely Miscbehaving, 24.10.2009 @ Helsinki Club & Playground

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The first Extremely Miscbehaving event one year ago @ Virgin Oil was a blast. It attracted nearly 1000 people just a couple of days before Christmas with Redanka and Solarstone as headliners. The main idea behind Miscbehaving events is that one of Misc. Management artists invites 1-3 foreign or domestic & fresh or oldskool talents and builds the lineup to represent his idea of quality electronic music.

On 24.10. we’ll see another round of Miscbehaving madness as DJ Orkidea invites legendary Renaissance resident Ian Ossia and one of the hottest trance names currently – Andy Moor – to headline a Miscbehaving night at Helsinki Club. The oldskool trance/prog fellow DJ Coma will be taking care of the warm-up.

The night continues at Playground at 05:00 as an official afterparty. I’ve invited some of the most interesting current domestic names to share the early underground morning hours with me: First of all DJ Casper, who has convinced me lately with his superb techno sets. He’s a guy living the music 100% and is one of the true rising stars currently. He’s not only a guy for dark underground venues but has caught my attention by playing really rocking groovy summery sets, too.
Then, my good ol’ friend DJ Flight. We’ve shared the DJ booths and organized club events together more than a dozen times last year and I greatly admire his uncompromised professional attitude. Flight is not only a great person, but also easily one of the top house jocks in Finland at the moment. Easy choice of picking him in.
And lastly, DJ Genki, an oldskool and multi-genre-talent jock – breaks-psy-dnb-techhouse-techno-younameit! He has an ear for killer tracks whatever style he plays, but his techno sets have been the ones totally ripping it. A perfect choice for ending the night, no matter how late it gets… :)

Check the Miscbehaving event details at Klubitus and read the latest news at or at Misc Management’s Twitter.


DJ ORKIDEA (Unity, Love, Jack) invites:
IAN OSSIA (Renaissance, UK)
COMA (Pussy, Clinic)

Visuals Beige/Harmaa
Light Design Tea & Severi (Unity)

Where: Helsinki Club, Yliopistonkatu 8
When: Saturday 24.10.2009
Time: 21-04
Tickets: 14€ + booking fee. available from Tiketti from the 14th of September


DJ ORION (YleX, Lost Language) invites:
FLIGHT (Romance)
GENKI (Exogenic)
CASPER (Helsinki)

Where: Playground, Iso Roobertinkatu 10
When: Sunday 25.10.2009
Time: 05-12
Tickets: 8€ with main event ticket and 10€ without. Available from the door only!

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Crazy weekend in Helsinki

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I just had to write this down for the years to come. On one weekend Helsinki witnesses Chris Lake, Tom Middleton, Marco V, Joris Voorn, Astral Projection, Push and Derrick May on five different events. 2009 hasn’t been a bad year at all, but this has been a top weekend so far.

If you feel like looking further back, I recommend checking legendary Ocsid playlist from 1995 which Ozzi made alive again by collecting the tracks on one playlist on YouTube. If you’re not familiar with Ocsid, read more on Klubitus topic.

Playing tonight at Mixxed @ Bio Rex terrace. It’s beautiful weather, really looking forward to this.

Mixxed June 2009 poster

Love Story, part 1

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LOVE - Brings Us All Together. Helsinki 05.07.2009

Helsinki is a city full of passionate people. There are countless individuals that might be considered crazy by doctors, but truly amazing by others. Many of these people come out at night, looking to give birth to another memorable experience. Nothing feels better, than to find yourself surrounded by them on the dance-floor. When there is a break in a song, the lights go off and someone in the back whistles right on time. Like some magic, a warm wave lifts your hands towards the ceiling and it feels as if your feet come off the ground. You knew it was going to happen, but it still comes as a surprise. Time and time again.

‘LOVE’ brings together, for the first time, three passionate groups of the Helsinki nightlife. They have all been here for long and still get excited about the opportunity of giving more then they ever have. The experiences of the past are not forgotten. A masquerade on an Island, a Rock n Roll Rave, an imaginary visit to Renaissance times, the perfect day with Café del Mar, 16 hours in the Sun, or only a One Minute Rave… It is those exact memories that drive these people to build something new. In one of Finland’s most astounding venues, they have the opportunity to create a new now. And it all sounds better with you.

LOVE. Brings us all together.

Tracklist: Labyrinth // Laserpoint 2009

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Orion & Flight 18.04.2009
Main Stage / Kaapelitehdas

01. Hybrid & Claes Rosen – Mystified Symphony (Orion & Flight intro edit)
02. Arno Cost – Cyan
03. Planet Funk, Morillo & DLG – Where Are You Sun (Orion & Flight re-edit)
04. DJ Orion – One Sunday (Sami Saari Magic Tuesday remix)
05. Flight & Jontey – Old Cool
06. TV Rock feat. Rudy – Been A Long Time (Axwell remode)
07. Faithless – Salva Mea (Orion & Flight edit)
08. Gai Barone – Lilith (Jerome Isma-Ae Remix) (Orion & Flight edit)
09. Justice & Rob Mooney – Feelin’ Your Friends (Orion & Flight re-edit)
10. Pryda & DJ Tiesto – Afterflight (Orion & Flight re-edit)
11. Coldplay – Viva La Vida (Flight & Jontey meet DJ Orion bootleg remix)

Labyrinth//Laserpoint event & Illusions afterparty today

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Saturday 18.4.2009, 20 – 04, K18, 35€ @ Kaapelitehdas / Helsinki

BT (U.S.A)

Orkidea (Unity)
Proteus (Säde)
Super8 & Tab (Hallmark, Labyrinth)
Alex Kunnari (Colors)
Miika Kuisma (Subtraxx)
Anton Sonin (High Contrast)
Dixon & Alkemist (Hytky)
Orion (Misc. Management)
Mikko Nieminen (Maniac)
Neon (Säde)
Pietari (Doom, Labyrinth)
Sasha F (Millennium)
Wispy (Funkbusters)
Infekto (Beatformers)
Sergei Shkuroff (Madwave)
Nuance (Covert Ops)
Muffler (Sigh Co)
Efo (Laserpoint)
Flight (Romance)

Sunday 19.4.2009, 05 – 12, K18, 8€ @ Playground / Helsinki

D.N.A [Illusions Resident] Orion [Ylex, Misc] Poliisi [Clinic] Neon [Säde]

Blow! @ Playground, this Friday

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Blow! 10.04.2009 poster

Blow! 2D with Lucas (TIP-world/10Kilo,UK) @ Playground
22-04 / K20 / 10€

Iso Roobertinkatu 10
00100 Hki

Lineup & Schedule

Main Room:
22.00 – 00.00 KLABI & JACQUES (Helsinki Underground Collective)
00.00 – 01.00 ORION (Misc / Ylex)
01.00 – 02.30 LUCAS (TIP-world/10Kilo,UK)
02.30 – 03.30 LIONEL TIGER (Blow!)

23.00 – 00.00 ALPINE (UK / Beatnicks)
00.00 – 01.00 INDIGO (Unity)
01.00 – 02.00 JUJU (Aero)
02.00 – 03.00 JAN-PETER (Konemetsä)

Facebook event

Tiistain Tanssi-illan DJ:t YleXPop-kaupunkifestareilla

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“YleXPop-tapahtuma järjestetään tänä vuonna kaupunkifestarina. Toukokuun lopussa Helsingin keskustassa järjestettävä kaksipäiväinen festari sisältää kolme klubia ja yhden ilmaiskonsertin.

YleX Popin klubikeikat järjestetään perjantai- ja lauantai-iltoina 29. ja 30. toukokuuta Nosturissa ja Bar Loosessa. Lisäksi perjantaina ohjelmistossa on Nolla-klubi, jossa levyjä pyörittävät YleX.n Tiistain tanssi-iltojen dj:t Jori Hulkkonen, DJ Orion ja OlliS.

Lauantaipäivänä 30. toukokuuta Lasipalatsin aukiolla pidetään ilmaiskonsertti, jossa nähdään Samae Koskinen & Hänen Taikabändinsä, Risto, The Capital Beat ja uuden Kesäkumibiisin esittäjä. Konsertin juontavat YleX:n Marja Hintikka ja Ile Uusivuori.

– YleXPop täyttää tänä keväänä viisi vuotta ja pienen piristyksen sijaan päätimme tehdä tapahtuman kokonaan uudella tavalla. Aikana jolloin yleisöt pirstaloituvat pieni on kaunista – yhden massakonsertin sijaan on parempi tehdä jotakin pienille yleisöille. Tämä tukee myös kanavan perusajatusta olla monipuolinen ja ajankohtainen, YleX:n kanavapäällikkö Satu Keto-Kantele sanoo.

YleXPop -keikkoja voi seurata suorana YleX:n nettisivuilla osoitteessa, kännykällä YleX:n mobiilipalvelujen kautta tai kuunnella radiosta. Tapahtuman klubikeikat on tuotettu yhteistyössä Live Nationin kanssa, ja esiintyjävalikoima täydentyy vielä kevään aikana.

YleXPop järjestetään nyt viidennen kerran. Aikaisempina vuosina Helsingin Kaisaniemessä on järjestetty iso ilmaiskonsertti.”


Rose Garden lopettaa, uusi klubi tilalle

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Rose Garden on kokenut viimeisten kuukausien aikana suuret muutokset sisustuksen, äänentoiston ja omistajan vaihdoksen suhteen, niinpä nyt onkin aika kuopata Rose ja aukaista paikalle uusi klubi, Playground. Avajaisia vietetään koko viikonloppu 6.-8. helmikuuta perjantai-illasta lauantai-illan kautta aina sunnuntain aamubileisiin saakka. Read More

Jack – It’s Super Jack!

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”In the beginning, there was Jack, and Jack had a groove.
And from this groove came the groove of all grooves.
And while one day viciously throwing down on his box Jack boldy declared,
Let there be HOUSE!
and house music was born.”


There are models and there are super models. There are also DJs and super DJs and Nick Warren is truly one of the original superstar DJs. He is creator Read More

MiscBehaving and One weekend

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Monday morning and on a train back to Helsinki. The christmas holiday has started and as I wrote earlier, a lot was expected from the past weekend. And it was a blast!

Miscbehaving on Friday at Virgin Oil saw one of the coolest stage sets in a long time. Decos by Unity’s Markus, lights by Tea and Severi and Beige/Harmaa’s visuals from 14 oldskool computer monitors did their job. I played the first rhythms downstairs and enjoyed the truly deep vibe of the first two and half hours. At the main stage, Redanka played probably the finest proggy set I’ve heard in a long time. Driving, even technoish tracks, all new to me, spiced with a couple of classics and a stage charisma like no other.

Also, the give-away masks did their job and created a slightly miscbehaving vibe… ;)


DJs Ramses and Tutankhamon

On Saturday, a long waited season ending of Tampere-based One club was at hands. Flight & Uzu had really done fantastic preparations, the club was packed with oldskool faces and smiling newcomers all over Finland (at least Hämeenlinna, Lahti, Oulu, Turku, Helsinki represented). The atmosphere was high, people were enjoying and – I must have mentioned this before – there was a glimpse of the very original Tampere-fiilis(tm) around. I started the night with a technoish sound and moved then towards a bit more progressive house. See the full tracklist.
Claes Rosen – Mystify (Dinka remix) has really become the anthem of One and the reaction just before the midnight was stunning. I ended my set with Sami Saari’s remix of One Sunday, which proved to be a proper dancefloor tune, too.

Orkidea continued after me with strong progressive house tracks and dropped his new versions of Ajare and Two Full Moons And A Trout. Gareth Emery‘s remix of Metaverse still does its job and brought literally some tears in the eyes of some first row dancers. A good proof of a musically intensive night, huh? ;)

It was a pleasure meeting Solarstone finally in person, he is a truly a nice guy with a very professional attitude and a true magician behind the decks. I enjoyed his trance sound as it didn’t get too techy and according to the people’s reactions, the classics like Seven Cities and 3rd Earth were just the stuff they wanted to hear.

In just a couple of months, One has brought back something to Tampere scene what has been missing for years and has become one of the most interesting and promising new club concepts in whole Finland. I can’t wait for the upcoming season to kick off… :) Big thank-yous still to everyone who showed up – despite being busy very much the whole night it was very nice to have good chats with so many nice people, new faces and long-time-no-see oldskool ravers. We are One family! :)

P.S. Talking of my track One Sunday, I have some very good news release-wise. Read more here.

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