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This Friday – LCS @ Klubi, Turku

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Liquid Crystal Sounds - Progression, 26.02.201...

I’m returning to Turku this Friday to celebrate the local Liquid Crystal Sounds club promoter’s – DJ Progression’s 30th birthday. He is throwing a party at Klubi with Joonas Hahmo, himself and me sharing the sounds.

Funny coincidence – we almost have the same birthdate, I’m having my own 30th anniversary today so it feels great to join the birthday vibes on Friday. In addition to the latest proggy/trance tunes, I’ll be grabbing some old classics with me – just to remind myself that it’s just us getting old, not the good music ;)

I’ll be behind the decks on Friday at Klubi, Turku at 01:30-03:30. See you there :)
Check the Facebook event for further details.

To sum it up, here are two great quotes, which you might have already spotted in my Twitter, but nevertheless they fit perfectly to my thirty-year-old-state-of-mind :)

“The first sign of maturity is the discovery that the volume knob also turns to the left.” -Jerry M. Wright

“You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely.” -Author Unknown

Kehto Magazine started

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A fresh looking Finnish webzine Kehto started some weeks ago on the obvious address

Kehto describes itself shortly:

KEHTO Magazine on suomalainen, elektroniseen tanssimusiikkiin keskittynyt verkkolehti. Tavoitteenamme on tarjota kotimaan bilekansalle uutisia, sekä levy- että laitearvosteluja, reportaaseja menneistä ja tulevista tapahtumista sekä tarjota henkilö- ja artistihaastatteluja niin kotimaisista kuin ulkomaisistakin artisteista.

From my perspective, Kehto is very promising newcomer for various reasons:
** Despite being built on WordPress, it’s not and doesn’t try to be a blog.
** It takes advantage of social media like Facebook and Twitter.
** It isn’t related on one music genre only, it has several “reporters” and it’s being updated often (not often enough, though;).
** It writes articles, reviews and stories – not short opinions or posts.
** It doesn’t represent anyone – and therefore – it has credibility.
** It’s written in Finnish.

I believe the future of online forums like or is a format like this. Combining online discussion forum to a platform where experts and promoters write articles about the music scene is a concept, which I’d really love to see. Maybe within one year Kehto could be combined to a vital discussion forum or it could even start its own. Anyway, I raise my thumbs up to a new kid in town! :)