See also a live footage clip after the jump and more clips on DJ Orkidea’s YouTube group.
Desert Planet tour video
Metaverse hits the road this weekend again and arrives to Klubi, Turku and Hämeensilta, Tampere. I’m waiting for these events a lot, especially seeing the much hyped and little used Hämeensilta as a club venue.
The tour is running very well at the moment. We just got the news that Metaverse record has hit #16 on the official Finnish chart. That’s very good news and on my behalf I deliver the humblest Thank Yous for the support. It’s always awesome to see electronic music hitting the charts.
If you haven’t checked already, take a look at the latest photos and videos of the tour on Orkidea’s site. The photos are under each past event on the main page and videos on the video gallery page.
Here are the event details of the weekend:
DJ Orkidea video interview by Dancefoundation. Orkidea telling about his studio gear and showing what every trance producer in Finland has to have in the studio… ;)
And a radio interview, in Finnish:
YleX:n Mika Niva haastatteli DJ Orkideaa puhelimitse Pop-tehdas-ohjelmaa varten viime tammikuussa. DJ Orkidea (a.k.a. Tapio Hakanen) käy lävitse muun muassa uransa alkuvaiheita, DJ-kulttuuria, valoja sekä omituisimman keikkakokemuksensa Berliinistä.
> Uran alkuvaiheita, haaveet, suomalainen DJ-kulttuuri (MP3) kesto: 8.19
> Omituisin keikkakokemus, valoista, konsertti-kulttuurista (MP3) kesto: 10.28
(thanks, Cascadeus)
YouTube has started to support better quality videos. I’ve been very dissatisfied of the quality for a long time already and the situation wasn’t any better with the latest Metaverse videos.
Anyway, if you add “&fmt=18” to the end of the YouTube video url, you will get a better quality video. This works – of course – if the original video has a better quality and resolution. Unfortunately embedded videos do not support this yet.
Check the examples:
Normal quality:
Better quality:
Metaverse video footage from Vuokatti. See all the videos at DJ Orkidea Youtube group.
From pHinnWeb:
A very nice documentary about Jori Hulkkonen’s Acid Symphony, a music piece for ten Roland TB-303s is fully viewable on YouTube and on pHinn’s blog.
The Acid Symphony Orchestra is Jori Hulkkonen, Jesper Dahlbäck, Kalle Karvanen, Aku Raski, J-P Parikka, Janne Puurunen, Kimmo Oksanen, Petri Salonen, Tuomas Toivonen, Johannes Auvinen, Tatu Peltomäki.
Here’s the first part. See them all at pHinn’s blog.
The guys at Beatport have gotten a beta version of Pacemaker. The video shows the basic functions and unpacking.
A couple of videos from Jack 4th Birthday and Danceteria NYE. More stuff on my YouTube account.
See also the great Sessions2 photos from Jack 4th birthday and some more photos on Klubitus.
The next Jack is already coming up. See the Facebook event page or Klubitus discussion.