Kouvola rocked. Call me an old fart, but I just love these 10 year anniversaries. It was a good excuse to pack in all the old trance and techno classics. Not only the obvious ones, but the tracks which you’ve loved for a decade already.
I hadn’t planned to play these 2000+ tracks that many, but I was surprised that for example U Know Y worked much better than Lost Soul Society. Maybe the majority of the audience hadn’t been there for ten years yet.
However, the end of the night proved (once again) that techno is still timeless. Period. Great party, very good feeling and nice people. Here’s the tracklist:
Orion @ Ten Years of Techmu 02:00-03:30
Faithless – Salva Mea (Sister Bliss remix)
Ambassador – The Fade (Fade mix)
Armin – Lost Soul Society
PvD vs BT – Namastai
Moguai – U Know Y (Starecase remix)
Tilt – Children
Kayashi – Furyo (Tevendales Tunnel Mix)
Midway – Monkey Forest
Olive – You’re Not Alone (Oakenfold & Osbourne remix)
Tiesto & Junkie XL – Obsession (Frank Biazzi remix)
Bryan Zentz – D-Clash
Jeff Mills – The Bells
Dave Clarke pres. Red Three – Storm
Thomas Krome – Woodcarver’s Nightmare
Hertz – Recreate (Montana re-edit)
Mauro Picotto – Hong Kong has some cool new stuff on Archive, including the Amsterdam gig as mp3 and nice video footage from Cocoon event held earlier this year.
Boy, was it cool…
If you’re into any kind of chill-out/ambient music, I highly recommend you to check out the latest album of General Fuzz, called Messy’s Pace.
The album is completely free. >> General Fuzz’s website.
For a flyer freak like me, it was fun to get a copy of Club Unity’s latest flyer. The flyer itself is a DVD disk which contains a video of Unity’s past – 10 years of parties.
If you can’t get a copy of the DVD itself, there’s always a possibility to download the video in Quicktime format >> Club Unity 10 Year Anniversary Video.
Oh, it seems to be in YouTube as well. (Thanks, Niko)
Still two videos from Choon + some photos © Pasi Nenna
Orion @ NE Warm-Up Party, Las Vegas, Oulu
01. Sasha – Magnetic North (Tearrain remix)
02. Ferry Corsten – Holding On (Luke Chable remix)
03. Girl Nobody – Smile And Beware (Circuit Breakers remix)
04. Hydroid – Incurved
05. Mic Burns – See Me Fall (Matthew Dekay remix)
06. Mekka – Diamondback
07. Hydroid – Burn Proof
08. Ryell & Corbin – Chin Douva (Caydos remix)
09. Christian Varela – Varelintec
10. Dutch Liquid – Darkness
11. Prodigy – Narayan (Alex Stealthy remix)
12. Empire State – Adironda
13. Peak Twins – The One
14. DJ Vesiga vs Jomar – Nightoperator
15. Peak Twins – Dreamer
Tarjolla erittäin lyhyt klippi tanssilattialta viimeisen raidan aikana:
Oulun yleisö oli erittäin hyvin mukana pitkästä aikaa soitetussa 100% trancesetissä ja Super8:n lämppäys onnistui yli odotusten. Las Vegas toimi paikkana mainiosti ja vaikkei äänentoisto aivan priimakunnossa ollutkaan, niin koko setti oli yhtä hyvää fiilistä alusta loppuun.
Omalla kohdalla tämä oli soundin puolesta myös tulevan Hallmarkin pre-party; Soitan parin viikon päästä ensimmäisenä Pohjois-Suomesta breikanneena DJnä Skandinavian suurimmalla kuukausittaisella tranceklubilla Helsingissä.
Jos vuosia ja vuosia on tehty älyttömästi töitä jonkin tietyn asian eteen, niin ehkä tässä on se pieni hetki, jolloin voi kerätä hiukan sen työn hedelmiä. On erittäin hienoa päästä Hallmarkiin edustamaan Pohjois-Suomen soundia :)